
The baby girl who was just 7 days old actually came to "menstruation", and the answer given by the doctor made Bao Mom blush

Menstruation is one of the important signs of female sexual maturity, and the age of women's first menstruation is generally 11 to 19 years old. However, you certainly haven't heard of a baby girl who has been born for just a week to menstruate.

The baby girl who was just 7 days old actually came to "menstruation", and the answer given by the doctor made Bao Mom blush

Ms. Li gave birth to a daughter last week, and finally got her wish to "have both children and daughters", the whole family is very happy, especially Ms. Li's husband, as long as he has time, he will hold his daughter and sing nursery rhymes to her daughter, and her daughter is not willing to put it down when she is asleep. The birth of a woman adds a lot of happiness to the whole family, and the family is happy and harmonious.

However, on the 6th day after the birth of her daughter, when Ms. Li changed her daughter's diaper, she found that there were some blood stains on the diaper, and the amount was not bad. Ms. Li carefully examined her daughter's buttocks and other parts, and did not see any scars, which frightened Ms. Li, thinking that she had some incurable disease, and quickly took her daughter to the children's hospital. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor made a detailed examination, diagnosed the newborn with "false menstruation", and told Ms. Li that there is no need to worry, "false menstruation" is a normal physiological phenomenon, no need to do any treatment, generally last for about a week will disappear naturally. Hearing the words "menstruation", Bao Mama's face turned red.

The baby girl who was just 7 days old actually came to "menstruation", and the answer given by the doctor made Bao Mom blush

Why do newborn baby girls come to "menstruation"?

Some newborn baby girls will have vaginal hemorrhagic discharge shortly after birth. This is a physiological phenomenon that occurs when newborns are affected by hormones in the mother's body. When the fetus is in the mother's body, after being affected by the mother's estrogen infused by the placenta, the cells of the vaginal mucosa will proliferate and become hyperemic. Once the baby is born with a sudden interruption in the source of estrogen, it will cause the original proliferating and hyperemic cells to fall off and drain from the vagina, so that the above situation occurs, which is medically called false menstruation.

This condition occurs mostly within a few weeks after the birth of a female baby, and is usually more common after birth from 5-7 days, generally after 3 days can gradually disappear, and a few can be 7-10 days. Therefore, when the baby girl has this phenomenon, the mother does not have to panic. In general, no special treatment is required for this phenomenon. If there is too much secretion, care should be taken to keep the local skin clean. The vulva can be washed 2-3 times a day with warm hot water, and if necessary, the vulva can be cleaned with soft and clean gauze or cotton swabs, dipped in light potassium permanganate water. However, do not apply topical dressings or dressings, which can cause irritation and infection. Bathe baby girls with false menstruation, do not use a tub, shower or wash the vulva with running water. If the bloody secretion is too much, the duration is too long, or the vaginal discharge is yellow purulent and foul-smelling, the baby should be taken to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time.

The baby girl who was just 7 days old actually came to "menstruation", and the answer given by the doctor made Bao Mom blush

Private care for baby girls

Don't think that after october of pregnancy, you will be fine, when the baby is born, the nursing efforts of the newborn can not be sloppy at all. Especially for female babies, because of the special physiological structure of women, it is especially necessary to be vigilant against the invasion of bacteria. Wipe off dirt from the front and back with a wet towel after defecation; wipe it clean even after urinating; there is also easy dirt in the cracks at the base of the thighs, so you should pull the cracks out, gently wipe them clean, and then put on a diaper after the little ass is completely dry. In addition, baby girls should wear panties early, and must not wear open crotch pants.

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