
In the Great War between the Kuomintang and the Communists, why did the broad masses of the people choose the CCP?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

In the Great War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, why did hundreds of millions of ordinary people in China choose the CCP?

Chiang Kai-shek did not understand this question until his death, and when summing up the lessons after the defeat, he attributed "all the causes" to "Soviet aid" and "no aid from the United States" -- he had no problem with himself.

In fact, ordinary people are not stupid at all. Their choices are rational, well-founded, and the most reasonable.

There is one such thing:

In the Spring Festival of 1943, the Japanese army gathered tens of thousands of horses and launched a siege on the anti-Japanese base area in northern Jiangsu in an attempt to wipe out the New Fourth Army. In order to avoid the enemy's front, division commander Huang Kecheng led the main force of the 3rd Division, retreated from the south of the Yellow River to Hebei, and jumped outside the combined attack circle to fight.

In the Great War between the Kuomintang and the Communists, why did the broad masses of the people choose the CCP?

When crossing the river, the troops passed through the bridge set up by dozens of small wooden boats, and the pursuing Japanese gradually approached the silted Yellow River, constantly firing in this direction. Military emergencies. Huang Kecheng ordered: "The troops must cross the river as soon as possible, fast!" Speed up! ”

At this moment, hundreds of ordinary people in nearby villages carried bags and chickens, helped the old and the young, ran over in a panic, rushed to the river, and rushed to the river, rushing to the river, anxious to cross the river to escape. But there is only one bridge, and it can only be crossed by one person. The gunshots of the Japanese army became denser and closer, and the shells had already hit the river, splashing a column of water more than ten meters high!

There are many people, the bridge is narrow, and the time is tight, what to do?

In the Great War between the Kuomintang and the Communists, why did the broad masses of the people choose the CCP?

At this extremely critical moment, I saw Huang Kecheng standing at the mouth of the Henan Chuanqiao Bridge, loudly issuing an order to the troops who were crossing the bridge: "Stop the troops, let the people cross the bridge first!" After that, he calmly stood on the shore, personally commanded the troops to make way, and organized officers and soldiers to help the people cross the bridge.

It wasn't until the last fellow crossed the river safely that he gave the order:

"The troops continue to cross the bridge, be fast!"

In the Great War between the Kuomintang and the Communists, why did the broad masses of the people choose the CCP?

This incident fully shows the weight of the common people in the eyes of the people's army. It is precisely because the CCP regards the common people as its parents and relatives, keeps the danger to itself at the critical moment, and gives up safety and hope to the people, that they have won the support and love of the people.

Water can carry boats, and water can also overturn boats -- this is the profound reason why the CHINESE Communists can win and why Chiang Kai-shek lost.

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