
Psychological anxiety in the epidemic environment emo? Check this health tip!

Continue to pay attention to epidemic prevention and control information and do a good job of protection

It is a habit that is beneficial to oneself and to those around you

However, some people experience excessive anxiety

It even affected their own physical health

So, how to deal with this psychological anxiety?

There are old people and children at home, how to soothe their emotions?

Let's find out

Frontline personnel and the general public

Psychological anxiety in the epidemic environment emo? Check this health tip!



Emotional stability in adults is a prerequisite

Controlling the amount of information is key

In the special period of epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic, the emotional stability of the family is the best tonic for children. Children usually know and see the world through their parents' emotions and reactions, so the more stable the parents' emotions, the less affected the child is, and the child can build a sense of security.

In order to avoid too many negative emotions in children, it is recommended that parents and friends do not repeatedly remind children about health problems on the basis of helping young children develop good living hygiene habits; do not overemphasize the harm of the epidemic, and can appropriately talk about the topic of "death" according to the age of young children, leading young children to cherish and fear life; and do not play TV news for a long time and talk about epidemic-related topics, and it is recommended that the information overloaded for young children be discussed after they sleep.

Psychological anxiety in the epidemic environment emo? Check this health tip!

Image source: Network


Explain the outbreak to children in childlike language

What does this invisible virus look like? What impact does it have on people? How can I protect myself? Children of different ages need to give different explanations and answers according to their understanding and receptivity.

For younger children, parents can use picture books, stories, etc. to tell their children what happened. For older children, they can appropriately guide the search for some professional science information, such as documentaries and other knowledge about the virus, and transform the unknown epidemic into visible and controlled activities. Rather than simply making demands or even scaring children, they must be helped to understand "why they are doing this" in order to reduce their children's confusion and the resulting mood swings.

Psychological anxiety in the epidemic environment emo? Check this health tip!


Guide young children to develop good living habits

Protection after the pandemic remains important! The cultivation of good living habits should be naturally infiltrated into life, such as encouraging children to wear masks and wash their hands frequently, especially before and after sneezing, coughing, eating and going to the bathroom; at the same time, we must also guide children to actively participate in the maintenance, supervision and maintenance of environmental hygiene. Let every child understand that the formation of good living habits is an important way to improve self-protection ability and protect the body from infringement, and can form a healthy lifestyle that benefits lifelong.

Psychological anxiety in the epidemic environment emo? Check this health tip!


Active attention, attentive companionship

In addition to paying attention to the child's daily health protection, we should pay more attention to the child's emotional changes, judge which are normal short-term adaptations, and only by accurately grasping the child's mental health information can we better promote the child's physical and mental development.

A regular and orderly life can enhance a child's sense of control and predictability, and is one of the most effective ways to help children recover and build a sense of security. Adults and children can get up, eat and sleep together according to normal rules, reasonably arrange the time for learning and entertainment, and can also carry out some small exercises at home.

"Accompanying ≠ high-quality companionship", really care about what the child thinks, and have a positive communication with the child, and at the same time can carry out parent-child games, dances, and singing with the child, which can alleviate bad emotions, exercise the body, and enhance the parent-child relationship.

Elderly article

Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, some elderly people will have a situation of panic and anxiety, and some elderly people are in a state of suspicion, worried that they are infected, and force themselves to constantly think about the serious consequences of the disease, and feel pain. These constant emotional stresses are even reflected in the body, with problems with multiple systems such as physical pain, dizziness, asthma attacks, etc.

It is best to do the following:

Establish a positive attitude: We must let the elderly understand the normal psychological and physical reactions, the relationship between emotions and physical symptoms, so that we can actively adjust the mentality, reduce somatic symptoms, and help improve autoimmunity.

Maintain a regular lifestyle: Mental health is inseparable from physical health. Treat this period of time when you can't go out as a short inner practice, and carry out indoor activities, such as reading books and newspapers, doing fitness exercises, and relaxing training.

Adjust your emotions and maintain communication: Keep in touch with friends and family by phone or video, talk to medical staff and caregivers about your feelings, maintain communication with the community, and get support and encouragement.

Don't read many news, don't listen to rumors: information about the epidemic is overwhelming, but everyone's ability to identify the authenticity of information is limited, especially for elderly patients. Information overload can lead to an increase in uncertainty, so learn to limit access to information, focus only on authoritative scientific information, and do not read, believe, or disseminate information of unknown sources.

Take the initiative to seek the help of professionals: If emotional, sleep, and physical symptoms cannot be well alleviated, seek the help of psychological professionals in time. Obtain professional support through the counseling of psychologists and actively adjust your mindset.

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