
Sichuan classic cold mixed dish: husband and wife lung tablet formula, red oil ear tablet recipe + detailed process

author:Master Hu teaches catering technology

Hello everyone, I am Master Hu, today I would like to introduce to you the production method of our Sichuan husband and wife lung slices and red oil ear slices

First, the production of secret red oil


Rapeseed oil 2 kg yellow cabbage oil

Two thorn strip chili noodles 150 g

Bullet chili noodles 50 g

Peanut rice to taste

Raw white sesame seeds with skin 200 g

Ginger slices 50 g

40 g green onion

Shredded onion 35 g

White diame 4 g

Cinnamon 3 g

Cumin 5 g

Green peppercorns 5 g

Tangerine peel 4 g

Yamana 3 g

Fragrant leaves 2 g

Safflower peppercorns 5 g

Star anise 3 g

Grass fruit 4 g seeded


1 two thorn chili noodles and bullet pepper noodles are made of two coarse shapes.

2. Add yellow rapeseed oil to the pot, heat to 280 degrees, start to smoke white, rapeseed oil clear and transparent turn off the heat, let the oil temperature cool down naturally.

3. The oil temperature drops to 220 to 240 degrees, add ginger slices, then add onion shreds and green onions, fry until golden brown, fish out and throw away.

4 When the oil temperature is 200 to 210 degrees, add peanut rice, fry until golden brown and have cracks, quickly fish out and put it on a plate and spread it out to cool.

5 The oil temperature is fried at 190 to 200 degrees Celsius with skin raw sesame seeds, and can be fried in a colander to prevent it from taking too long to fish out, and some of them are fried. Fry until the sesame seeds begin to float slightly golden brown, fish out the oil control, spread out on the side and set aside.

6 oil temperature below 160 degrees, under the tangerine peel, green peppercorns, cumin, cinnamon white nuts, seedless grass fruits, fragrant leaves, star anise, safflower peppercorns, shanna, turn on low heat and fry slowly, fry until the fragrant leaves are golden and crispy, gently pinch it and crush it to remove the spices and set aside.

7. When the oil temperature is 140 ~ 150 degrees, put in the two thorn chili noodles and bullet pepper noodles, do not stir after entering, let the chili noodles sink naturally, stimulate the aroma and color of the chili noodles, and the chili noodles are all immersed in the oil, and then stir evenly.

8 Add the freshly fried spices, stir well, pour out and put them in a container, and the secret red oil is finished. concentrate:

1. The finished red oil is stored for 24 hours before use, and the aroma is better. 2 After cooling, seal the plastic wrap to prevent the loss of fragrance, and the red oil is recommended to be used within 7 to 15 days.

3 spices in chili peppers, stored for 24 hours, the aroma can be clipped out after the excitement, you can also choose not to clip, depending on personal preferences. 4When you use it, you can filter out the red oil.

Second, the handling of ingredients

Bull head 200 g

Beef hearts 500 g

Beef 600 g calf tendon meat

Beef tripe 80 g

Cooking wine 40 g

35 g green onion

Ginger slices 40 g

Tangerine peel 2 g

Dried chili pepper festival 10 g

White Root 3 g

Star anise 4 g

White 2 g

Fragrant leaves 1 g

1 grass fruit to seed

Cumin 2 g

1. Cut the butter on the beef heart clean, then cut the beef heart from the middle, if there is a blood clot in the middle, soak it in water for half an hour together with the beef tendon meat, and then wash it and set aside.

2. Add water to the pot, the amount of water can not exceed the ingredients, and then add the soaked beef heart, beef tendon meat, beef head and tripe, and finally add the green onion, cooking wine, ginger slices, dried chili peppers, cumin, seedless grass fruits, cinnamon, green peppercorns, fragrant leaves, white nuts, star anise, white root, tangerine peel, shanna.

3. Bring to low heat over high heat, salvage the boiled blood foam clean, cook for 15 minutes, remove the cow's head and tripe and drain the water, naturally let cool.

4. Continue to cook for 25 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, gently insert with chopsticks, drain the beef hearts and beef and let it cool naturally. 5 Use a colander to salvage the spices and scallions and ginger slices in the soup and set aside the soup.

