
Only after middle age did I understand that the highest realm of loving a person was originally these two words

Only after middle age did I understand that the highest realm of loving a person was originally these two words

Author: Quan Dao Gu Xiaobei

True love for someone really doesn't need a reason.

I once watched a street interview, and I was very touched:

The interviewer asked the girl why the boy next to her was clearly not worthy of her, and why she wanted to continue the relationship. The girl asked the interviewer if he knew why Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching.

The interviewer shook her head, and the girl smiled and said, "Because Lao Tzu is willing." ”

In fact, it is true that when you really fall in love with a person, the eyes and hearts are each other, and you will treat the other party as your own sea of stars, she may not be good in the eyes of others, but in your eyes it is perfect and impeccable.

True love for a person really does not need a reason, as long as there is the word "willing" in the heart is enough, which is also the highest state of love for a person.

Only after middle age did I understand that the highest realm of loving a person was originally these two words


The person who loves you will treat you as the whole thing

If a person says that he loves you, but there is no light in his eyes and no you in his heart, then this love is most likely false. The person who loves you has a light in his eyes, as long as he sees you, his whole person will be excited, and his eyes will be full of love.

In the process of getting along, he is not willing to let you suffer a little grievance, gentle to you to the extreme, the eyes are all caused by you, he does not count how much he has done for you, nor will he complain to you because of trivial matters, and will carefully take care of you.

The French writer Romain Rolland once said:

"When you truly love someone, you will forget your own bittersweet gains and losses, and only care about the other party's bittersweet gains and losses." 」

I think so!

The love between Wang Xiaobo and Li Yinhe is believed to be familiar to many people. No one expected that the beautiful Li Yinhe could look at Wang Xiaobo, nor did they expect that their love would become a good story.

Just because he took one more look at Li Yinhe, Wang Xiaobo could no longer walk out, he fell in love with Li Yinhe at first sight, he eagerly confessed, eager to know the answer, willing to do anything for the galaxy.

Only after middle age did I understand that the highest realm of loving a person was originally these two words

At that time, he said almost everyone that the galactic people were like the stars in the sky, shining brightly. Those who don't know think that this is really the case, in fact, this is only in Wang Xiaobo's eyes, in the eyes of others, Li Yinhe may be particularly ordinary.

Wang Xiaobo once wrote in a letter to Li Yinhe:

"Do you want to know what my love for you is?" It is from the bottom of my heart that I like you, feel that your every move is very kind, and I am not happy that you like others more than I like. I'll cry if you like someone else, but I still like you. ”

You see, Li Yinhe may not be perfect, but in Wang Xiaobo's eyes, his heart is perfect, as long as he thinks of Li Yinhe, his whole person will be particularly excited, and every cell of the body is active, which is the best interpretation of love.

The person who loves you will treat you as the whole, and feel that meeting you in this life is the greatest care of Heaven for himself, even if the rest of his life is long, as long as you give an echo, then he will definitely live up to this life.


The person who loves you will believe in you without reservation

It has been said that trust is the cornerstone of a long-term relationship.

If no one trusts each other, even if they love each other deeply, they may change from the closest people to familiar strangers.

When a person loses his guard against you, don't think that the other party is stupid, he just completely loves you, if you know how to cherish, he will naturally accompany you for a lifetime, if you don't understand, when he is cold, he will leave.

Some people think that love is too complicated, in fact, love is not responsible, nothing more than love and no love, just like Zhang Ailing said:

"Love is not complicated, it comes and goes in just three words, either I love you, I hate you, or forget it, how are you, sorry." 」

If you love, you are all and will believe in you without reservation; if you don't love, you are nothing more than an irrelevant passerby.

Friend Ruolan told her husband to go out to socialize at night, and her husband was just a simple word.

Only after middle age did I understand that the highest realm of loving a person was originally these two words

After returning, Ruolan asked her husband:

"Girlfriends go out, their husbands are worried, left a phone right a phone, and you don't, are you not in love with me." 」

After she finished speaking, her husband smiled and said:

"It's not that I don't love you, but I love you too much, because I love you, so I believe that our love will not have any problems, so what do I have to worry about?" 」

At this moment, Ruolan understood that her husband had always regarded himself as a treasure and had always loved himself deeply, otherwise he would not have unconditionally chosen to believe.

After marriage, I finally understand that in the world of feelings, trust is the most important thing, and for a person who does not believe in you, no amount of love can be explained in vain; for those who believe in you, there is no need to explain at all.

It is really difficult for a person to fully trust you and completely pull out the true heart, but once the other party does this, then congratulations, this life is a good person, he will use all his strength for the rest of his life to accompany you to see the flowers blossom and fall, the clouds cirrus cloud Shu.

Only after middle age did I understand that the highest realm of loving a person was originally these two words


The person who loves you will protect you with all their strength

When a person regards you as his own, then he will definitely use all his strength to protect you, even if he cannot always avoid the risk for you, he will also accompany you to clear all obstacles for you.

Even if you leave this world, your heart is still thinking of you, and I hope that you will be happy forever.

I have seen a touching story on the Internet:

A couple went out to sea to play, and when they returned, the dinghy storm destroyed them, but fortunately the girlfriend grabbed a plank to save their lives.

When they were almost desperate, a freighter spotted them, and just as they were ecstatic, a group of sharks appeared, and at this time, the boy actually pushed the girl down and swam toward the freighter with a wooden board.

At this moment, the girl was desperate, she thought she would kill the shark's mouth, but she did not expect that the shark was not interested in her and swam straight to her boyfriend, who was violently bitten by the shark and quickly disappeared.

Only after middle age did I understand that the highest realm of loving a person was originally these two words

The girlfriend was rescued, and everyone on deck was in silence, but the girl said that the boy was a coward. At this time the captain said:

"He's not a coward, he's the bravest person, and he's the one who loves you the most, and if he hadn't pushed you away and cut his wrist with a knife to attract the shark, you would have died a long time ago."

After the captain finished speaking, the girl suddenly realized that he was the one who loved him the most, and it turned out that he was the one who wanted to protect his life.

The writer Bei Shu once said:

"A lot of love, maybe over the years, is not always on the lips, but it has melted into the bones and blood, carved into the body, and become an instinct." 」

When he treats protecting you as an instinct, how can he not love you?

Long road of life, may you meet someone who truly loves you, he may not be romantic or ritualistic, and he may not even be able to guess your careful thoughts, but as long as there is a heart that loves you, it is enough.

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