
The New Look of | China (Short Novel)

Text | Wang Hongzhang

1. Naming

Xing Laosan has been a little confused lately.

I stumbled on the cigarette bag, looked at the blue sea in the distance, and didn't know why I remembered the strength of the wind and waves when I was young and the fishing number that "hey, hey, make a strong...", and then I remembered the fishing boat that had accompanied me for 20 years, and the kerosene lamp that hung on the side of the cabin.

The smell of the sea in the air was a little thick, and he never dreamed of how his old Man Zhonghua had become the general manager of the New Look Traditional Wood Art Company. Mei Laohan, who usually teased him, smiled like a flower at this time, "I said Jianguo brother, the name you gave to the baby is good, Zhonghua Zhonghua, stained the light of national development!" ”

Old Man Xing couldn't adapt to this compliment for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders and said in his heart, the name was given by the father who fished and planted the land.

At that time, in 1979, the peach blossoms hung on the bones, the seagulls had not yet flown back, the thirty-year-old he and Luo Guo Dad were posting signs on the street, and aunt Tian of the little foot came to announce the good news. According to the rules, the grandson's name is Grandpa, Luo Guo's father has not been to school, but the label is familiar with a lot of words these days, and the grandfather and grandfather are flipping through the thick slogan. "The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee is good", "Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts", "Uniting as one and looking forward" "Dividing the fields into households and learning from small gang villages"....... When turning to "reform, opening up, and revitalizing China", Luo Guo dad said, "Let's call it Zhonghua, are these previous words not for the purpose of revitalizing China?" China is good, the children are following well. ”

A trance, that's 40 years...

Second, the past

I grew up as a small follower of Brother Zhonghua. When I was a child, I envied that he could write a good calligraphy and draw. Brother Zhonghua failed the college entrance examination that year, Xing Sanbo carried a rooster, a large mackerel and Yantai ancient brew to him to worship the master to learn carpentry - the third uncle did not want the child to be a fisherman for a lifetime, the wind and waves were high, he was worried, the winter was frozen, and the summer was smelly.

The new apprentice first finished wood for three years, and the teacher father liked this offspring, and also had multiple helpers. The rules of the township, the completion of the carpentry work, the main family to set up a banquet to invite guests, that year almost new year there is a banquet, is a very solemn etiquette. Apprentices are small workers and children, and they cannot be seated. As usual, take a steamed bun, serve a small bowl, a plate of shrimp paste, crouch on the doorstep to eat, one is the traditional rules of longevity and childhood, and the other is to take care of the tools to prevent loss. One after another, the eight villages in ten miles all met this descendant named Zhonghua. Sometimes, in the winter, the cold snot was runny, the master drank too much in the lord's house, and it was lively until late at night, and Zhonghua was pondering the work of the master and brothers in the courtyard, and there was a thin snow on the body, and everyone said that China would not be bad in the future.

The New Look of | China (Short Novel)

In the fourth year, Zhonghua began to build "big melon baskets" (big sailing ships) with master and brothers, master drew large samples (drawings), the masters and brothers laid out the zhi together, plugged the roots, set the station board, pressed the mengzi, set the big cotton beam, an toon wood, put the Taiping money, sealed the big red pair on the high mast, "the great general is mighty on all sides" and "the two generals lark helped each other", the firecrackers sounded in the boat owner gave a reward, everyone applauded in unison; when there was no big work, the brothers and brothers each started small work, at that time, the big chairs and coffee tables were popular, and the Chinese used brushes to draw dragons on the wood. Paint pine trees, deer horn grass..... Carved out vividly; in the winter leisure, the carpenter survived the scraps to make a ship model, the large ship was scaled down, one was to familiarize himself with the technology of making the big ship, the other was to like this exquisite craftsmanship, the Chinese made realistic, the sails were sewn meticulously, the handle was wrapped in copper wire instead of the copper hoop, and the big ship in the distant view was the same, and occasionally there were sea-running businessmen who asked him to make a small sample for the temple to draw an auspicious picture; in the fragmented time, he painted on the locust wood, hammered and chiseled, and in a moment he carved a dumpling poke, carved a dumpling mold, there were fish in the year of the lotus, dragon and phoenix, durian hundreds of seeds, Double Happiness At the Door... Neighbors' sisters-in-law and aunts all came to ask for it, set up a stall every big market, and snatched up the light in a while. In response to the speculation of the villagers and the current reputation, after the old carpenter sealed the box, Zhonghua and several division brothers took care of each other, and the scenery was really beautiful for several years.

