
Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

Almost all children love to doodle, and every day is no exception. When I was a child, I was very sensitive to color every day, and when I could hold a pen, I began to graffiti on the ground and walls.

In fact, at the beginning, every day because of the limitations of their own mobility, there was no graffiti, but only on the small book given by the mother, but when the day was gradually able to run freely, they began to paint on the walls, furniture and other places at home.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

Such a situation makes the mother of the day contradictory, stop the child, after all, graffiti is a child's interest, if you stifle the child's interest, it will definitely have a certain impact on the child's growth.

But don't stop the child, seeing this beautifully decorated home is about to be destroyed by the child, every time the child graffiti, the mother has to scrub and wash and repair.

Later, my mother bought a special drawing board for Tiantian and wanted to let Tiantian doodle on the drawing board, so as to ensure that the family environment was clean and tidy.

However, although she also scribbled on the drawing board every day, she did not do it without graffiti in other places, and my mother still needed to scrub furniture and walls every day.

At this time, Dad gave Mom an idea. On this day, when he scribbled on the wall every day, his father did not stop Tiantian, but took a few pieces of chocolate that he loved to eat every day, and said that if he painted on the wall every day, he would have chocolate to eat, and there would be no chocolate if he painted on the drawing board.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

The next day, Dad saw that Tiantian was scribbling on the wall and gave Tiantian a few chocolates, but Tiantian found that The chocolates given by His father seemed to be less, so he was slightly dissatisfied in his heart.

Next, on the third, fourth, and fifth days, Dad gave Tiantian less and less chocolate, and the mood of Tiantian became lower and lower, until the weekend, Dad said to Tiantian that he had no chocolate.

And every day in a fit of anger, he said that he would no longer doodle on the wall, and turned to use the drawing board to doodle, because every day felt that without a reward, he was not willing to do it according to the previous "agreement".

Why is a child suddenly interested in drawing?

"Early Education (Art Education)" mentioned: Painting is a way for children to understand the world and express their intentions, and it is a very fortunate thing for parents to like to draw.

But why do children suddenly like to draw?

1. Express your thoughts by painting

When the child is a child, his own expression ability is not very strong, for example, the baby in infancy, itself can not even say a clear word, and in the early childhood, the child can only say some simple sentences and vocabulary, there is no way to clearly express their thoughts. Therefore, children will express their thoughts by drawing.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

In fact, if parents pay attention, they can find that when children encounter different things, the content of children's graffiti is different, which is caused by different thoughts generated by children because of different things.

2. Vent your emotions by painting

When children are young, they are not only unable to express their thoughts clearly because of the limitations of language ability, but also because of their lack of emotional control ability, and they do not know how to vent their emotions.

However, children can release their emotions from graffiti, so graffiti has become the best way for children to vent their emotions. When children are unhappy, they can release their negative emotions through graffiti, and when they are happy, they can express their excitement through graffiti and so on.

3. Drawing is a manifestation of children's creativity

Children's imagination and creativity are very strong, and graffiti is the best way to visualize creative thinking, because painting does not require children to write, does not need too much physical knowledge, does not need complex materials, etc., only needs a space for drawing and a pen, or some items that can draw lines, children can draw some of their own ideas through painting, so that these paintings carry their own thoughts, so that the child's own creativity can continue to be enhanced.

In addition, the child's creativity can be reflected, which will also make the child have a greater sense of achievement and honor, thereby improving the child's enthusiasm and allowing the child to think more actively and grow.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

What exactly is the "Aronson Effect"?

"Kingsoft Enterprise Management" mentioned: The Aronson effect refers to the people who like, reward, and praise more and more people or things that people like, reward, and praise for themselves the most, and dislike those who seem to be decreasing.

It is a normal psychological phenomenon, just like the behavior of the previous daily father, which is actually a good use of the Aronson effect.

●The basic meaning of the Aronson effect

The Aronson effect is actually an element that increases with one's own preferences, or decreases with one's own dislikes. Just like what happens to every day, every day likes to graffiti on the wall, every day also likes to eat chocolate, and Dad will be on the wall every day to doodle this thing and eat chocolate thing together, see every day on the wall doodle, give every day chocolate.

