
After the September 18 Incident, this landlord joined the guerrillas and actually tricked 300 Japanese troops into the old forest and froze to death

In 1931, in the context of the world economic crisis, the possibility of conflict between Japan, which had railway privileges in southern Manchuria, and China, which had long been in a state of civil war, suddenly increased. At this time, Japan was already ready to move, repeatedly seeking all kinds of excuses, intending to provoke war.

After the September 18 Incident, this landlord joined the guerrillas and actually tricked 300 Japanese troops into the old forest and froze to death

On July 6 of the same year, Zhang Xueliang telegraphed to the Northeast Political Affairs Committee, saying: "At this time, if we go to war with Japan, our side will be defeated." If we lose, the Japanese side will demand compensation for the cession of land to us, and the northeast will be doomed, so it is urgent to avoid conflict and take justice as a circumvention." After the September 18 Incident, Zhang Xueliang pursued Chiang Kai-shek's "non-resistance" policy and withdrew the Northeast Army from the three eastern provinces.

Suddenly, the northeast was left unattended, and in just 5 months, the northeast fell. Zhang Xueliang's move has brought deep disasters to the people of northeast China. However, although the Northeast Army withdrew from the northeast, the broad masses of the people in the northeast still resisted desperately, and under the leadership of patriotic generals Yang Jingyu, Ma Zhanshan, and others, they launched a rather arduous Northeast War of Resistance Against Japan.

After the September 18 Incident, this landlord joined the guerrillas and actually tricked 300 Japanese troops into the old forest and froze to death

In the face of the so-called national disaster, everyone has the responsibility. At this time, the people of the northeast, regardless of their identity class, as long as they were full of patriotic hearts, all joined the struggle against the War of Resistance. One of them was a landlord. His name is Huang You.

Huang You, a native of Hulan District, Heilongjiang. At the age of 21, Huang You moved to Yubara Prefecture, and then, with his efforts, he reclaimed a total of 4500 acres of wasteland and became a well-known local landlord. However, Huang You is not the black-hearted person who arbitrarily oppresses the people in people's inherent impressions, but has a very good relationship with the local people.

After the September 18 Incident, this landlord joined the guerrillas and actually tricked 300 Japanese troops into the old forest and froze to death

After the September 18 Incident, Huang You, seeing the gradual fall of the northeast, was indignant with the Japanese army in his heart, so he chose to join the local Red Gun Society and participate in the anti-Japanese resistance. In 1934, Xia Yunjie, the head of Yubara County, held a mobilization meeting in the local area to create an anti-Japanese revolutionary base area. Huang You, who participated in the mobilization meeting, was very excited, and he took the initiative to hand over all the 5 horses, 10 guns, and the money he had from the sale of 100 quintals of grain to the guerrillas, hoping that he could do something for the anti-Japanese resistance.

After the September 18 Incident, this landlord joined the guerrillas and actually tricked 300 Japanese troops into the old forest and froze to death

However, as the situation became more severe, the guerrillas in the northeast faced a greater blow. In 1935, Huang You decided to join the guerrillas and officially participated in the anti-Japanese resistance. In fact, with Huang You's family property, he didn't have to work so hard. However, in the face of his family's obstruction, Huang You resolutely stated his attitude: "Without the country, there would be no small family like us, and when we drive the Japanese out of China, we will rebuild our small family." Subsequently, Huang You sold some of the grain again, took the money in exchange, and joined the local guerrillas.

Later, because of Huang You's outstanding performance in the ranks, he soon joined the Communist Party of China, and was re-elected as commander and director of the inspection department, gradually changing from pre-war to post-war secret camp work. In the winter of 1937, due to the gradual expansion of the encirclement and suppression of the Japanese army, Huang You's anti-japanese regiment had to urgently move to the mountains, and Huang You stayed in danger and planned to continue to carry out tasks such as visiting households.

After the September 18 Incident, this landlord joined the guerrillas and actually tricked 300 Japanese troops into the old forest and froze to death

Not long after, about 300 Japanese troops surrounded the entire village, and Huang You was captured. He did not panic, but after the Japanese army proposed to find the anti-coalition secret camp, Huang You pretended to agree, and led the Japanese army to the big house where he had lived, seeing that there was no one in the room, the Japanese army was greatly annoyed, and Huang You hurriedly explained that he did not know when the anti-coalition fighters left.

After that, Huang You led the Japanese army towards the primeval forest at the eastern foot of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains, and after ensuring that the Japanese army could not go out, Huang You tricked them into resting in place and sneaked away when they were not paying attention. In order to avoid the Japanese from catching up, Huang You almost did not dare to stop, and he ran out for more than 30 miles in a row before stopping due to exhaustion.

After the September 18 Incident, this landlord joined the guerrillas and actually tricked 300 Japanese troops into the old forest and froze to death

Huang You eventually passed out due to physical weakness, but was found by two anti-coalition fighters and saved him. After waking up, Huang You's limbs were frostbitten, and he did not care about his injuries, but hurriedly told the soldiers where the Japanese army was going, and expected that they would not be able to support them for long, so that the soldiers could eliminate them.

Sure enough, as Huang had expected, when the soldiers arrived, most of the 300 Japanese troops had already been frozen to death and frostbitten, and some of the remaining ones were also wiped out by the anti-coalition fighters. Unfortunately, Huang You's limbs were too badly injured and constantly festering, and when the anti-coalition forces withdrew from the camp, they could not take Huang You, so they had to leave two fighters to take care of him, but these two fighters later unfortunately died, and Huang You was eventually starved to death at the age of 39.

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