
Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

Why has "The Awakening of All Nations" been able to spread all over the country? If you look at heroes like Genghis Khan, Alexander, Caesar, you know.

Mao Zedong once said: "A generation of tianjiao, Genghis Khan only knows how to bend the bow and shoot the big eagle", but he did not deny the hegemony of Genghis Khan's generation of tianjiao.

How powerful was Genghis Khan and his Mongol Empire? Thomas Mann once commented:

"Asia is devouring us, and the Tatars have come to the world!"

The Mongol Empire never once sent a large-scale legion of more than 100,000 men, but in 25 years it conquered a territory more extensive than the Roman Empire had conquered in 400 years.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

From the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean coast, the iron horses of Mongolian warriors splashed water on every river and lake.

At its height, the Mongol Empire covered between 28.4 million and 31.08 million square kilometers, and Genghis Khan conquered thirty countries and more than three billion people. The territory of our country reached its peak in the Yuan Dynasty.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

Genghis Khan and his Mongolian Iron Horse once frightened the world, but Genghis Khan was born into an ordinary and poor family.

He grew up in a world of tribal violence rife with murder, kidnapping and enslavement.

The film "Genghis Khan" starring Schenkova details the life of a generation of great genghis Khan - Temujin.

As can be seen from the movie, Genghis Khan's success stems from the inheritance of his parents' strong genes, his father's words and deeds, his own sense of belief, and the spirit of constantly breaking through himself.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

The 32-year-old Schenkova plays Temujin's mother, Ha Erlun, whose birth was like a tragedy at first, and his arrival ended his mother's love and father's life, leaving the entire family covered with a gray and hungry atmosphere.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

In the vast steppe, believing that power is the truth, Temujin's mother is a beautiful woman on the grassland, and she will of course marry a rich and powerful tribe.

Temujin's father was born in a down-and-out family, and he didn't have money to beg for his wife, so he came up with a plan to rob the marriage and snatched away Ha Erlun.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

Ha Erlun, who was not yet 16 years old at the time, showed amazing composure in the matter of snatching marriages, telling her husband:

"Run, you leave me, as long as you live, you can find a girl as beautiful as me, but if you don't run today, you will die!"

After saying that, she pulled out her own underwear and gave it to her husband, "If you want me, smell the underwear, it accompanies you just like me." ”

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

At the age of 16, Ha Erlun showed the wisdom and composure of ordinary people, she knew that her love was over, and the first thing that mattered was to save her lover's life. Crying and struggling is no longer useful.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

Genghis Khan inherited the wisdom and calmness of his mother, the courage and good war in his father, only to become a generation of overlords, Genghis Khan later thanked the most is also his mother, he drew a lot of strength from his mother.

When Genghis Khan was born, his father named him Temujin, the name of the tribe he had defeated. "Temujin?" Hao Erlun looked at her husband, puzzled but could only lower her eyebrows and bear with it.

Born in Inner Mongolia, Schenkova aptly interprets this character trait of the Mongolian girl Ha Erlun, and when her husband is alive, her eyes contain forbearance and low obedience.

As soon as her husband died, she immediately changed into a sharp and strong face, and she single-handedly supported the task of raising 7 children.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

After the death of their husbands, the clan abandoned their mother and son 7 people, seeing them as a burden. He rode on horseback and held the banner of his deceased husband in a circle around the tribesmen who were preparing to relocate.

Her thought was that even if they abandoned her, she would use this way to humiliate her deceased husband's people and make them leave with uneasiness and guilt.

The clan members, who had a strong family concept, were ashamed to face Ha Erlun and fled overnight. After the tribesmen left, the life of The Erlun was extremely difficult.

She can only live by digging wild vegetables, beating rats and wild dogs, and from time to time she will be violated by her husband's eldest son, and the poor life and the patience of her mother have made Temujin train from an early age to achieve the goal of getting ahead and a strong will like her mother.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

When Temujin was in his 10s, he was chased by the enemy, he hid in the wool pile, the enemy stabbed the wool with a knife and fork, his arm was injured several times, he was stunned and did not scream, after the enemy left, he slowly crawled out.

As a minor, he killed his brother who violated his mother, formed alliances with other tribes to hunt, and learned early on to form alliances and control others.

At that time, many countries in the world were awakened from their slumber by the Mongol Iron Horse, and they always thought that Genghis Khan was a bloodthirsty and murderous man who did not blink.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

It is true that Temujin had no formal education, and his level of education and control over culture was inferior to that of Kublai Khan, but many people overlooked his charm, wisdom, and military talents.

When Temujin got married, his wife offered his future father-in-law a mink coat, and Temujin felt that his father was dead, so he thought of a way to dedicate this dress to his father's friends before he died.

Of course, he did not forget that after the death of their father, no one cared about their orphans and widows, but for the great cause he was trying to do, he would still condescend to his father:

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

"Dad, you are the blue sky and the prairie, and with your protection, the child can gallop like an eagle."

Like Zhuge Liang, he had the world in his heart and understood the situation in the world. In his dilapidated house, he used crock pots to set up the positions of various tribes, thinking day and night about how to unify the world.

Genghis Khan was seriously injured, and his subordinates smuggled across the river naked in order to give him a sip of horse milk wine, and the Mongolian naked body was an insult. Usually killing captives will strip them of their clothes.

There was a river in front of him, and he could give Genghis Khan water to drink, but he still chose to cross the river naked to steal horse milk for him, because he did not wear clothes, and once he was discovered by the enemy, he could tell the other party that he was a prisoner who had escaped by chance.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

Genghis Khan's personal charm can be seen, and another important reason why his Mongolian iron horse can smooth the world is the superiority of grain and grass and weapons.

As the saying goes, when the three armies go into battle, the grain and grass go first. But the Ironwood Mongol Iron Horse did not need grain and grass, their horses could eat wild grass and drink dew, and the soldiers filled their stomachs by hunting.

His troops can cut their own wood to build weapons, and they have super imitation ability, they have their own world arsenal, but in any country that has fought with them, they can learn the strength of each other's weapons and weapons.

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

Later Mongol iron horses could even create weapons that could spew fire and explode.

He is also very good at arranging formations, just like the experience of foreign brothers playing "Awakening of All Nations":

"Don't fight with Chinese, Chinese's martial arts can only be used by Chinese, you always feel that you have an advantage, but you will still lose in the end." 」

The scholar Nero said, "Alexander and Caesar were very small before Genghis Khan."

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

Alexander the Great died at the age of thirty-three in the mysterious environment of Babylon, Caesar was killed, Napoleon was imprisoned, and only Genghis Khan lived to the age of 70 and died in his tent.

After his death, his spiritual flag always flew under the open "Immortal Heaven" revered by the Mongols.

Many men have a dream of being a general, and like Kangxi, taste the addiction of Phi Jian, whose crusade against Geldan was the ancient road of Genghis Khan into Beijing:

"It was from this ancient road that Temujin entered Beijing, leaving half of the Song Dynasty, and now, this ancient road will help the world to be established."

Schenkova: How can a woman who is violated and eats rats and lives can cultivate a generation of natural pride?

The "Awakening of All Nations", which incarnated as a historical celebrity, fought against the civilizations of various countries, defended territory and sovereignty, and opened up territory, has become the favorite of countless history fans.

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