
The Golden Age: Large-scale depictions are not the only stronghold against absurd reality

author:Happy Happy 1099

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Wang Xiaobo was born in Beijing in 1952, and his father was classified as a "class dissident" in the "movement", which had a great influence on Wang Xiaobo's family and childhood.

Later, Wang Xiaobo went to Yunnan to join the team, and after sinking and floating in the absurd reality, Wang Xiaobo wrote "The Golden Age" against the background of this experience.

The Golden Age: Large-scale depictions are not the only stronghold against absurd reality

The male protagonist "Wang Er" in "Golden Age" is in a horrible and absurd environment, subjected to various injustices, but he got rid of the repressive and angry mentality of traditional knowledge elements, and instead created a unique way: sex as the final stronghold against the absurd world.

This is also the reason why Wang Xiaobo depicts sex a lot in "The Golden Age", he uses "sex" as a weapon to expose the absurdity of the real world.

Of course, in addition to sexual depiction, in fact, Wang Xiaobo has other weapons in "The Golden Age", such as his unique novel style.

The Golden Age: Large-scale depictions are not the only stronghold against absurd reality

Mr. Dai Jinhua once made a conclusion about Wang Xiaobo's novel:

"Wang Xiaobo is certainly higher than many novelists in the contemporary literary world, they write a lot quickly, but in the end they do not provide their own truly unique style and style, their contribution to literary history will be dimmed, and these people who lack a sense of self-consciousness in style, the unique voice of Wang Xiaobo's novels, no matter where they are placed, can always be recognized at once, it can be said that his arrival of rich genius has completed a carnival style that is still relatively unfamiliar to Chinese readers. Provide carnival novels written in modern Chinese. ”

In fact, Mr. Dai Jinhua said that Wang Xiaobo's carnival style is more due to the influence of Western literary ideas, such as stream-of-consciousness novels, absurd novels, existential literature and black humor novels.

But from the overall playful and tragic meaning of Wang Xiaobo's novel, it is more like a black humor novel that originated in the United States.

It is a literary genre that originated in the United States in the 60s, and the common form is to express tragic content in the language of comedy.

"Black humor" writers often portray some obedient "anti-hero" characters, and superficial descriptions of ridiculous words and deeds actually allude to social reality, thus expressing the writer's views on social issues.

For example, an example in "The Golden Age" satirizes the poor equipment of rural hospitals and the repeated use of needles.

The needle plating in our infirmary was peeling off, and all of them had barbs, often hooking the flesh off my waist. Later, my waist was like being hit by a shotgun, and the scars did not fade for a long time.

Another example is that he described criticism of the struggle as a "poor struggle."

I went to Lao Guo of the people's insurance group and asked them what they meant by calling us on such a business trip. They said that it was nothing more than letting the bad guys on the other side know that this side was powerful and did not dare to come over. We shouldn't have been told to go, but we couldn't make up the number. We're not a good thing anyway, and there's nothing wrong with going there.

In addition, in the Golden Age, there was also a lot of ironic language, which added a lot of unique features to the Golden Age.

For example, in "The Golden Age", where Wang Er's confession materials are written: "I thought that my confession materials were the most literary, because I wrote these materials to live in a guest house and had nothing else to do, just like a professional writer." "Here it is clear that Wang Er was forced to write an account of the material, but he was doing a kind of enjoyment and taking pride in it.

The irony of this language also gives a sense of black humor, thus shedding light on the current situation of the era full of absurdities and paradoxes.

Such examples abound, which makes "Golden Age" subvert the creative style and language style of traditional literature and become a unique "darling" in the literary world.

The Golden Age: Large-scale depictions are not the only stronghold against absurd reality

After the end of the "movement", a literary trend emerged: scar literature.

A large number of works reviewing the lives of the cultural revolution's intellectuals appeared, delicate and mournful, tragic and moving. Comrade Lian Xiaoping commented: Crying and crying, there is no appearance.

But Wang Xiaobo broke this pattern of "crying and crying", and the pain he said in a humorous tone was light and breezy, but it was a kind of "silent" resistance.

In fact, the book "Golden Age" is also very easy to read, relaxed and interesting, and it is also a comfort for those who have experienced this history.

Just like Wang Er in the novel, he is happy in suffering and still feels the beauty of life.

There is a famous sentence in "The Golden Age": "I was twenty-one years old that day, in the golden age of my life." I have a lot of extravagant hopes. I want to love, I want to eat, and I want to turn into a half-light and half-dark cloud in the sky in an instant. ”

For Wang Xiaobo, perhaps after going through all the hardships, it seems how precious life is in the future. After all, it was his golden age.

The Golden Age: Large-scale depictions are not the only stronghold against absurd reality

Liu Xinwu said: "Wang Xiaobo expressed his 'seeing through' of the historical process from a humorous point of view, which often made me feel the pleasure of empowerment. ”

Unfortunately, in 1997, Wang Xiaobo, who was only 45 years old, died of a heart attack, leaving the world with endless lamentations.

Wang Xiaobo did not enjoy the "glory" of popularity before his death, on the contrary, "Golden Age" encountered many difficulties when it was published.

Later, thanks to the old editor of Huaxia Publishing House, Zhao Jieping, saw the pearls and took advantage of the editor-in-chief's absence to play a time difference to make the domestic version of "Golden Age" come out. But afterwards, she was also severely accused of this, exhausted, and seriously ill.

Most people in the world have seen large-scale descriptions in novels, but in fact, it seems to me that a book presents a multi-dimensional world, and if a reader focuses on explicit eroticism, then what he sees is only eroticism.

I don't know whether it is lucky or unfortunate, after Wang Xiaobo's death, Li Yinhe tried his best to promote the publication of his works, and for a time, the grand situation of "Wang Xiaobo fever" emerged, and even many people claimed to be willing to be Wang Xiaobo's lackeys.

The Golden Age: Large-scale depictions are not the only stronghold against absurd reality

The famous writer Mai Jia had a high evaluation of Wang Xiaobo, saying: "If Wang Xiaobo were allowed to live for 10 more years, he might be on a par with Lu Xun." ”

The Golden Age: Large-scale depictions are not the only stronghold against absurd reality

In many people's minds, Wang Xiaobo is a maverick, in black humor is the real status quo, under the literary brushstrokes is rational thought, interesting soul is deep philosophy, just because he can shine, so he is not afraid of darkness.

In the hustle and bustle, we always have to keep a little sober, in the ordinary life, we always want to pursue interesting souls, then start reading Wang Xiaobo!

Recommend Wang Xiaobo's "Times Trilogy", including "Golden Age", "Silver Age" and "Black Iron Age", the current price is only 98 yuan, a meal money, but it can let you meet this most interesting soul!

XL17 Wang Xiaobo Collection Golden Age + Silver Age + Black Iron Age Era Trilogy ¥98 Purchase

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