
How to make sesame shortening

author:I'll write you see

Sesame crisp sugar is a famous feature of Suzhou. The history of making good has been hundreds of years. The domestic market has a long reputation, and it also has a certain reputation in the international market.

Suzhou sesame shortbread to "Daoxiangcun" food store production is more famous, the store uses high-quality white sesame or black sesame, fine processing, made of crisp sugar chips with thin skin, fine ribs, heart like phoenix eyes, crispy fat and sweet, easy to enter, food is not greasy, and can also play a role in moisturizing the intestines, cough, liver and kidneys, spleen and stomach, black sideburns and other pharmacological effects.

The raw materials required for sesame shortening are cooked flour, sesame seeds, cotton sugar, lard, caramel, sugar roses, etc.

The production process of sesame shortening is more complex and technically demanding, and it still needs to be operated manually.

Here's how:

1. Crispy crumbs: the sesame seeds are cleaned, peeled, fried, and then the cooked flour (flour is fried over low heat), hemp and cotton sugar are mixed well, and the fine powder under the sieve is the crisp.

2. Make a crispy heart: Mix the cotton sugar, roses, red yeast powder and lard together.

3. Shortening: Boil caramel and sucrose into sugar paste to become puff pastry.

4. Folding molding: the puff pastry is thinned, spread on the pastry, after seven times of fine folding, the layer of puff pastry can reach more than 60 layers, and then sandwiched in the middle of the rose or sugar osmanthus flowers, sugar lard and other baked hearts, cut into small rectangular blocks, every 40 for a packet, wrapped with white paper red characters, the edges and corners are clear, the shape is beautiful.

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