
Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

author:Good wine little discipline

Introduction: Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

Many places in the world are the birthplace of wine culture, so different wine varieties and drinking cultures have been born.

Red wine is a generic term for wine and is popular all over the world.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

Since the introduction of red wine to China, baijiu has ushered in a fierce enemy, especially in the drinking culture, which is basically the opposite.

Since ancient times, Chinese like to drink heavily, the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai once said: "Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle and for pleasure, you will have to drink three hundred cups", friends come, since good wine and good food, not drunk and not return to show heroism.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

Although today's liquor is not an ancient wine, people no longer drink "heavy drink" as the standard, but once on the wine table, adhering to the principle of "not drinking and not getting off the table", others will try to pour you full, otherwise it is the insult of "poor hospitality".

However, this is not the case with red wine culture, and careful friends will find that in general, in high-end occasions, people generally only pour "one-third" of their drinking.

According to the drinking culture we Chinese, one-third seems to be a bit "small-minded".

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

Not really!

Experienced people will tell you that one-third of red wine pour is the drinking culture of foreigners, foreigners pay attention to gentlemanly demeanor and elegance, and pour full in their view is more "alternative".

Pour a third of the red wine, gently shake the wine glass, the red wine in the glass shines under the light, both romantic and stylish, the whole person looks at the temperament, this is the drinking culture of red wine, it can also be said to be a etiquette rule.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

In fact, the reason why red wine is only poured one-third is far more than as simple as it seems, and the knowledge is deep! I dare to pack the ticket, 9 adults do not understand the deep meaning of it!

Let's start with the "shaking glass" described above.

Pouring a third can leave more space to shake in case it spills or splashes, and the action of shaking the wine glass is indeed elegant and temperamental, which can give yourself extra points.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

In addition, "shaking the wine glass" has 2 deep effects:

1. Decanting

As we all know, drinking red wine generally requires decanting, especially medium and high-end red wine.

If there is no decanting, then the flavor of red wine is relatively tight and restrained, and the taste is not too good.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

Therefore, people who drink red wine will use the decanter to decant the wine before drinking.

What if I don't have a decanter? You can't always open the bottle and keep it there, if you are in a hurry to drink, the broccoli is cold!

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

At this time, our goblet comes in handy, pouring a third of the red wine, shaking the glass, so that the red wine can maximize contact with the air, thereby accelerating the oxidation of red wine.

After a few minutes of decanting, the aroma of red wine began to stretch, like the "sleeping beauty" who woke up, and the red wine at this time was more soft and mellow.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

If you pour too much, one is inconvenient to shake, increasing the risk of spilling or splashing; the other is difficult to efficiently decant, pouring three points is just right.

2. Observe the hanging cup

People who like red wine not only like to drink, but also like to taste.

During the wine tasting process, we can judge the quality and approximate vintage of the wine, and connoisseurs and sommeliers usually do not rush to drink, but first observe the color of the wine or the phenomenon of hanging cups.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

When you pour a third of it and shake the glass, you can not only wake up the wine, but also clearly observe the "wine tears" (hanging cup phenomenon). Generally speaking, the more obvious the "wine tears", the more viscous the wine quality, and the better the quality of the wine.

If the pour is too full, it is difficult to clearly observe the phenomenon of hanging cups, so from a professional point of view, pouring one-third also has its scientific reason.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

In addition to the analysis from the perspective of "shaking the wine glass", there are also reasons why Westerners like to drink red wine "slow drinking and tasting", only one-third of it, in order to let you slowly enjoy the mellow and pleasant feeling brought by red wine, rather than the "swallowing jujube style" of ignorance.

Therefore, drinking red wine is only poured by one-third, not only a superficial phenomenon, but also hidden some deep meaning, but not many people understand, many people mistakenly think that it is a rule that Westerners have made out of nothing.

Why only pour "one-third" cup of red wine? I dare to pack tickets, 9 adults do not understand

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