
The 11-year-old boy eats severe cirrhosis, these 5 "good habits", are the murderers of the child

11-year-old children have moderate fatty liver, and this class of parents are really raising children with their eyes closed. ”

Xiao Hang, 11 years old this year, was found to have elevated transaminases in the school's physical examination last year, and his parents were worried that he was eating at school and infected with hepatitis B, so they took him to the hospital for further examination.

The test result was not hepatitis B, but it was enough to frighten the parents. In further ultrasound examination, it was found that Xiao Hang was a moderate fatty liver, and the right lobe of his liver reached 148mm, which exceeded the liver size of normal people.

In this year's follow-up examination, B ultrasound showed that Xiaohang's fatty liver became a mild fatty liver, although the data became better, but Xiaohang looked much fatter than last year, in order to ensure the health of the child, the doctor suggested that parents take their children to do a liver puncture, this check found that Xiaohang suffered from severe cirrhosis.

So what exactly could make this 11-year-old develop severe cirrhosis? The words of Xiao Hang's parents stunned the doctors.

The 11-year-old boy eats severe cirrhosis, these 5 "good habits", are the murderers of the child

First, why do you get fatty liver at the age of 11?

After the doctor consulted, he found that Xiaohang's severe liver cirrhosis was related to the child's poor eating habits, and Xiaohang's mother said that the child had a relatively large amount of food from a young age, and the taste was relatively heavy, and he also liked to eat braised meat and other meats, and always ate braced to stop!

We all know that fatty liver is mainly due to excess fat, and excessive fat accumulation in the liver is caused. Eating habits like Xiaohang will not only damage the liver health of the human body, but also lead to obesity, and obesity will increase the incidence of fatty liver disease, Xiaodang is one such example. In the stage of growing up, children should try to eat less high-oil, high-fat foods, and they should not eat too much.

The 11-year-old boy eats severe cirrhosis, these 5 "good habits", are the murderers of the child

Second, these 5 kinds of good habits that parents think are actually harmful to children

Like Xiaohang's mother, a child is the future and treasure of the family, so many parents hope that their children will eat well, drink well, and educate well, but the good habits in the eyes of many parents are actually not a good thing for children, and it may even harm children!

1, the child is growing body, eat more does not matter, but do not know that precocious puberty is quietly approaching

"A child who is only 5 years old already has a chest that grows."

Qianqian is 5 years old, one day when she was lying in her mother's arms and tickling, her mother accidentally found that Qianqian's chest had begun to bulge, this discovery made Qianqian's mother anxious, is it difficult to be precocious?

So the mother took Qianqian to the hospital, and after the endocrinology outpatient examination combined with the consultation, the doctor diagnosed that It was due to Qianqian's precocious puberty.

The child who was only 5 years old was precocious, and Qianqian's mother almost collapsed.

But Qianqian's mother does not understand, why does a 5-year-old child have precocious puberty? Later, under the doctor's inquiry, I learned the truth.

Qianqian is a premature baby, so it has always been much younger than children of the same age, so Qianqian's mother is also trying to supplement the child's body, and the highly nutritious things such as pig trotters, chicken and bone broth have not been broken.

And this is the culprit of Qianqian's precocious puberty.

Many parents in the stage of children's growth and development, feel that it is okay to let children eat more, and even give children a variety of supplements, but in fact, eating too much nutrition will lead to excess nutrition in children, or the phenomenon of fat accumulation, which will lead to their own endocrine disorders and trigger precocious puberty. In particular, some supplements such as turtles, royal jelly, ginseng, etc., which contain many hormone-like substances, can easily lead to precocious puberty when eaten too much.

The 11-year-old boy eats severe cirrhosis, these 5 "good habits", are the murderers of the child

2, exercise is very important, but these 3 habits, but detrimental to the child's health

"A movement in which 20 students fainted, the principal said it was normal, and the parents were thrown upside down."

A primary school in Hangzhou originally held a school sports meeting during the sports season, but it did not think that in an hour and a half or so, 20 students fainted, and parents talked about this incident. Some say that children lack exercise, and some say that the school opening ceremony is too complicated and time-consuming.

However, most parents believe that for children, exercise is very important, but for children, there are 3 ways to exercise must be avoided, otherwise it may affect the health of children.