This is a very in line with the preferences of every day, but Dad accompanied by the daily doodling on the wall of this preference, but did not increase another preference at the same time because of the continuous graffiti every day, that is, the number of chocolate given, but with the longer the day of graffiti, the less chocolate is given to the day, which makes the daily gradually put the frustration of giving less chocolate into the act of graffiti on the wall, so that the two things that are originally daily favorites can be "parallel" carried out.

And because Dad controls the right to give chocolate, when Dad stops giving Chocolate every day, Every Day automatically interrupts the preference of graffiti on the wall. This is actually a typical manifestation of the Aronson effect.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

●Application points of the Aronson effect

In the application of Aronson, Jia Zhan should pay more attention to the fact that the occurrence of the Aronson effect requires parents to grasp its core, that is, the child's preference problem, to understand that the child likes to make more things he likes, and likes to make things he does not like less. Therefore, when educating children, we can appropriately adopt the education method of first suppressing and then promoting, so as to achieve good educational results.

For example, if the child tests well, parents can first say the child's shortcomings, and then praise the child's excellent results and other advantages, so that the child will be more encouraged, and have a more affirmative attitude towards the parents' education, so that they can recognize their own shortcomings and can effectively stimulate their own enthusiasm.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

● The Aronson effect can solve the problem

There are many problems that the Aronson effect can solve, but what we parents need to pay attention to is the use of the Aronson effect in the homework process.

Parents can combine the Aronson effect with the child's reward and punishment, incentive and other mechanisms, which can effectively improve the child's growth efficiency and make the effectiveness of family education more significant.

For example, when praising children, you can use the spiritual or material rewards that children like, and when motivating children, you can formulate staged spiritual or material rewards, etc., so that children can link their own growth effects with rewards, so that children can let themselves grow with their own preferences and increase in parallel, so that parents can achieve the purpose of educating children.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

How to use the "Aronson Effect" correctly to guide children to draw correctly?

The article "Analysis of the Application of the "Aronson Effect" in Teaching with Reinforcement Theory" mentions that the "Aronson effect" is a common psychological effect, which has a significant impact on students' behavior changes.

If parents can make good use of this psychological effect, then they can correctly guide their children to implement their interest in painting and avoid children from graffiti.

Set parallel rewards for your child's doodle behavior

When parents find that their children have random graffiti behavior, do not force their children, because this will destroy the enthusiasm of children, affecting not only the children's graffiti and painting behavior, but also may affect all aspects of the child. Of course, parents can not indulge their children, let the children graffiti, which is not conducive to the child's future habits, character, concepts and other cultivation, allowing children to graffiti is likely to let the child develop a sloppy habit.

Therefore, parents should be like the daily father, set a parallel reward for the child's graffiti behavior, that is, the child's preference for this reward and the degree of graffiti are almost equal, so that the two can establish a connection and provide a foundation for future education.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

Inverse rewards are implemented along with the child's interest in graffiti

Once the rewards are set, you can start using the Aronson effect to weaken your child's desire to doodle. Because the child has subconsciously compared the reward with the graffiti, if the reward end has changed at this time, then the behavior of the graffiti will also change, just like the father every day, parents over time, day by day to reduce the reward for the child, then the child's interest in graffiti on the wall will become weaker and weaker, until the reward disappears, the child will also give up the act of graffiti on the wall.

Use proportional rewards to guide children to standardize drawing

The child gave up the graffiti on the wall, does not mean that the child has no interest in graffiti, because the child is only because there is no reward, so it is not graffiti on the wall, but the child still has the will to doodle, at this time parents can use the proportional reward to guide the child to standardize the painting, such as letting the child draw on the drawing board, if the child can draw in the designated place, then give the child the corresponding reward, the child will begin to regulate their own behavior.

Children suddenly like to scribble, parents don't rush to stop it, this is a way for them to express it

Write at the end

The correct and skillful use of the Aronson effect can enable parents to do more with less in the process of tutoring, get a good tutoring effect, and also allow children to develop and grow more efficiently.

Therefore, parents should learn to pay attention to the Aronson effect, and put it into practice, apply what they have learned, and cultivate an excellent child who makes them proud.

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