
From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison

A founding elder of the Communist Party, however, defected to the Kuomintang for money, and then even more defected to the Japanese and became a traitor. However, it was such a three-surnamed family slave, when the traitors were tried after Japan's surrender, the other traitors were sentenced to death, but he seemed to be an old god, as if he had nothing to do with himself, and even some arrogance, what made him so fearless, could he really escape the death penalty?

From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, and the people of the whole country were smiling, but there was a group of people in a western-style building at No. 32 Yihe Road in Nanjing, and everyone was sad and sad. The people of the whole country are looking forward to the overthrow of Japanese imperialism, how can these people be the same as their own overthrown, yes, these people are overthrown, because this place is the Wang puppet regime, the so-called National Government, and this group of people, all of them are traitors, Japan has surrendered, do you think they can live well? You must know that treason is a death sentence, but there is one person who did not worry with them, and this person is Zhou Fohai, vice chairman of the Military Commission of the Wang puppet regime, minister of finance and president of the Central Reserve Bank. It is reasonable to say that Zhou Fohai is the third person in Wang Wei's regime, and once he is arrested, it is basically 100% death sentence, so why is he in a hurry? To tell a traitor that death is a disgrace to this death, and the reason why he is so confident is because he has a trump card in his hand. Mentioning this trump card, we have to say that Zhou Fuhai has experienced over the years. Zhou Fohai is a native of Yuanling County, Hunan Province, and when he was young, he behaved very smartly, not only writing a good article, but also speaking the Tao, which was deeply liked by the teacher. At the age of 20, Zhou Fohai came to Japan to study, where he came into contact with many books and periodicals introducing Marxism, which had a great influence on him, and during a retrospective visit to his family, he met Chen Duxiu. At that time, Chen Duxiu was forming a communist group in Shanghai to recruit talents, and Zhou Fohai, who could speak the Tao, also received an invitation. After joining the communist group, Zhou Fohai soon became the backbone of the group, and even a short time later, he was elected as the acting secretary of the CPC Central Committee, but at this time, the CPC Central Committee wanted power, no power, no money, and the risk of being arrested and imprisoned, it can be said that there were only disadvantages and no benefits, so Zhou Fohai returned to Japan on the grounds of study. However, at this time, Zhou Fohai still had some communism in his heart, and the real transformation that made him change was after he graduated. After graduation, Zhou Fohai originally wanted to teach at Guangzhou University, and took this opportunity to spread communism, but Dai Jitao, who was the propaganda director of the Kuomintang Central Committee at this time, also took a fancy to Zhou Fohai's literary talent, invited him to be a secretary of the Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee, and offered a high salary of 100 yuan per month.

