
Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

Looking back at the Republic of China era, Chiang Kai-shek can also be regarded as a figure who was in the limelight and covered half of the country with one hand, and he followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the national revolution at the beginning, and later completely took over all the military power of the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang clique grew under his administration, but he always pursued the goal of staying away from the people and practicing dictatorship.

There was no way to gain a foothold in the autocracy of not thinking about the people, so he was finally abandoned by history and witnessed the whole process of the national clique from rise to decay.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

Chiang Kai-shek had many of his men, and there were many capable of them, and there were many who could be appreciated and reused by him, but there was only one that he trusted deeply. Who is so capable of enjoying all the trust of Lao Jiang exclusively?

First, the unique employment principle

When Chiang Kai-shek led the Kuomintang government, he had three principles for employing people, Article 1: This person must be his hometown, Article 2: He must be a capable person from Huangpu, and Article 3: He must always remain loyal to himself.

There are not many people who can meet all three at the same time. Generals like Zhang Xueliang and Li Zongren were satisfied, but although they would be included in Chiang Kai-shek's own formation, they would never be given military power, which also made the Kuomintang have a lot of controversy later.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

In addition to the two people just mentioned, there are several people who can meet Chiang Kai-shek's conditions for employing people, but Chiang Kai-shek does not have complete trust in them, but is wary everywhere. Chiang Kai-shek's defensiveness is so heavy, who in the end can win his trust alone?

Second, Tang Enbo, who was deeply favored by Chiang Kai-shek

Speaking of Tang Enbo's achievements, the first thing that comes to mind is the Battle of Taierzhuang, in which he participated, when Tang Enbo was in charge of several tank divisions, and Li Zongren's plan was to fight the enemy on the front line of the campaign, and then let Tang Enbo's tank troops attack the enemy from both sides, catching him by surprise.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

However, Tang Enbo did not send his own tank corps for several days, which caused Li Zongren to lose a lot of soldiers. By the time Tang Enbo ordered an attack on the enemy, Li Zongren's troops had already lost a large number of talents, which barely drove the Japanese army away from Taierzhuang.

After the end of the war, Li Zongren bitterly rebuked Tang Enbo for this behavior, but Tang Enbo was indifferent to Chiang Kai-shek's own goodness, and Li Zongren's opinion of him could only be buried in his heart.

Tang Enbo also performed very well in the Battle of Nankou, when Chiang Kai-shek asked him to hold his position for three days, but what he did not expect was that he and his men actually held out for twenty days and severely attacked the Japanese army, and Chiang Kai-shek has been very admiring and appreciative of him ever since.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

If you see this and think that Tang Enbo is a man with a backbone, it is a big mistake, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he obeyed the command of the Japanese everywhere, and this behavior immediately angered the people in the country. What is even more infuriating is that he actually secretly sent a Japanese general back to Japan, and after the incident was exposed, the people in China scolded him.

Even if Tang Enbo did such a thing, Chiang Kai-shek's attitude toward him still did not change, but on the contrary, he was given a heavy responsibility, which shows the degree of confusion in Chiang Kai-shek's use of people. Later, Chiang Kai-shek let Tang Enbo stick to Shanghai, and as a result, Shanghai was soon occupied by the People's Liberation Army, at which time Chiang Kai-shek fully saw Tang Enbo's strength and drove him to Japan.

Second, Chen Cheng, whose situation is changeable

Chen Cheng's relationship with Chiang Kai-shek was very close, and he not only satisfied Chiang Kai-shek's three principles for employing people, but also his son-in-law. However, Chen Cheng did not have much military achievements. It was not until before the Kuomintang was defeated that Chiang Kai-shek sent Chen Cheng to be the first official, which shows that Chiang Kai-shek has pressed the rest of his life on Chen Cheng, and it can also be seen how much he trusts Chen Cheng.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

After Chen Cheng arrived in Taiwan, the first thing he did was to govern the people's livelihood, improve some malpractical systems, and carry out the agrarian revolution, so that the local people were very grateful to him. Chiang Kai-shek saw that Chen Cheng could be loved by the people and was also very impressed with him.

Until one time Chiang Kai-shek was forced to announce his resignation, when Li Zongren was the acting president, one day Li Zongren wanted to hold a meeting, Chen Cheng did not ask Chiang Kai-shek's suggestion and went directly, which made him feel very angry, and since then the two people have begun to have a gap.

Later, when Chiang Kai-shek was repulsed to Taiwan, he was embarrassed to see that the people loved Chen Cheng. In his later years, Lao Jiang originally wanted his son to take over his position, but Chen Cheng's power became more and more large, which forced him to take some extreme measures against Chen Cheng.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

Third, Gu Zhutong, who is deeply trusted

Gu Zhutong was not favored and trusted by Chiang Kai-shek at the beginning, and later he performed very well in the Xi'an Incident, and Chiang Kai-shek began to slowly identify with Gu Zhutong. At that time, Jiang Jie was detained in Xi'an, Gu Zhutong accepted orders from his superiors to go on a crusade against Zhang Xueliang, and a few days later, Song Meiling came to talk to Gu Zhutong.

Song Meiling asked Gu Zhutong to consider the safety of old Jiang and not to force Zhang Xueliang to be anxious, Gu Zhutong said that he would definitely ensure that the committee members looked safe, and swore that he had never had any different intentions. After the old Chiang Kai-shek came out safely, Soong Mei-ling told Chiang Kai-shek about her conversation with Gu Zhutong, and since then, Chiang Kai-shek has had great trust in Gu Zhutong.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?

Later, Gu Zhutong always accompanied Chiang Kai-shek, and for Chiang Kai-shek, he was not only a subordinate, but also assumed military duties and helped him to give advice. As long as Chiang Kai-shek has something to do, then the decision on everything will be left to Gu Zhutong. Later, after the Kuomintang was repulsed to Taiwan, Gu Zhutong advised him at Chiang Kai-shek's side.

Moreover, Gu Zhutong's greatest advantage is loyalty, he will not think about developing his own forces, this is the point where Old Jiang trusts him. Moreover, Gu Zhutong had repeatedly told Chiang Kai-shek how to plan a counterattack on the mainland, but this idea was soon broken by the heroic and fearless People's Liberation Army.

Gu Zhutong has been loyal to Chiang Kai-shek all his life, and saying one thing is not the same, which can also repay Chiang Kai-shek's kindness for entrusting him with heavy responsibilities, and it is also a very rare thing to be able to gain the trust of Chiang Kai-shek, who has such a heavy sense of defense.

Chiang Kai-shek has many confidants and loves, but who is he who can always win his trust?


Even with chiang kai-shek's large number of subordinates, he could not change the internal disputes of the Kuomintang, because he never put the interests of the people first, but valued his own interests. As long as anyone contradicts him, he will overthrow whomever he wants, and this kind of dictatorial rule cannot stand for a long time. Therefore, in his lifetime, there was only one Gu Zhutong who was loyal to him, which was really an ironic thing.

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