
In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood


Today is the 5th day of 2022. In fact, it is no different from any other day in the past. But I still want to congratulate you:

Those of you who can stand at this point in time today, you have survived 2021 safely.

I used to think that the troubles and problems that happened last year would also be brought to the new year. But when I saw the story you sent me, I found that the trouble may not have passed, but you can take it with you.

Someone got tired of doing work machines, and after 3 days of outdoor trekking, had an epiphany;

Someone who insisted on 7 months of loneliness and had money to renovate the house;

There are also people who are tortured by work, who are broken up by their boyfriends, and who end up going abroad.

Some people say that this is a suitable era for reading Milan Kundera and Camus. I agree, because in their eyes the true salvation is not victory after the battle, but the strength to live and the peace of mind in the midst of hardship.

On the seemingly uneven road, those who take the first step steadily and solidly, you have already begun to win.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

Right now, I'm going to have a baby. Wait in the delivery room and wait for him to come.

I was always terrified of getting pregnant and having a baby until this year, when I was pregnant. So my biggest effort in 2021 was to stick to work until my due date, and the busy work almost completely faded my fears and uneasiness about getting pregnant.

The busiest time was in November, when I was already a veritable third trimester, and if I counted the cooperation projects, there were 17 large and small.

The print designs for children's clothing, the sticker designs, and the engagements for children's picture book magazines almost filled my daily life.

When I was most anxious, I was faced with 6 different projects in a day, and I knew that when I did the design, sometimes when a draft was changed to the seventh and eighth times, I could only rely on infinite patience to support it.

But even though I was pregnant, I was alone in the middle of all kinds of parties, steadily pushing through all the projects, and reading 4 books by the way.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

During this time, I gained great satisfaction, and I was able to do so many things alone as a pregnant person, and did not change anything because of the change of identity.

Not only because I made money, but also because I was able to hold on to life itself when I was physically vulnerable.

My friend said to me: When you are pregnant, it seems that the whole person is shining.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

This life insight originated from a 3-day desert hike - less than 5 kilometers into the desert, the mobile phone signal will be cleared in an instant.

The 52-kilometer trek requires no news or fast-paced short videos, just endless sand dunes and blue skies.

All you can do is get rid of all distractions and make sure that you are firm and steady out of this desert.

This is completely different from my previous work state, before, I would only turn myself into an ant on a hot pot, busy and anxious every day, and even the scenery overhead was not appreciated.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

Today, the vast yellow sand seen at the highest point of the dune is a moment of forgetting one's existence after 3 days of steady walking.

My 2021 did not encounter many tribulations, but this 52-kilometer desert hike allowed me to gain a rare attitude towards life-

Don't worry, the persistence under your feet will eventually be exchanged for the romance above your head.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

I was a crew member, drifting at sea all the time, tired, and wanted to quit. Originally planned to marry his girlfriend May Day, but in front of him was a house that had not yet been renovated, and a mortgage that could not be replaced.

Neither of us plans to ask for money from home, and I, who is planning to resign, once again choose to go to sea, and I can earn a little.

You think that life at sea is to look at the sea every day, but looking at the sea will also be tired.

We can only stay in this small boat, like "sitting in a water prison" day after day;

Your phone is full of TV dramas that repeat until you can blurt out your next line.

Such a stable and boring life: watching the sea, working, sleeping... I stuck with it for 7 months. In fact, before that, I had been insisting on it for 4 years.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

But everything wasn't as bad as it thought.

This time out to sea, I got 100,000 yuan in compensation, and the decoration fee of the house was finally filled. When I got the money, I was full of thoughts, we can finally give our new home a decent renovation.

Sure, it's too far from paying off my mortgage, but I took a small step with determination.

Give your loved ones a home, and I can too.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

Let's tell you a little secret first - fitness will really harvest peach blossom luck.

At 30, I have only one goal for myself: health.

Bike every Wednesday and Friday, plus at least two swims, and one morning run. I've been living this for 6 years.

In recent years, he has been chased by boys who are three or four years younger than himself. As long as I don't talk about my age, no one knows how old I am.

Of course, peach blossom luck is just a passing cloud, and the most important thing is the serendipity brought by fitness:

Become a free model who often cooperates with photographers, a coach who works part-time in a bicycle room, a model who fixes several Taobao underwear brands....

By this year, for four consecutive years of photography and underwear, I hadn't spent a penny. Probably envy a lot of crazy girls.

In fact, it doesn't matter how much money you save, the most important thing is that the feeling of being recognized by the figure is really great! I can confidently show my figure to people, isn't that a happy thing for girls?

As long as you don't set a limit on age, time is too slow to catch up with you.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood
In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

The previous work was particularly unsmooth, I was insulted by the leader, often worked overtime, and went home at the latest, and arrived at 4:30 a.m.

At that time, almost all my colleagues were accustomed to the fact that work should be like this. But I was very hesitant in my heart, and I felt that if I continued like this, it would be better to go a different way.

So in 2021, I applied for a high-level phD program from the National Scholarship Council.

On the one hand, we want to realize the dream of the highest degree of humanity; on the other hand, we want to regain the sense of accomplishment that we have lost at work.

For 1 year, I experienced the company's high pressure on my work and my boyfriend's estrangement.

On the surface, he supported me to study abroad, but the social dynamics always revealed the nostalgia for my first love, and coupled with my preparation for going abroad, there was basically no me in his future planning.

But even under pressure from all sides, I decided to continue to walk, hoping to use my continuous and stable efforts to counter the noise of the outside world.

Until the moment I received the "congratulatory letter", I was so excited that I was about to burst into tears.

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

A month after going abroad, I peacefully broke up with my boyfriend, but I don't regret it, and I'm glad that I didn't give up this opportunity to study abroad because of his obstruction and my feelings.

Now, I have continued my studies in that fairytale Denmark and have been confessed by new partners during this time.

It all went naturally, and perhaps life after hard work corresponds to that sentence:

If it backfires, there must be another arrangement.

【Write at the end】

On day 5, business day 2 of 2022, I'm sure to share with you those smallest wins that are least anxious.

They didn't "roll", they didn't resist much pressure, they just pushed the progress bar at hand steadily and slowly.

Everything went according to the order, and in exchange for the stars.

Don't look down on the steady and steady force, although it is small and simple and ordinary, but like an ant, a little bit to move back their own grain, those slowly brought back the fruit, enough for you to survive the winter.

This is the creek you swim into, and at the end of it must be a vast ocean.

Behind every subtle achievement, there is hidden every step of your solid and firm persistence and effort, and what you can't ignore is that it seems to be inadvertently determined and steadfast, and its power can be so powerful and have a long afterglow. In the face of challenges, your inner steadfastness is more important.

This time, together with Lancome and China Daily, we launched an annual victory short film "Stable Enough to Win". Specially invited EDG, the champion of the 2021 League of Legends Global Finals, Xiong Dunhan, a member of the Chinese national women's water polo team, and Song Yin, a search and rescue helicopter pilot, to show their steady and steady fighting, facing challenges and pressures with absolute strength, defeating opponents and winning themselves through short films.

This is also the characteristic of Lancome's small black bottle "strong barrier and quick repair", which quickly repairs the strong and tough muscle floor, activates the skin micro-ecological barrier, and creates your stable winning confidence.

Life is never about waiting for a storm to pass, but for you to dance in the storm.

Written by: Zhao Dabao

Editor-in-Charge: There is money

Vespers Hours:

In the first week of the New Year's work, you urgently need this happiness to return to the blood

31-year-old @ Naked Kissing Fish Baby was born~

Bless her.

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