From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison

At that time, the government was in the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists, and the internal service of the Communists was not a new thing, so Zhou Fohai agreed to this invitation, and Zou Lu, who was the president of Guangdong University at this time, would still pay Zhou Fohai a salary, 250 yuan of ocean per month, so that Zhou Fohai could take 350 pieces of ocean from the Kuomintang in a month. However, at this time, Zhou Fohai was still a communist, according to the party regulations to pay the party fee in proportion to the salary, about 70 yuan of ocean, at this time his wife Yang Shuhui did not work, said to him: "You earned 350 yuan from the Kuomintang, but also handed over to the Communist Party 70 yuan, you hurry to return this party member, you can save 70 yuan." At that time, Yang Shuhui's family was a rich man in the business world, and he himself did not look at the poor boy of Zhou Fohai, so Zhou Fohai had no status at home, so he listened to his daughter-in-law's words and submitted an application to quit the party, and not only did he retire, but also turned around and joined the Kuomintang. After joining the Kuomintang, Zhou Fohai published an article as a former Communist Party member, criticizing the Communist Party in a big way, and rightly matched Chiang Kai-shek's appetite, immediately transferring him to his side and becoming the secretary general of the Huangpu Military Academy. This next week Fohai seems to have mastered the code for promotion to the rank of knight, and every day in addition to cursing the Communist Party, he is to verbally criticize Chiang Kai-shek's various political enemies, and sure enough, within two years he became the deputy director of the chairman's attendant office, and the director of the Kuomintang Central Propaganda Department. It is reasonable to say that this promotion speed is already fast enough, and it is still regarded as a confidant by Lao Jiang, then the future is infinitely bright, but Zhou Fohai's ambition is not limited to this, at this time he has completely lost his own faith, and has become a mercenary villain, in order to get greater rights, he does not hesitate to join forces with his former enemies. Speaking of Chiang Kai-shek's biggest enemy within the Kuomintang, it is None other than Wang Jingwei, who did not designate a successor after the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and the most likely successors were Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei. Of course, in the end, Chiang Kai-shek succeeded in winning, but Wang Jingwei was also looking for an opportunity to bring down Chiang Kai-shek. At that time, Zhou Fohai, as the sharpest pen in Chiang Kai-shek's hand, did not hesitate to verbally criticize Wang Jingwei, and the two people often scolded each other. Wang Jingwei scolded Zhou Fohai for defecting from the Communist Party to the Kuomintang as a natural anti-bone, while Zhou Fohai scolded Wang Jingwei for doing things for the Communist Party in the Kuomintang and being a traitor. If you had told anyone at the time that in the future these two people would be working together on the same front, no one would have believed it, but things will always change, and this change is the Japanese.

From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison
From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison
From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison

Zhou Fohai was a wise man, and he knew that relying on his intelligence in the past two years alone would at most be a counterpoint to his merits, but what he wanted was not only to save his life, but to regain his former glory and become a high-ranking official of the Kuomintang again, so he specially prepared a second generous gift for Chiang Kai-shek. Zhou Fohai is vice chairman of the Military Commission, finance minister, and president of the Central Reserve Bank of the Wang puppet government, and can be said to be in charge of both money and guns. The first gift was 60,000 taels of gold, 7 million taels of silver, and a large amount of dollars and yen in the treasury of the Wang Wei government. The second gift was his 30,000 tax police corps. It can be said that these two great gifts are swung in front of Chiang Kai-shek, can we not be moved, especially the second big gift, which is exactly what Chiang Kai-shek needs most at present. It is reasonable to say that there are only 30,000 people, and Chiang Kai-shek is not inferior to this unit, in fact, this is the situation at that time. At that time, the Kuomintang was responsible for the frontal battlefield, and the Communist Party was responsible for the battlefield behind the enemy lines, but when Japan surrendered, there was no frontal battlefield, and the battlefield behind the enemy went directly to the surface, and once the Japanese army withdrew, the Communist army was close to the water tower and could directly take over Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other major cities, while the Kuomintang troops were in the southwest, and it would take at least one or two months to transfer back. At this time, Zhou Fohai's 30,000 troops became a life-saving straw, and they could preemptively receive major cities from the Japanese army and block the New Fourth Army from the city. Therefore, on August 18, 1945, Chiang Kai-shek appointed Zhou Fohai as the commander-in-chief of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government and the Shanghai Action Team, responsible for taking over Shanghai and Hangzhou from the Japanese army. However, before he could wait for a few months to be satisfied, all parts of the country carried out actions to punish traitors, and public opinion was that Chiang Kai-shek could not stand it, so he sent Dai Kasa to find Zhou Fuhai and persuade him to take the initiative to resign from the post of commander-in-chief of Shanghai and temporarily avoid the limelight, and also made a guarantee to wait for the storm to pass and ensure that your officials would be reinstated. Chiang Kai-shek spoke, and Zhou Fohai lost his temper and had to resign as commander and follow Dai Kasa to Chongqing. Who knew that as soon as he arrived in Chongqing, he was taken to the White Mansion and put under house arrest, which was called to protect him, and this prohibition was only for several months. During this period, a major event occurred that completely changed the fate of Zhou Fohai.

