
Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

The character of Zhou Yu seems to belong to the foil type in the Three Kingdoms: Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang set off the atmosphere and "wisdom and near-demon" of the latter; Zhou Yu and Lu Su set off the pattern of the latter's survival by separation...

In fact, the historical Zhou Yu and the Zhou Yu in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can be said to be two people! The credit for the Battle of Chibi actually belonged to Zhou Yu; and zhou Yu and Lu Su's attitude towards Liu Bei's group reflected not the pattern of the two, but Zhou Yu's ability to detect the future. Moreover, because Zhou Yu's divine prophecy against Liu Bei was not adopted by Sun Quan, Eastern Wu once faced the danger of national subjugation!

Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

The Battle of Chibi was indeed zhou Yu's work

According to historical records, the most important link before the Battle of Chibi was not the so-called straw boat borrowing arrows, but the fraudulent surrender of Huang Gai and the burning of Chibi, and these two schemes were planned by Zhou Yu and personally implemented, and there was no Zhuge Liang at all. Even the famous "borrowing the East Wind" is Zhou Yu's understanding of the climate of the war zone.

Moreover, in the matter of burning Chibi, the specific process is actually not simple, it can be said that it is more necessary to benefit the time and place than the "straw boat borrowing arrows" fabricated in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms":

Through the understanding of the wind direction on the river surface, it is guaranteed that Huang Gai's ship can smoothly rush to the Cao Army's warship, which is for the "time of day";

The Cao army on the opposite side was not accustomed to water warfare, Cao Cao was cunning in land warfare, and had no experience in water warfare; while Eastern Wu took the Yangtze River as a natural danger, and the large army deployed along the Yangtze River, and it was already familiar with the grass and trees on the river surface, which was for "geographical advantage";

The warships sent out were filled with flammable dry firewood, oiled inside, wrapped in cloth on the outside, and flags planted on board. Obviously, this is an absolute "suicide" attack. The fierce general Huang Gai and his subordinates were willing to ask for war, and in the face of such a disparity between the enemy and ourselves, they were willing to surrender instead of surrendering, for the sake of "people".

Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

At the same time, when Huang Gai's battle sails were raised, Cao Jun saw that the great battle was imminent and the important generals of the enemy army were coming, how could it not be gratifying, so Cao Cao's army saw the "surrendered" fleet, and many soldiers came to the side of the ship to watch this "important turning point".

So these flammable warships were unimpeded all the way, until they were only two miles away from Cao Cao's joint camp, and at the same time, they "spontaneously combusted", the fire increased the wind, and the black smoke and fire caused Countless deaths and injuries to Cao Cao's army, and finally a fiasco.

From this, it is not difficult to see that Zhou Yu's strategy and the "excessive embellishment" of Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Eastern Wu saw through Liu Bei's first person

Here, the question is, since Zhou Yu is so insightful and quick-witted, why did God prophesy and almost let Eastern Wu perish?

How could Zhou Yu not see Liu Bei's ambitions and his various potential advantages, which is why Zhou Yu would make the divine prophecy that "this person will not die, and Eastern Wu will die", but even the prophecy of the gods needs to be put into action to change.

As early as when Liu Bei wanted to come to "borrow Jingzhou", Zhou Yu had suggested that Sun Quan should put Liu Bei under house arrest or even get rid of Liu Bei directly, which can be said to be the first person in Eastern Wu to see through Liu Bei. After all, Liu Bei is not a good stubble, this fact Cao Cao has deeply understood, and the world is also there for all to see. In addition, Zhou Yu also clarified the ambition behind Liu Bei's seemingly "confession" moves.

However, no matter how well he knew it and moved it to reason, from the general trend of the world to Liu Bei as a person, Zhou Yu's arguments and conclusions were not adopted by Sun Quan after all.

Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

Knowing that Liu Bei would inevitably become a major danger to Eastern Wu, how could Zhou Yu hastily give up on advice? As a result, this advice is to advise until death. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Su's Biography, records in detail Zhou Yu's last words to Sun Quan:

"Fang Jin Cao Gong is here, the frontier is not quiet, Liu Bei is sending a residence, it is like raising a tiger... Yu may be harvestable, Yu died immortal. ”

Translated, it is: "Now that Cao Cao is in the north, war is absolutely inevitable, but no matter what Liu Bei lurks next to us, it is like raising a tiger... If I could take my advice, I would die. ”

In 210 AD, Zhou Yu died young, but such a "sincere" suggestion was not adopted because of Lu Su's "Joint Liu Kang Cao" and Sun Quan's own selfishness. Liu Bei successfully borrowed The Southern County of Jingzhou from Sun Quan, where he also "made a fortune and became well-off", marched from the Southern County to Xichuan, and seized the vast State of Yizhou.

Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

After some tumultuous operations, not only did Sun Quan want Liu Bei to resist cao Cao's small abacus being smashed first, But Liu Bei also occupied Sichuan shu, completely got rid of Sun Quan and gradually began to call the board.

Liu Bei will not die, and Eastern Wu will be in danger

Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

In 222 AD, Zhou Yu's divine prophecy began to be fulfilled. In this year, Liu Bei officially tore his face with Sun Quan and launched the Battle of Yiling, with a strong army and determined to take Eastern Wu. At this time, whether Liu Bei really wanted to avenge his brother or take advantage of the pain of losing his brother to attack Eastern Wu, this two-choice question is really difficult to figure out.

But it is undeniable that at this time, Eastern Wu can really be described as the "autumn of critical survival", because Liu Bei's army not only suppressed the border, but also crossed more than two hundred kilometers of the border of Eastern Wu! What's more, at this time, Eastern Wu had almost no handsome to use!

Fortunately, Jiangnan's talent at this time was not exhausted, and lu xun stood up at a critical moment to save the precarious Eastern Wu. However, although Eastern Wu won the Battle of Yiling and defended Jingzhou, its national strength was also deeply affected by the war.

Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

From the death of Zhou Yu to Liu Bei's formal display of his claws and the launching of war, Eastern Wu almost fell to the country, but only twelve years. Zhou Yu's accuracy of seeing people and the god of prophecy are impressive, and Sun Quan has also paid a heavy price for his "obstinate behavior".

In the Three Kingdoms, the existence of each character has influenced the course of that period, just as Zhou Yu defeated Cao Cao and laid the foundation for the establishment of the Three Kingdoms; and Lu Su's joint Liu Resistance cao also paved the way for the subsequent Sun Liu War. The two men's views on Liu Bei have created different endings, which perfectly reflect the understanding of "raising tigers for trouble" and "dancing with wolves" in reality.

In fact, in the stories behind the characters who are talking about in the Three Kingdoms period, the strategy and principles of each character are hidden in a certain wisdom.

Before Zhou Yu died, he prophesied: If this person is not removed, Eastern Wu will be in danger! Sun Quan did not listen, and ten years later it was truly fulfilled

Of course, to a lesser extent, these strategies and the people behind the heroes are all living classic examples of how to behave in a complex society. For example, the story of Sima Yi's 70-year-old usurpation of the throne tells us that it doesn't matter if the starting point is almost the same, do yourself well, make yourself stronger, and survive to the end, absolutely the winner. Of course, the "staying up" here is not staying up late, nor is it staying up for life. The correct understanding should be to be prepared and patiently wait for the opportunity.

Nowadays, we may often encounter problems that we did not expect, and from time to time we will encounter people we do not like, but in social and work, we have to face difficulties, perhaps most of the situations can be solved, but sometimes in retrospect, it is inevitable to feel that what is not handled properly; and in work planning, some plans seem to be very perfect, in fact, there are still miu that we can't see, and even hidden opportunities for the next step...

"Reading the Three Kingdoms" may be a good way to learn - learn strategy, use the past for the present; learn to be a person, and mix socialize. And understanding the Three Kingdoms will help us deal with these people's feelings with ease.

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