
Can endometrial problems go to Thailand to do IVF can improve the success rate of IVF?

Are there many people who come to Thailand for IVF because of endometrial problems? Come to understand - many people may wonder, Thailand, a small Southeast Asian country, how can so many people like to go there to do IVF? Because Thailand is actually a country with a very high level of medical care and service, people from Europe and the United States come to Thailand for vacation and treatment every year. Domestic families are no exception, so has anyone gone to Thailand for IVF with endometrial problems?

What are the reasons to go to Thailand for IVF

Can endometrial problems go to Thailand to do IVF can improve the success rate of IVF?

1. The 3rd generation of chromosome IVF technology is developed and can be legally selected.

2, Thailand IVF success rate is the world's leading, as high as 70%, China is generally only about 30%, the United States is the highest is about 65%-85%.

3, the cost is low, the middle class can afford it. Compared with the United States, the cost of the hospital is not more than 100,000 yuan, the road fare in China and Thailand is not more than 8,000 yuan, convenient and comfortable accommodation is economical and luxurious, and it is payable to meet your requirements.

4. Thailand can do intraserous sperm injection, choose the most advantageous sperm and egg conception, and raise a healthy baby.

5. Thailand can screen high-quality embryos, which is conducive to eugenics.

6, the medical procedures are simple, to Thailand to do IVF only need a passport and marriage certificate.

Endometrial problems Go to Thailand to do IVF How to improve the success rate of IVF

1, what kind of uterus is better?

Generally speaking, in order to protect the good condition of the uterine environment, as well as to ensure the implantation rate of embryos and the success rate of test tubes, it is often necessary to test and adjust the thickness of the endometrium. At the same time, the test tube will also conduct a general assessment and transfer simulation of the endometrial environment before the embryo transfer to ensure that the uterus is suitable for embryo transfer.

Generally speaking, the thickness of the endometrium with strong reception capacity and rich nutrition is the most suitable for the embryo, and the ideal endometrium thickness summarized by people is about 8-12mm.

2, how to regulate the endometrium?

First, supplementation with estrogen is an effective means of targeting thin endometrium

The estrogen that generally needs to be supplemented is divided into two kinds of exogenous estrogen and endogenous estrogen, of which the estrogen supplemented by oral and other methods is called exogenous estrogen, and the use of ovulation needles to promote the body to produce more estrogen, which is called endogenous estrogen.

Second, increase the thickness of the uterine lining to ensure that the blood supply to the uterus is sufficient

If you want to increase the thickness of the endometrium, you must pay attention to ensuring that the blood supply to the uterus is sufficient. Improving blood flow throughout the body will help promote blood flow in the pelvic area, which can help improve the environment of the endometrium. For example, exercise regularly and moderately.

Third, eat a reasonable diet

A healthy diet benefits the body's fat cells to produce more estrogen, which is helpful for improving the endometrium.

Fourth, increase the thickness of the endometrium by adding nutritional supplements or vitamins

Nutritional supplements or vitamins can help increase the thickness of the endometrium, and the intake of these nutritional supplements can indeed have a positive effect on the state of the endometrium. For example, vitamin E and arginine supplementation may improve the condition of the endometrium, while vitamin D may improve the outcome of embryo transfer. For more Ukrainian test tube information, please pay attention to Barbie Fruit!

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