
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles

Weilai electric vehicle, which has just exceeded 100,000 units in sales this year, recently released a new car that will be directed with Tesla's explosive Model 3 - ET5. And Li Bin, the CEO of Weilai for the new station platform, subsequently issued various outrageous speeches, but the entire car circle was greatly shocked...

"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles
"Can't figure out that there are still people buying fuel cars", Weilai boss public Diss full network fuel vehicles


Liu Yang,Liu Xiaomeng. Can eT5 become WEILAI's Model3[N].Beijing Business Daily, 2021-12-20(003).

Liu Kai,Zhai Yanan. The return to Hong Kong listing is blocked, sales are declining, and Weilai Automobile has suffered a "water reversal"? [N]. China Times

2021-09-20(013). DOI:10.28391/n.cnki.nhxsb.2021.000822.

[3] After Li Bin publicly dissed fuel vehicles, Weilai proposed a new goal: to turn "BBA" into "NBA"

[4] NIO ES8 charging car exposure: the largest mobile charging treasure in history.IT home

Yin Siyuan. Tianjin: "Private pile" can not be safe, hoping that public charging pile[N]. Economic Reference Newspaper

2021-11-05(006). DOI:10.28419/n.cnki.njjck.2021.006104

Yu Tianhao. What kind of dilemma is the public charging pile facing electric vehicles? [N]. China Environment News, 2021-09-01(004)


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Ray ray had something to say

Although the car environment of domestic pure electric vehicles is getting better and better every day, it is actually far from reaching the level of completely replacing fuel vehicles.

Just a few days after Li Bin's incident came out, the Central Finance and Economics reported a news article entitled "New energy vehicles are difficult to charge, and the winter basically relies on robbery", and the situation in the news video is completely incompatible with Li Bin's description...

Because most of the pure electric vehicles in the winter low temperature endurance attenuation, the problem of increased power consumption can not be completely solved for the time being, just forced to shorten the charging frequency of the number of online car, taxis are not a lot, which directly leads to the public charging station is full.

The owner of the electric car who does not have a private charging pile at home, if he wants to use the car normally the next day, he can only get up at three or four o'clock in the middle of the night and go to various public charging stations to try his luck.

Electric vehicles that support power exchange also have to queue up in the replacement power station. After all, the batteries in the replacement power station also need time to recharge, and there are more cars to change the power at all, and even some of the batteries in the replacement power station are not fully charged, and they are forced to install the car.

So if this embarrassment is still continuing, blindly promote "full electric", minute electric vehicle owners in the winter, they will have to team up to fight in the subway and bus...

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