
The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

Cuckoo Mom

2024-05-13 20:34Posted in Hunan Parenting Creator

After shopping and waiting for the bus, there were 3 mothers muttering with their 3 children. I took a closer look, and they were the same people who were checking out the bill in front of me.

Because of the proximity, I could hear what they were saying. Unexpectedly, I heard something "unbelievable".

It turned out that the 3 children were naughty, and while the mothers were not paying attention, they all secretly put a piece of chocolate in their pockets.

The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

One: 3 mothers have different reactions

●First Mother:

The mother smiled and covered her child's mouth: "Shhhh ”

The mother also comforted the child and said, "It's okay, a small piece of chocolate, it's not worth a few dollars, it's not a big deal, but you can't do it again next time." ”

●Second Mother:

When the mother heard this, her face immediately sank and she became very stern. She shouted at her son: "How can you do this? Are you stealing? When I was a child, I stole needles to steal gold, I stole things at a young age, and I grew up to pay it back? ”

Her voice was very loud and attracted the attention of many people around her. The child lowered his head, and tears began to roll in his eyes. It was evident that he was visibly ashamed and scared.

The mother pulled the child and walked back: "Go back!" Will you dare in the future? ”

The child cried and shouted, "Don't dare! ”

The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

- Third Rank 妈妈:

The third mother sighed softly and crouched down to make eye contact with her daughter. She said softly: "Huihui, we need to pay for things, it's wrong to take things like this, do you understand?" ”

The girl named Huihui nodded, looking a little uneasy.

Her mother continued: "Let's go to the clerk now, explain the matter, pay the money, and then apologize, okay?" ”

Huihui nodded vigorously and nervously held her mother's hand. But with her mother by her side, she plucked up her courage and walked back together.

3 children, who did the same wrong thing, met different reactions from their mothers.

It can be said that the different reactions of these three mothers will affect the different lives of their children.

The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

Two: Affect the child's life

The different ways in which the three mothers deal with it may have different effects on the child's future development and personality formation.

(1) First Mom: Covering up mistakes

The first mother, who thinks that a small piece of chocolate is not worth mentioning, has brought it lightly.

The child may feel a momentary relief because he has avoided immediate punishment and embarrassment. However, he may also be confused and upset because he knows deep down that what he is doing is wrong but he is not being properly guided.

This approach may teach children to look for ways to avoid responsibility when they make mistakes. If it happens often, he may develop the habit of running away from the problem instead of facing and solving it.

Such an attitude can lead to a lack of responsibility and dishonesty at work or in relationships in adulthood.

The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

(2) Second mother: Severe reprimand

Being severely reprimanded in public, the child may immediately feel ashamed and frightened because he is reprimanded in public and labeled as a "thief". This experience may prevent him from making the same mistake again for a short time.

But in the long run, this harsh criticism can affect the child's self-esteem and make him feel guilty of being a bad boy.

This can lead to a low sense of self-worth or more rebellious behavior during the rebellious period, as he may feel that he will not be able to meet expectations no matter what.

(3) The third mother: understanding and education

Her mother's education of Huihui may make Huihui feel nervous and uneasy, but at the same time, she also feels her mother's support and understanding.

This approach helps children recognize mistakes and learn how to take responsibility and correct them.

Huihui learned from her mother a positive way to face mistakes and solve problems. This education may develop her into a responsible and problem-solving person.

In her future studies, work, and socialization, she may be more able to handle challenges and conflicts in a mature and honest manner.

The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

Each approach to education has its potential implications, and a child's response will vary depending on their personality and environmental factors. The ideal approach to education is one that combines guidance and support to identify mistakes and provide opportunities for learning and correction.

The child steals a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, which mother's education method do you agree with?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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  • The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life
  • The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life
  • The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life
  • The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life
  • The child stole a piece of chocolate from the supermarket, and the three mothers reacted differently, affecting the child's life

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