From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison

On March 17, 1946, Dai Kasa's special plane crashed in Nanjing and died. It is said that when Zhou Fohai saw this news, he immediately sat down on the ground and said to the people around him, Dai Yunong is dead, and I will be finished. Sure enough, beginning in April 1946, the Kuomintang authorities began to try the arrested traitors, and The acting chairman of the Wang puppet government, Chen Gongbo, was sentenced to death by Foreign Minister Chu Minyi and other traitor leaders. On October 21, 1946, the Nanjing High Court publicly tried Zhou Fohai, and in the course of the trial, Zhou Fohai publicly read a confession of thousands of words, the content from beginning to end was all in the performance of merit, he said that he was actually doing things for the country, in addition to downplaying the influence of the Wang puppet government against Japan, he also packaged himself as an undercover agent of the Chongqing National Government, such as sending intelligence to the Chongqing National Government, designing to poison Li Shiqun, the most vicious pawn of the Wang puppet government. They also secretly released many agents of the military and central command. His defense lawyer, Zhang Shizhao, even took out letters from Zhou Fohai and Dai Kasa to prove that he had made the military commander an undercover agent, and also seized the fact that the Kuomintang Central Army had not arrived in Shanghai for more than 40 days after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, saying that at this time it was all up to Zhou Fohai to maintain order in Shanghai, and if he did not have the instructions of the Kuomintang, he could completely occupy Shanghai by himself, or dedicate Shanghai to the Communist Party. In this way, it proves the relationship between Zhou Fohai and the Kuomintang. I have to say that Zhou Fohai's self-defense and Zhang Shizhao's defense are very wonderful, and even the surrounding audience is infected. Before the trial, the surrounding crowd was full of insults, but after the two people gave their speeches, there was sporadic applause at the scene, Zhou Fohai looked at these in his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel proud, thinking that he could pass the test again this time, but the next verdict gave him a fatal blow.

From the founder of the party to the traitor, he became a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and finally died tragically in prison

The court sentenced Zhou Fohai to treason and surrender to the enemy, betraying his compatriots and condemning him to death. Just when everyone thought that Zhou Fohai would eventually die, he himself did not give up, because he still had an ace in his hand, that is, a letter written to him by Chiang Kai-shek himself. In the letter, Chiang Kai-shek approved him to continue to serve the Kuomintang Central Committee and allowed him to reform himself. Zhou Fohai knew that Chiang Kai-shek was the person who attached the most importance to fame, and he asked his daughter-in-law to go to Chiang Kai-shek and say that if Zhou Fohai was executed, then he would publish this letter in the newspaper to expose Chiang Kai-shek's true face and see who would dare to fight for him in the future. Of course, Chiang Kai-shek would not let this letter really be published, after all, it would be very unfavorable to his own personal image, so he could not let Zhou Fohai die under any circumstances. However, how to commute Zhou Fohai's sentence did make Chiang Kai-shek think a lot, because Xia Qin, the president of the Supreme Court, had explicitly rejected him. Xia Qin believes that the court sentenced Zhou Fohai to death, which is a crime committed according to law, but if the head of government intends to forgive, it is the authority of the head of government. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek sent a message to Zhou Fohai, asking Zhou Fohai to apply to the court for amnesty, and then the court submitted it to the judicial court, and then the judiciary submitted him for instructions, so as to show that he respected the law and sympathized with Xia Qin. In this way, Zhou Fohai was commuted to life imprisonment, and on the day he learned of his commutation, Zhou Fohai happily composed a poem in prison: "Shocked in prison, looking at the rivers and lakes, it has been divided into two lifetimes, and it has turned around in a desperate way, the rugged and arrogant bones are not new, the generosity is still in the Forbidden City, and it is even more gratifying that the iron shoulders are still alive, and the burden of the general will be rugged" It can be seen that Zhou Fohai is still looking forward to getting out of prison and regaining a high-ranking official in the near future. Unfortunately, not long after, Zhou Fohai suffered a heart attack and died in prison on the afternoon of February 28, 1948, and never left prison until his death. Zhou Fohai's life was exhausted, but in the end he still ended up in a tragic death in prison.

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