Later, in the sound of the motor, the sailboat withdrew from the stage of history, and furniture stores sprung up, and no one asked carpenters to make furniture. Zhonghua and the brothers separated and did the decoration themselves. It is said that he has a good reputation, this line of competition is large, many decoration workers falsely report the amount of use, shoddy, China has never pit people. I heard a friend say that after Zhonghua finished his work, the cigarettes given by the Lord's family smoked the rest of the rules and regulations and put them on the table and never took them away. When finished, take the big magnet, walk through the sawdust, and arrange the nails and small pieces inside and put them on the main table, and do not take them with you. In the rush of the current society, his habit of this detail has touched many people. Good craftsmanship, good people, many people are willing to make this friend, even if the identity is very different. In the "winter" of the decoration industry, those looking for Chinese decoration are still queuing up, and they have never stopped living. Some people have long advised him to make a company, or subcontract, worry and make money, but he is always uneasy, afraid that the enterprise can not do it, afraid of subcontracting bad reputation.

Over the years, China has never forgotten to recharge and learn, store books on the shelves, do not look at the calluses on the hands, look at the conversation, but like an intellectual, have the temperament, but also have insight. Lan Zhi was in Gang, a gentleman, and most of the friends from all walks of life who came today were friends from all walks of life.

3. Unveiling

"Unveiled, unveiled", the crowd roared.

Xing Zhonghua, dressed in a neat Tang costume, said generously, "Now environmental protection, blue sky defense war, party members take the lead, firecrackers will not be released, everyone more applause as firecrackers okay?" ”

The crowd cheered "Ok! "Good!"

Shi Huinong, secretary of the village party committee and emcee, shouted loudly, "Unveil! ”

Zhonghua ripped off the red cloth, and the golden characters were clear: "Yantai Xinxiang Traditional Wood Decoration Co., Ltd."

The applause was thunderous, and everyone felt heartfelt joy, as if they had been waiting for this moment, like waiting for the river ice to melt in early spring, and like waiting for a flower to bloom in twilight.

Shi Huinong said loudly, "Zhonghua, what is hanging on your lintel and door frame, you have been studying and copying from the study of a strong country, it took a week, hurry up and let everyone see!" ”

Zhonghua showed a little restraint, and then strode forward, draped in red silk, only to see a pair of couplets, iron bones, upright willow kai, flat, clean and innocent varnish bottom:

In the seventy years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, I like to see a new look in China

Build a dream of reviving the nation for a hundred years and then glorify

Horizontal: Follow the party

The applause was thunderous for a long time, "Good union! "Good word!" "Good spirit!"

A pun, the intention to respond to the situation, political correctness and seeking truth from facts, several friends who can't see the origin of the nod.

4. Master

Secretary Shi said loudly, "Be quiet a little, today's high-ranking friends are full of seats, and Zhonghua is the protagonist, let him say a few words to us." ”

Xing Zhonghua had already adjusted the microphone, and the following was surprisingly quiet, everyone was happy for him, and he also vaguely felt that he would say something that everyone wanted to say but did not say.

"Good guests and friends from all walks of life. The elders and brothers and sisters in the village who watched me grow up are good.

Today the new look company opened, thank you for the scene, thank you for your help and teaching along the way.

