
The deputy commander greeted the commander in his post, but at first glance he was stunned: Is this not the small soldier I captured that year?


Xu Xilin's "Out of the Plug" wrote: "Only to solve the sand field for the death of the country, why should Ma Ge wrap the body back." "When the country is in trouble, there are always groups of enthusiastic men and children who stand up at the time of the country's life and death to save the country and the people from water and fire." It doesn't mean that they don't want to live at all costs, but they are willing to use more of their strength to contribute to the people. When righteousness is present, personal life and death are less important.


The wish of many veterans when they join the army is peace in their homeland and stable borders. And when the country needs to develop, they will dedicate their youth and intellectual wealth to contribute to the development of the motherland. Just like xu Huizi, the protagonist of today's story.

The deputy commander greeted the commander in his post, but at first glance he was stunned: Is this not the small soldier I captured that year?

▲Xu Huizi old photo (far right)

One day in 1983, Huang Daxuan, deputy commander of the 39th Army, was ordered to receive the newly appointed commander. In order to show the welcome of the military commander in the barracks, Huang Daxuan brought the staff officers and division commanders of their units to the front of the battalion to show his attention to the new commander. But when Huang Daxuan saw the new commander, he was stunned, wasn't this new commander the same creep he had captured before? How to jump up and become his boss.

The deputy commander greeted the commander in his post, but at first glance he was stunned: Is this not the small soldier I captured that year?

▲Oil painting of the Liberation War

The story goes back in time to 1948. This year, China was in the midst of a war of liberation, and in October, the field army in the northeast completely surrounded Shenyang. Shenyang, as the largest stronghold of the Nationalist army in the northeast, at this time their commander-in-chief Wei Lihuang had already transferred, only to give the defense of Shenyang to the commander of the 8th Corps Zhou Fucheng, however, this unit was not defended, the People's Liberation Army divided into multiple columns, from all sides of Shenyang to make a breakthrough, it did not take long, Shenyang was opened on all sides. It was this overwhelming attack that made the nationalist army lose its fighting spirit for a while, and also allowed our army to quickly invade the city.


The fighting nationalist army was quickly captured, and Huang Daxuan, the commander of the sharp knife company, first captured the city's defense officer Zhou Fucheng and the senior officials here, because of this achievement, Huang Daxuan was also praised by the chief. In addition to these high-ranking officials, they also captured a number of Nationalist soldiers. Because war inevitably had attrition, Huang Daxuan hoped to select some people from this pile of captives as recruits in the sharp knife company.

The deputy commander greeted the commander in his post, but at first glance he was stunned: Is this not the small soldier I captured that year?

▲ Old photos of nationalist soldiers

There was a tall man in the crowd who immediately attracted Huang Daxuan's attention, because he saw that this tall man was not only strong and strong, but also full of spirit, which was a good piece of material at first glance. Huang Daxuan, who cherished talent, naturally would not let go of such a talent, and he immediately walked up to this tall man and learned that this tall man was called Xu Huizi, who used to be a machine gunner. Huang Daxuan looked around him a few more times, and then asked him if he would like to join his sharp knife company.

The deputy commander greeted the commander in his post, but at first glance he was stunned: Is this not the small soldier I captured that year?

▲Stills of the New Fourth Army

The other soldiers couldn't even think of the opportunity, but they didn't expect Xu Huizi to tell Huang Daxuan that the northeast was liberated and what he was doing as a soldier, and he now wanted to go home even more. However, Huang Daxuan did not let him go home, but told him that although the northeast was liberated, China was not yet fully liberated, and Guannei was the next destination. As a result, Xu Huizi followed Huang Daxuan to stay in the Sharp Knife Company and transformed into a People's Liberation Army. And Xu Huizi did not live up to Huang Daxuan's expectations, and in the subsequent battles of Pingjin and Guangxi, he charged into the battlefield and made great and small achievements.

The deputy commander greeted the commander in his post, but at first glance he was stunned: Is this not the small soldier I captured that year?

▲ "Korean War" old photo

However, the two did not fight side by side all the time, and the reorganization of the troops temporarily separated them. Xu Huizi followed his unit to the Korean battlefield. On the Korean battlefield, he continued to play his super high combat level, and in the first to fifth battles, he charged forward.


After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Xu Huizi also returned to China with the troops, after which he did not go to the battlefield again, but was sent to a military academy to study. In the military academy, Xu Huizi is also a diligent and earnest study, and the cultural level and professional level are constantly improving. At the same time, his position was like a rocket, and he was promoted very quickly, and in 1983, he was promoted to the commander of the 39th Army.

The deputy commander greeted the commander in his post, but at first glance he was stunned: Is this not the small soldier I captured that year?

▲Photo of Xu Huizi

Huang Daxuan was also very shocked by the achievements of a small soldier who was selected by himself to enter the sharp knife company, but at the same time, he was also happy for Xu Huizi, and the higher his achievements, it also proved that he had not looked at the wrong person. If it weren't for him, this military commander would probably have returned to his hometown in the northeast, where can he still see his style on the battlefield.


When the old people met each other, they were naturally full of emotions, not to mention that this was still a comrade-in-arms who had fought side by side. Although the world has been at peace, they may never have the opportunity to go to the battlefield again in this lifetime, but the veterans have done their best for the independence and rise of the motherland. Their names may be forgotten, but their exploits will surely go down in history and will be remembered throughout the ages.


"Out of the Jam"

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