
Hunan National Painting Museum 丨 "Ren Ren Leshan Hanmo Chuan - Liu Shanming Painting Exhibition" was held

Hunan National Painting Museum 丨 "Ren Ren Leshan Hanmo Chuan - Liu Shanming Painting Exhibition" was held

The paintings of Mr. Liu Shanming, who is 86 years old, are large and freehand landscapes, thick and thin. The original "one stroke drawing method" that is "intended to be behind the pen", the brush meaning is connected, and the whole is integrated.

Red Net Moment January 2 (Reporter Li Dan Correspondent Luo Yifei) On January 1, the "Ren ren Leshan Hanmo Circulation - Liu Shanming Painting Exhibition" opened in Hunan Chinese Painting Museum. The exhibition will run until January 7 and is free to the public.

Hunan National Painting Museum 丨 "Ren Ren Leshan Hanmo Chuan - Liu Shanming Painting Exhibition" was held

Liu Shanming explained his painting process to many audiences at the opening ceremony.

The hundreds of works exhibited in this exhibition were all created by Liu Shanming during his life in Hunan. Liu Shanming has studied Chinese landscape painting since childhood, traveled all over the country, is good at learning from nature, learning from ancient and modern Chinese and foreign masters, is a proud disciple of Master Liu Haili, and is known as one of the important figures of China's contemporary freehand landscapes. Today, at the age of 86, he still concentrates on large-scale freehand landscapes, accumulating thick and thin hair, and creating an original "one stroke painting method" that is "intended to be behind the pen", the brush intention is connected, and the integration is integrated. It is not difficult to see the imprint of Haili art in his works: concise pen and ink, vigorous lines, and magnificent waves; with emotion and vivid rhyme, it constitutes the general tone of his large-scale landscape.

Hunan National Painting Museum 丨 "Ren Ren Leshan Hanmo Chuan - Liu Shanming Painting Exhibition" was held

The paintings of Liu Shanming on display at the Hunan National Painting Museum were exhibited by the audience.

Pin Liu Shanming's paintings are the same as watching him paint, giving people a strong visual impact and spiritual shock. He paints with a scattered brush center, there is sound in the painting, there is emotion in the pen, there is a whole in the chaos, and it is surprising in the flat. His works are rich in objects, full of composition, brushwork, ink and water methods complement each other, he can organically combine figuration and abstraction in the same picture, showing the artistic conception of "spring mountains containing feelings, summer mountains like drunkenness, autumn mountains spitting, winter mountains like sleep", making people have a sense of confusion, his works are not ordinary visual imagery, but with a magical state of mind.

Hunan National Painting Museum 丨 "Ren Ren Leshan Hanmo Chuan - Liu Shanming Painting Exhibition" was held
Hunan National Painting Museum 丨 "Ren Ren Leshan Hanmo Chuan - Liu Shanming Painting Exhibition" was held

Liu Shanming has always emphasized that Chinese painting art has always advocated masculine beauty and masculinity. His paintings seem invisible, but in fact, they have long been observed in detail, and they are clear in the heart, quiet as rabbits, and running like hearts. A load of pen will enter no one, and write down what you think in your heart with pen and ink. Formed in form and thrown pen in disregard, thinking alone.

After the opening ceremony, more than 30 people from the cultural and artistic circles, critics and collection circles participated in the exhibition seminar and highly praised Liu Shanming's exhibition works. The exhibition was sponsored by the World Lao Tzu Fellow Taoist Research Association and Hunan Chinese Painting Museum, and co-organized by Hunan Pinzang Trade Co., Ltd., Hunan Guoding Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., and Hunan Chuanjia Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

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