
Honey juice yam, healthy spleen to dispel dampness and nourish the stomach, the taste is sweet and young people love to eat, super delicious and nutritious

author:Ann with truffles

Yam, the effect of dispelling dampness and strengthening the spleen is particularly good, making a sweet honey yam, which can not only enhance the resistance, but also relieve hunger. The elderly and children are very fond of eating, the method is very simple, let's learn it together!


500g yam, 20g rock sugar, 50g honey, 1 goji berries, 50g water.

Honey juice yam, healthy spleen to dispel dampness and nourish the stomach, the taste is sweet and young people love to eat, super delicious and nutritious


1, first rinse the goji berries, soak them in warm water and set aside;

2, wash the yam, wear gloves to peel off the skin, cut into long strips or thick slices, as you like;

Honey juice yam, healthy spleen to dispel dampness and nourish the stomach, the taste is sweet and young people love to eat, super delicious and nutritious

3: Heat a pot of boiling water, boil and then put the yam into the pot and blanch for about 1 minute, drain the water and put it on the plate, sprinkle the soaked goji berries on the surface of the yard of yam;

3, heat the wok, pour water into the rock sugar, simmer the rock sugar on a low heat, then pour some honey, boil until the pot bubbles, you can get away from the fire, pour the boiled honey juice evenly on the yam and you can eat it!

Honey juice yam, healthy spleen to dispel dampness and nourish the stomach, the taste is sweet and young people love to eat, super delicious and nutritious

Let the food become homely, share it with the family, and live up to the love and food!

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