
Why is it that babies cry when they see "someone"? Really see "dirty things" with "heavenly eyes"?

Small interaction: Has your baby ever cried loudly when he saw "someone"?

Some time ago, the pregnant sister took the second treasure to the community to get a vaccine, in the small talk, a mother said an interesting thing, which caused people around to respond.

"My baby is three months old, when she goes out, she starts crying as soon as she meets some old people.

Why is it that babies cry when they see "someone"? Really see "dirty things" with "heavenly eyes"?

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These words suddenly reminded the pregnant sister that when Erbao was less than three years old, she did have a similar situation, and then slowly disappeared, why is this?

Some superstitious elders pointed out that young children who are still young often have "heavenly eyes" and can see things that adults can't see, while the "yin qi" on the elderly is heavier, so it is easy to scare children, is this really the case?

Children under the age of three, do they really have "heavenly eyes"?

The answer is: pure feudal superstition!

The reason why children under the age of three have a series of strange behaviors such as "seeing the old man crying" and "talking to the air" is related to the following factors.

Why is it that babies cry when they see "someone"? Really see "dirty things" with "heavenly eyes"?

1. The baby's vision development is not yet perfect

Scientific studies have shown that babies are actually "highly myopic" when they are born.

In the first few weeks of life, human cubs can only see objects about 20 centimeters away, beyond this distance, for them, it is a mess, blurry.

The 20cm coincides with the distance when the mother breastfeeds the baby, so some child experts believe that the breastfed baby is often more likely to recognize the mother's face at an early age in order to distinguish it from others.

Why is it that babies cry when they see "someone"? Really see "dirty things" with "heavenly eyes"?

By the age of four months, young children can basically recognize people's facial expressions, distinguishing whether the adults are passing "smiles" or "anger" on their faces.

After that, as the age of the month increases, its visual system will gradually improve, and the ability to see people's "faces" will also be strengthened.

However, studies have found that in the process of visual development of infants and young children, they have a clear visual preference: they like objects with strong color contrasts, patterns, large contrasts, and three-dimensionality.

As for the choice of human face preference, in addition to their mothers, they prefer to stare at men's faces, especially men with angular and three-dimensional features.

Why is it that babies cry when they see "someone"? Really see "dirty things" with "heavenly eyes"?

In contrast, the elderly because of age, facial collagen loss, skin laxity, often not in line with the visual preferences of young children, plus some elderly people like to wear dark clothes, not very able to attract the attention of young children, so it is easy to be ignored.

In addition, children under the age of 3 are mostly insecure, and if they are approached or touched by strange elderly people, they are easily frightened to cry.

2. The baby's cognitive ability has not yet developed perfectly

The famous Swiss psychologist Piaget once put forward a point of view that in early childhood, because of the insufficient development of consciousness and the immature development of cognitive ability, there is a unique psychological phenomenon - animism.

That is to say, during this period, children tend to regard everything as living and intentional.

Why is it that babies cry when they see "someone"? Really see "dirty things" with "heavenly eyes"?

As a result, we can see that they often talk to their toys and even babble in the air.

After the child's cognitive ability is slowly developed and perfected, they will be able to distinguish the difference between living objects and inanimate objects, and the animistic psychology will slowly disappear.

Why is it that babies cry when they see "someone"? Really see "dirty things" with "heavenly eyes"?

It is worth noting that parents should not use their children's "animistic psychology" at this time to intimidate them into obedience, such as scaring people with big bad wolves and big monsters, so as not to cause their psychological shadows.

As a parent, in the process of accompanying your child's growth, you may hear a lot of superstitious parenting methods, and I hope that you can improve your ability to discern and raise children scientifically.

I am a lucky pregnant sister, a good helper for all the mothers and fathers, and I will take care of the healthy growth of the baby with you!

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