Today I have mixed feelings, in the morning I think of the sick and deceased Grandpa Luo, we are Manchus, Grandpa was born outside Guanwai, a lifelong wish is to eat a full meal. In order to buy a kerosene lamp without touching the dark, I saved up for 2 years of egg money. When I was a teenager, I was in war and famine, I couldn't survive, and when I was in my twenties, I followed the returning crowd from the Kanto to Yantai, got married, got my father, caught up with the founding of the country, divided the land, and slowly had a peaceful birthday. My father grew up fishing with my grandfather and cultivated land, experienced the Great Leap Forward, ten years of turmoil, before the 70s "grain as the guideline" and "planted thousands of acres of mountainous land, tens of thousands of acres of sea fields", the old fishermen's family had a hard time. When my father was 30 years old, he had me, and slowly the focus of the village work shifted to fishing, and later he raised scallops, and his life slowly got better. When my son Zhenxing was a child, he said that when he grew up, he would paddle his grandfather's boat to go fishing, and I didn't know whether to tell him that every time grandpa went to sea, the family put up a red flag, and grandma always had to worship Mazu Niangniang, the wave was high and the boat was small, and I was always afraid that I would not be able to come back. My father and grandfather went to the sea, the boat shook badly, and at noon, the bowl of noodles could be sprinkled with half a bowl, not to mention cold and dirty. Our children are so happy that they no longer have to be as difficult as grandpa and father's generation.

I grew up studying well, but I didn't pass the high school exam, became a carpenter, and made some money. Later, the sails on the ship were replaced by engines, and they sailed like there was no wind. The more the main road is built, more and more furniture cities are in the cities and towns, and the furniture in Longkou, Qingzhou, and even the south is pouring in, and the goods will arrive in one day. Slowly no one asked the carpenter to make tables, chairs, benches, bedspreads, and cases. The furniture factory was mechanized, and the brothers pulled a large horse saw for half an hour to cut the wood, and the table saw was done in a minute, and the saw was flush, without planing. The chisel is busy for half a day, not as good as the electric drill for a few minutes. No one went to boil bone glue anymore. On the day of Master's death, the Brothers broke up. Whenever you watch Journey to the West, when master is captured by goblins, and pig eight precepts want to divide the luggage and scatter the gang, you look at it and laugh, and I want to cry.

When Master was leaving, he chatted with us one by one and asked us a lot of things. Master said that this is a good thing, the times are developing, the country is developing, you see, we used to have tv, sofa, telephone and other things, you can catch up with communism in this life. He told us a lot, and he said that he had to change with the times and think of new tricks, 'trees move to death, people move to live'. After Master's grave, we broke up, and now we have our own small businesses, and we are all doing well. Now think about Master's words is not to learn the "innovation drive" mentioned in the strong country? Sometimes I admire his old man. Master's culture is not deep, and he teaches us not to break the law, be kind, be honest, and work well. Isn't this the rule of law, friendliness, integrity, and dedication in the core values? All my life I have been grateful to Master, who taught me the craft handed down from my ancestors, and also taught me the virtues handed down from my ancestors, the traditional virtues of Chinese. I didn't embarrass him. ”

Zhonghua's eyes are a little moist at this point, and there is no sound below. As if back in time, I vaguely saw the dew solaced pants in the morning, on the mountain road, the old carpenter smoked a cigarette bag, followed by these dry sons, carrying saws, dwarves, tool suitcases...

Fifth, ingenuity

"I have been doing decoration all these years, the people have money, they are willing to go to the city to buy a house for decoration, every day is very busy, earn money, but also tired, now shoulders, neck have problems, cloudy days hurt." Sometimes I really don't want to do it, but when I think about the revitalization of middle school, I still have to do it."

The audience seemed to feel the same way and nodded slightly.

