
Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

With the implementation of the double reduction policy, the major English platforms have gradually withdrawn from people's vision, but parents have not reduced their children's enthusiasm for learning English because of the relaxation of the policy, and the children around them are still grabbing classes, from online to offline, from classroom to home, in short, the popularity of English learning is only high.

As a second-born mother, I paid attention to the Beginning of English early on. Dabao when he was a child from english enlightenment nursery rhymes, to spend money on one-on-one foreign teaching classes, from English picture books, to point reading pens, I tried and made mistakes one by one, so far I have insisted on four or five years intermittently, because I have not found the right method, the effect is not very ideal, and then to the second treasure, one by one to avoid the pits that have been stepped on, coupled with their own intentions and good auxiliary teaching materials, although not like the children on TV, can blurt out, daily communication, but to the first grade of primary school proficiency in independent reading of English picture books is no problem at all.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

Why learn?

In the past few years, reflecting on the results of children's English learning, I have also made some summaries, whether children should make up English, how to learn English, how to learn English, how to learn, how to do parents, this is the homework that parents must do before learning.

Parents ask themselves, why should children learn English, what desired effect do you hope to achieve, is to speak fluent English? Is it because of the high score in English? Are you planning to go abroad in the future? Or is it to compete and not let their children lose at the starting line?

I think back to my original intentions, as if these causes are all in a certain proportion.

I want to think that the child's first paid English learning is to see the circle of friends of other parents, and not to be willing to sign up for the child to learn, speaking of the effect, almost zero.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

The child was also very interested, the point of interest was in animation, not in English, and did not insist.

Children's early learning is inseparable from the supervision and companionship of parents, less persistence, less effect. Therefore, before enlightenment, first think about why we let our children learn English and think about the goal well, so that we have direction and motivation.

The companionship of parents is the key to children's growth, not just learning. In early childhood, children do not have self-control ability, but also need parents to guide, supervise, guide, and gradually help children develop good learning habits.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

When is it best for children to do English?

Many people will say that learning English is not only a matter of time, our generation, generally in the third grade of primary school began to contact English, and some remote areas, junior high school, only the first time to know English, but does not affect our generation to study abroad.

But it has to be mentioned that it must be much easier to let children go to a second language during the language sensitive period than to miss the language sensitive period.

I remember reading a small story before, saying that a father went to the country with two children because of the needs of work, and a year later, the four-year-old brother's English level far exceeded that of the 10-year-old brother, so that the younger brother said to his brother: "It's been so long, why is your English still so bad?" ”

It's not that the older brother is dumber than the younger brother, but the younger brother is lucky, just in the language sensitive period.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

So which stage is the language sensitive period? According to child psychology theory, 3-6 years old belongs to the language sensitive period.

When the child reaches the age of 3 or 4, his nervous system development has been 95%, and the vocabulary of a 3-year-old child can reach 800 to 1000 words, while the vocabulary of a 4-year-old child can reach 1600 to 2000 words, and the vocabulary of a 5-year-old child can reach 2200 to 3000 words. These numbers suggest that three to five years old is the best time for a child to accumulate vocabulary. This period is also a milestone in children's language development, and children at this age increase their vocabulary and rapidly develop their oral expression skills.

When the child is in the language sensitive period, parents must stimulate the child's desire to express, communicate with the child more, and let the child develop language expression ability rapidly.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

Although today's children don't want to lose at the starting line, we still need to know that planting a tree is preferably 10 years ago, followed by now. So, if there's an idea, now is the best time.

How to learn?

As a child in a non-native English-speaking country, how difficult it is to learn English, every dumb mom and dad has a deep understanding, in order for the child to speak fluent and good English, there must be a way to enlighten. Listen, see, and say nothing less.

The stepping stone of enlightenment is interest, not to learn English as a learning, but as a game, which is also a common learning technique used by many English teaching institutions.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

The first thing we have to do is grind our ears.

Children from birth, in contact with the sound, you can grind the ears, there are many English native countries children listen to the sense of language enlightenment songs, it is very suitable for children to listen, can exercise the child's listening ability to distinguish sounds, as the child grows older, this ability to hear sounds will decline year by year, so the sooner the ears are polished, the better!

In addition to listening to a lot, of course, there are also watching, English picture books, English cartoons are a good choice, reading picture books, watching cartoons should pay attention to not to be too hasty, do not rush to let children read, interest is the most important.

When my child was three years old, I bought her the first set of toddler English enlightenment picture books, which can be said to have laid a good foundation for my children's interest in learning English.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

This set of picture books consists of ten volumes, starting from the ten themes of digital cognition, color cognition, contrast cognition, organ cognition, orientation cognition, tableware cognition, character relationship cognition, and self-awareness, combined with the child's current age, to make a comprehensive English and cognitive enlightenment for the child.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

I think the best thing about this set of books is that it is particularly related to life, so that children have a very sense of substitution, it is very easy to understand, and they will continue to repeat several key words and core sentences, and it is easy for children to remember it repeatedly.

Of course, for my Kind of English White (English has always been a passing line when I was in school), I will not read it to my children at all, this set of picture books has a corresponding animation in each volume, and it can be obtained by scanning it with a mobile phone to let the children see, listen, and read by themselves, which is really a great help to my English white.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

There is a good entry point, first let the child establish curiosity about the English reading, and then the cooperation between the picture and the text, establish the relationship between the scene and the language, and gradually enable the child to see the corresponding scene and blurt out the corresponding English, rather than like us, in the heart of the Chinese translated into English and then output.

This set of books I have recommended to many parents of English enlightenment children, the response is very good, link I put here, if there is a need for parents can pick up!

Listening and seeing, seeing and speaking, are complementary and interrelated, and the output is the result of a large number of inputs, and it is also a matter of natural flow.

Here we have to mention natural phonics, natural phonics is more popular in recent years from the English native countries from the English language of the English learning method, according to the pronunciation of each letter can read the entire word, similar to the Chinese pinyin, but not when we learn English phonetic transcription.

In the process of English learning, the importance of natural phonics is equivalent to building the foundation of a building, which is crucial for English reading and reading comprehension. Here, we need to use professional tools to tutor children.

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

From the time the child is in the mother's belly, the prenatal education song begins, followed by the establishment of daily movements and language connections, can understand the instructions, and then parent-child reading, day after day of reading, one day the child will suddenly say the words in the book in a specific scene, and then look at the picture to speak, to the school age, began to learn pinyin, will write by themselves, and gradually will compose.

Think about it carefully, the path of English is the same as our learning of Chinese, a large number of listening and reading reserves, is the magic weapon of language learning!

Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

Write at the end:

Language learning is a long process, we learn the mother tongue, under the influence of the language environment, it still needs to be done day after day, year after year, not to mention that the child is learning another language in a situation other than the mother tongue. A child's progress is not a day-to-day effort, and there may not be any significant change in the short term.

But if you help your child choose the right interesting and suitable English picture book, protect your child's curiosity and interest in English, persistently grind your ears, and type a lot of input, your child's English will definitely get better and better.

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Baby just went to school can be proficient in reading English picture books, English xiaobai teaches you how to do English enlightenment for baby

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