6. Ingredients changed to knife treatment:

If there is still oil on the heart of the cow that needs to be removed, cut into uniform slices large and thin, about 2 cm wide and about 4-5 cm long;

b Beef cut into thin slices, the head of the bull removes the black part, especially the nose, and then changes the knife to thin slices;

c Tripe removes the villi on the surface and changes the knife to a thin sheet of 4 to 5 cm long.

Note: Tripe and beef are cooked, so the cooking time is relatively short, if it is raw, it needs to be cooked for 1 to 3 hours, depending on the tenderness of the ingredients bought, cooked until the tripe and beef head can be gently inserted with chopsticks


Third, the mixing of conjugal lung tablets

Bull head Beef Beef heart

Red oil

Tripe white brine soup

Crushed peanuts coriander soy sauce


Celery segments

White sesame sesame oil Pepper noodles Donggu soy sauce Balsamic vinegar

Pepper oil monosodium glutamate chicken essence white sugar

Tripe slices 40 g

Beef heart slices 40 g

Bull head slices 40 g

Beef fillet 40 g

Soy sauce 8 g Beautiful soy sauce

Soy sauce 10 g Donggu

Balsamic vinegar 2 g

Red oil 70 g

White brine soup 130 g

Celery segments 120 g

Parsley 2 g

15 g of fried crushed peanuts

10 g of fried cooked white sesame seeds

Sesame oil 8 g Jianhua

Peppercorn oil 15 g Wanfu

Chicken essence 5 g

MSG 5 g

Sugar 5 g

Salt 6 g

5:01 PM

Peppercorn noodles 1 g

Minced garlic 10 g

1. Place the fried peanuts on a cutting board and crush them for later.

2. Sauce and water preparation: add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar, balsamic vinegar, Meiji fresh soy sauce, Donggu soy sauce, pepper noodles, sesame oil, pepper oil, white sesame seeds, minced garlic, stir well together, stir until all the spices are dissolved, add red oil, stir evenly and set aside.

3 plates of bowls first add celery segments to the base, along one direction neatly placed on the ox head slices, beef slices, tripe slices, beef heart slices, when swinging pay attention to a three-dimensional sense, the good side of the display.

4. Drizzle evenly with the juice, sprinkle with crushed peanuts, put on the coriander and decorate it, and the husband and wife lung slices are made.

First, the production of red oil ear pieces

Pork ear cooking ingredient list

1 pig ear

25 g chopped green onion

Cooking wine 25 g

Green peppercorns 4 g

White Root 2 g

Dried chili pepper festival 8 g

Yamana 2 g

Pork ear mixing ingredient list

Soy sauce 30g Very fresh

Soy sauce 5 g beautiful and fresh

Pig ears 130 g

Dried eggs 100 g

5 g chopped green onion

Peppercorn oil 15 g

Sesame oil 10 g

Fried cooked white sesame seeds 10 g

Chicken essence 2 g

MSG 3 g

Sugar 7 g

1 peppercorn powder

Wash it with clean water, so that the owner who sells pig ears can burn it directly when buying it.

2. Add water to the pot, the amount of water can not exceed the ingredients, add ginger slices, green onion, cooking wine, green peppercorns, shan nai, dried peppers, baizhi, star anise, boil on high heat and cook for 30 minutes, if there is blood foam needs to be salvaged clean.

3. After cooking, turn off the heat, simmer for another 15 minutes, chopsticks can be gently inserted into it, fish out and put in cold water to cool.

4. Remove the ear core after cooling through, and then cut the pig ear into thin slices for later. 5 Preparation of red oil juice water: add sugar, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder, minced garlic, white sesame seeds, sesame oil, pepper oil, delicious soy sauce, beautiful fresh soy sauce, stir well together, stir until all the spices melt.

6 Plated bowl first add dried eggs and green onion (cut into horse ear shape) to beat the bottom, grab and mix evenly, stacked together, neatly place pig ears in one direction, pay attention to three-dimensional sense when swinging, and show the good side.

7 Evenly drizzle with red oil juice, sprinkle with green onions and decorate it, and the red oil ear pieces are made.

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