"Two days ago, the county United Front Organization studied, I was a minority, and I had a bit of craftsmanship, and I was invited to participate. There is a section on 'Regaining Traditional Skills and Revitalizing the Private Economy', and I see the 'In and Out Peace' insoles of needle and thread, the paper-cutting of 'Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang', and the 'ErjinGong' grasshopper cage woven with thatch, all of which are leftovers played by our uncles and aunts when we were young. The narrator said that "to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, an ethnic minority can not be less", and innovation helps private enterprises, and these small crafts are a line of thought. ”

The people present were obviously very interested, talking about it, and obviously they had heard about it, but they never thought about it.

Zhonghua paused and said, "I can hear the blood boiling, and I feel that the time has come!" Specially to understand the Speaker Xiao Zhu's WeChat, after returning to send him the carpenter work photos he had done before, the big melon basket boat model, the 'Hehe Erxian' screen, the 'Magpie Dengzhi' tea table, the 'Hundred Birds And Phoenix' wooden model, and sure enough, people were very interested, and asked me to interview. At that time, Director Tang told me that now the tradition should be revived, the culture should be exported, and the carpenter's old craftsmanship of these themes is the traditional culture of the nation! The nation is the world, and the Belt and Road Initiative and the whole world are the market. I also told him that in fact, I still like carpentry work, all these years of kung fu has not been put down, every day is still in the mustard garden to paint the score, vaguely feel that there is a day waiting for me. Director Tang said that I was a craftsman spirit, encouraged me to be an enterprise, and also led the villagers. Then I was told about some ethnic minority entrepreneurship policies and Yantai City's policies to support the high-quality development of the private economy, such as supporting innovative development, private entrepreneur training and education programs, tax reduction and fee reduction measures, financial support policies, small and micro enterprise loan risk compensation mechanism, support for private enterprises to expand domestic and foreign markets, etc. The more I record and inquire a little bit, the more I understand, the more confident I feel. ”

"I persuaded the second brother of Xiguan who sells fish, the brother who runs logistics, we cooperated to set up this company, originally wanted to be called Xinghua, Zhenhua, but unfortunately someone else registered, we summed it up, it is called a new look, meaning that our life has a new look every day, and the country has a new look every day."

The audience applauded in unison.

Sixth, show hope

Zhonghua fixed his mind and continued his speech of half industry, half business, half literature and half agriculture.

"I am a party member, I am educated by the party organization, I insist on reading the news every day, my low education does not mean that I have short knowledge. Our brothers are not young, we have to keep up with the situation of national policy, the old story is that the green fly is attached to the ji, and the little fly lies on the horse's tail to go far. The state has a five-year plan, and our new look company also has its own three-year plan. Now the loudest mention is the Belt and Road Initiative, my cousin Guohua is in Saudi Arabia, Honghua is in Ethiopia, I passed on my furniture style to them, and now they are negotiating with the local Confucius Institute and furniture dealers. I hope that the craftsmanship of our ancestors, these Chinese cultural elements, can ride on the east wind of cultural output and achieve a career.

Sometimes I really feel that it is providence, and it is better for individuals to follow in the footsteps of the country.

My grandfather was born in 1921, the year the Chinese Communist Party was founded.

My father was born in 1949, the year of the founding of New China.

I was born in 1979, the year of reform and opening up.

In three or thirty years, my grandfather has eaten enough, my father has become rich, and today I can do my hobby as a career. Every generation has a dream, that is, the yearning for a better life, which is "a dream passed down from generation to generation, a dream of pursuing happiness, a dream that will be realized."

New China is seventy years old, and my father is also seventy years old, and I don't know what China will look like in another 30 years, what kind of children will be, but I know what my grandfather said when I was born, 'China is good, the children are all good'! ”

(Written in September 2020)

The New Look of | China (Short Novel)

About author:Wang Hongzhang, Laiwu ren, member of the China Democratic League. Born in 1984, he has been engaged in domestic and foreign projects for 12 years, and is now working in Long Island. He is a member of Shandong Prose Literature Society, Yantai Writers Association, and Yantai Prose Literature Society.

The New Look of | China (Short Novel)

One Point Island Dreams

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