
Sauce elbow flower, mashed honey sauce golden melon, mustard chicken shredded spring rolls, state banquet grilled prawns with blueberry burgundy

author:Hubei Master Liu

Sauce elbow flower

Sauce elbow flower, mashed honey sauce golden melon, mustard chicken shredded spring rolls, state banquet grilled prawns with blueberry burgundy

Ingredients: elbows

Accessories: shallot ginger

Seasoning: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise, fragrant leaves, rock sugar, green onions, flower carving wine, dark soy sauce, Liubiju sweet noodle sauce, two soups, red yeast rice

Production Process:

1. Burn the remaining foreign matter on the elbow with a spray gun and then wash it clean.

2. Use a knife to remove the bones of the elbow, put cold water in the pot, and blanch the elbow water for later.

3. Put the bottom oil in the pot, add rock sugar and stir-fry, put the green onion and ginger, stir-fry the prepared cinnamon, cloves, star anise, fragrant leaves, put the Liubiju sweet noodle sauce and stir-fry, add cooking wine, dark soy sauce and oyster sauce to the pot, add two soups and boil for later.

4. Put the blanched elbows into the pot, color it with red yeast rice, cook on low heat for 1 hour and set aside.

5. Roll the cooked elbows into rolls with plastic wrap and press for 6 hours.

6. Change the pressed elbow to a knife and plate it.

Taste characteristics: the sauce is fragrant and has a long aftertaste.

Mashed honey juice golden melon

Sauce elbow flower, mashed honey sauce golden melon, mustard chicken shredded spring rolls, state banquet grilled prawns with blueberry burgundy

Ingredients: pumpkin, mash, small tangyuan, white fungus, goji berries

Seasoning: rock sugar, salt, corn starch


1. Peel and cut the pumpkin into triangular pieces, blanch the white fungus with water and set aside.

2. Place the pumpkin yard in a bowl and the white fungus in the middle of the pumpkin.

3. Mix the sugar water without pumpkin, steam it on the drawer, take it out and buckle it in the plate, grate out the soup and set aside.

4. Add the soup and mash to the pot on the heat, add a small amount of salt to taste, add the cooked rice balls, drizzle on the pumpkin, and garnish with goji berries.

Effect: Tonify the spleen and stomach, pleasant color.

Mustard chicken shredded spring rolls

Sauce elbow flower, mashed honey sauce golden melon, mustard chicken shredded spring rolls, state banquet grilled prawns with blueberry burgundy

This dish is based on the traditional spring roll method, enriching the taste and changing the form of the dish.


1. Cook the net chicken first, fish it out to cool, and then tear the chicken into strips.

2. Then wrap the shredded chicken with cucumber shredded, carrot and green onion in spring roll skin, cut into sections and serve with a mustard sauce dish and tahini sauce dish.

State banquet grilled prawns with blueberry burgundy

Sauce elbow flower, mashed honey sauce golden melon, mustard chicken shredded spring rolls, state banquet grilled prawns with blueberry burgundy

Taste characteristics: golden color, tempting appetite.

Ingredients: prawns

Ingredients: shallots, green and red peppers, potato cooked powder, wild blueberries

Seasoning: Mayonnaise, Nestlé cheese powder, pumpkin puree, onion ginger garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, brandy

1. The prawns are naturally thawed, sliced from the back, take out the shrimp line and use the back of the knife to smash the shrimp meat and wash it, put the onion, ginger, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine and marinate it first.

2. Put the marinated prawns into a baking dish, mix the mayonnaise with pumpkin puree and potato cooked flour in one direction, put them in a garg and squeeze around the prawns, put Nestlé cheese in the middle and bake on the oven on 220C on 180C until golden brown.

3. Wild blueberry fruit with sugar stir well, put under natural conditions overnight with mineral water, brandy with a juicer crushed, filtered, put the juice into the soda bottle, hit two gas cylinders on the table, pour the juice into a small cup to become blueberry burgundy.

Production key:

1. The shrimp meat should be smashed with a knife before grilling, otherwise it will be deformed when grilled.

2. Blueberries are very sour and astringent, and after fermenting with sugar overnight, the taste is very good.

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