
Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

Today I will share with you a good cold dish --- red oil ear slices. This red oil ear tablet was loved by friends, and even when he went to dinner, he was forced to mix a copy and bring it over. People who can make good food have such a bitter life, and they have to do it themselves when they go out to eat, haha.

By the floating lake

1 pig ear

Two scoops of soy sauce (when cooking).

Ginger (for cooking) a few slices

Peppercorns (for cooking) 10 or so

3 or 4 scoops of chili pepper in red oil

1 teaspoon of peppercorns

1/4 scoop of peppercorn oil

1 teaspoon of sugar

1 scoop of light soy sauce

Salt to taste

1/4 scoop of sesame oil

Cold vinegar (optional) 1/4 scoop

Half a piece of ginger

4 or 5 garlic

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

1, pig ears bought back, burn on the fire for a while, burn until the skin is browned, and then soak in cold water, scrape and wash. We in Sichuan have the habit of burning skin when dealing with pork belly, pig trotters, pig ears, etc. If you don't like this step, you can omit it. ^_^

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

2. Because the process of burning pig ears and scraping and washing in the early stage is more time-consuming, it is necessary to pick up several pig ears at a time. The picture is of me scraping clean pig ears and hooves at a family dinner, as well as pork belly and tongue being cooked.

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

3: Boil water in a pot, put two spoonfuls of soy sauce, a few slices of ginger, a dozen peppercorns, boil the water and cook for about half an hour. Be careful that the pig ears are not too soft, otherwise it is not delicious, and it is not beautiful to cut out.

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

4. When boiling pig ears, you can prepare seasonings. Since it is a red oil pig ear, the most critical red oil pepper production, do not tire of repeating it. ^_^ Prepare paprika, peppercorns, vine peppers, star anise, and white sesame seeds. Moisten the paprika with a little soy sauce and mix well. I put in the peppercorns, vine peppers, and star anise. Some people like to chop some garlic and ginger in it, I don't like, I personally think, adding these two things, not long enough to preserve. Ginger and garlic saucers are needed, which can be made separately each time, freshly made to use, and more delicious. Burn the oil in the pot until it smokes. (Warm reminder: at this time, the wind of the range hood at home is how big and how big it is.) After 30 seconds of smoke, turn off the heat and let the oil cool for a while. Scoop a spoonful of oil on the paprika, first test, see the paprika in the joy of the waves, it means that the oil temperature is just right, you can continue to scoop the oil. The oil can't be cooled for too long, so the chili oil that comes out of that kind of refining is not fragrant. The correct step at this time should be to scoop the oil while stirring, and turn the paprika at the bottom as much as possible, without dead angle contact in all directions. ^_^ Finally, add the white sesame seeds while hot, mix well and stir well. The chili oil is refined and the aroma is fragrant! I use the enamel cup directly at home, or I can cool it and put it in a glass jar for sealed storage.

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

5: Mash ginger and garlic into mushrooms, and then prepare an appropriate amount of red oil chili pepper, pepper oil, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, pepper powder, salt, cold vinegar (according to taste).

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

6: Scoop up the cooked pig's ears and cool them. Try to be as cold as possible, so that it is in line with the purpose of cold dishes, and it is also easy to cut.

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

7, prepare a sharp knife, cold pig ears on the cutting board, first one for two, and then use the oblique knife method to slice into thin slices, the thinner the better, the time to show the knife work has arrived, haha.

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

8. Close-up of one of the pieces of pig ears. If you look closely, it is translucent. It doesn't matter if it doesn't piece, we cut it into silk, cut it into strips, we can all play to the fullest.

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

9, just those spices, put some, mix into the pig's ears, plate can be.

Summer cold dish - red oil ear slices

10, if you like heavy taste, it is also possible to pour two spoonfuls of red oil peppers.

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