
Shandong specialty food - honey juice yam

author:Duo Duo loves to eat pears

Hello everyone, I'm a blossom. The dish introduced to you today is called honey yam. Honey yam this dish belongs to Lu cuisine, which is our Specialty Food in Shandong. Honey yam is characterized by sweetness, in addition to it can also nourish the brain and blood. It is soft and appetizing to eat, and it is very suitable for the elderly and children.

Shandong specialty food - honey juice yam
Shandong specialty food - honey juice yam

The raw materials of honey yam are: yam, goji berries, sugar, osmanthus paste, oil, kumquat, raisins, sugar, honey, black sesame seeds.

The method of making honey yam is as follows:

1: Put on gloves, wash the yam, peel it, cut it into 1 cm square, 5 cm long strips, soak it in water to avoid oxidation and blackening, and drain it before using it. Soak the goji berries in water and set aside.

2: Put enough oil in the pot (can not pass the yam), when it is 70% hot, put in the yam section and fry it over medium heat until it turns slightly yellow, drain the oil.

3: Pour out the oil in the pot, wash the pot, add the right amount of water (about 100ml), add sugar and simmer.

4: When the sugar water becomes thick like syrup, add yam and goji berries and stir-fry well.

5: Stir-fry the osmanthus sauce and get out of the pot.

The above is the way to make honey yam, if you want to know more about food, you can pay attention to me!

Shandong specialty food - honey juice yam

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