First of all, it is not recommended that children exercise on an empty stomach. Exercising on an empty stomach may cause hypoglycemia, triggering some symptoms such as panic and sweating, and it is best to eat in moderation before running.

Secondly, it is not recommended to exercise in the early and middle hours when the ultraviolet rays are strong. Many parents are accustomed to letting their children run in the morning, but during the 10-15 a.m. time of the day, the ultraviolet rays are the strongest, and they may cause skin damage or heat stroke because the ultraviolet rays are too strong.

In addition, the exercise intensity is not suitable for too large, the exercise intensity is too large not only will not play a role in exercising the body, but also may lead to the problem of the decline of the body's immunity, because the exercise intensity of children should not be too large.

Children want to exercise through exercise, generally wear comfortable clothes and shoes, first warm up exercise and then start formal exercise, and then choose moderate intensity exercise, and at any time to replenish water, once there is an uncomfortable place to stop the exercise in time.

The 11-year-old boy eats severe cirrhosis, these 5 "good habits", are the murderers of the child

3, wear more do not catch a cold

"Wear more, don't get cold!"

This sentence is the mantra of many parents, but in fact, it is not wise to rely on more clothes to prevent colds, and the focus is still on improving personal immunity.

Compared with the immunity of larger people, the child's immunity is relatively poor, this is because the adult's immune system has matured, but the child's immunity needs to be slowly improved with growth, and the child will slowly grow through contact with different pathogens. On the contrary, for some children in small months, wearing too thick clothes may also cause children to catch a cold.

In the process of continuous contact with various germs and pathogens in the outside world, children accumulate experience through confrontation with germs, improve their own immunity, and properly expose children to germs, which can also enhance children's immunity.

The 11-year-old boy eats severe cirrhosis, these 5 "good habits", are the murderers of the child

4, children with fever to take less medicine, physical cooling is the best

"The doctor saved my son, I didn't know that a fever would kill him."

Xiaomei originally looked forward to the happy picture of a family of three, but since the birth of the child, the contradiction between Xiaomei and her husband has become bigger and bigger, and finally the two chose to divorce, and Xiaomei began to live alone with the child. Although it is difficult, out of love for her children, Xiaomei has been working hard and complaining.

As a young mother, Xiaomei has always believed in scientific parenting. In 2020, the child Xiao Yang began to have a fever, thinking that it was just a small hairy disease, she heard that it was best not to use drugs indiscriminately, to carry out physical cooling first, but also to let the child improve his immunity, but after several days found that the child did not see improvement, and after a few days the child had a bleeding point on the foot, Xiaomei quickly took the child to the hospital, but the doctor told the child that it was very serious, suffering from acute myeloid leukemia, need to be hospitalized quickly, and the child's symptoms have been aggravating.

In fact, children's fever is a very common symptom, fever itself is a manifestation of the body's immune system response, can stimulate the immune system to mature, but for different ages of children to deal with different ways.

Some of our domestic guidelines point out that the fever to 38.5 ° C, you need to use drugs to deal with, and in order to alleviate the symptoms of fever, you can also use physical cooling methods, such as the use of warm water to rub the body can also alleviate the symptoms of fever, but to observe the child's symptoms at any time, as soon as there is discomfort, you must stop immediately.

The 11-year-old boy eats severe cirrhosis, these 5 "good habits", are the murderers of the child

5, children want to grow tall, they need to supplement calcium

Many people are misled by the statement that they want to grow taller and supplement calcium more, thinking that children who supplement calcium can grow taller, but in fact, there is no necessary relationship between growing tall and calcium supplementation. The height of people is related to the genetics of their parents and the external environment, but it is not to say that how much calcium supplementation can grow taller.

The role of calcium supplementation is to provide energy to the bones, promote the growth and development of the bones, and make the bones stronger, rather than promoting height. If the calcium supplement is excessive, it may cause precocious puberty or some other diseases due to overnutrition in the child. If children want to grow tall, it is important not to supplement calcium, but to have good living habits, pay attention to nutritional balance and comprehensiveness in diet, regular work and rest, and maintain appropriate exercise and adequate sleep.

The 11-year-old child has been diagnosed with cirrhosis, which is mainly due to the child's bad living habits, and many parents think that good habits may actually harm the child. Remember that nutrition is not the more supplements the better, exercise to choose the right way, want to grow tall must maintain good living habits, relying on calcium alone can not be right.

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