
Four famous dishes from the Three Kingdoms period. Sun Quan gluten, Liu Bei pepper fragrant chicken, Cao Cao chicken and Zhuge grilled fish

author:Hu Cat 192
Four famous dishes from the Three Kingdoms period. Sun Quan gluten, Liu Bei pepper fragrant chicken, Cao Cao chicken and Zhuge grilled fish

1. Sun Quan gluten. According to legend, before Sun Quan's expedition, his mother made a special meal for his children. Sun Quan claimed to be the empress, and every festive season, he would take this as a superior delicacy and feast on the courtiers. Descendants of Sun Quan have inherited the traditional recipe of the family and made a unique flavor of gluten by hand, which has been passed down for more than a thousand years, and is a good product for high-end banquets, family banquets and gifts for relatives and friends.

Four famous dishes from the Three Kingdoms period. Sun Quan gluten, Liu Bei pepper fragrant chicken, Cao Cao chicken and Zhuge grilled fish

2. Liu Bei pepper fragrant chicken. Liu Bei was a young man and poor, and he and his mother depended on each other for their lives. Once his mother bought a chicken for Liu Bei, Liu Bei only felt that the caramel was crispy, spicy and delicious, and he never forgot it. Later, under the situation of the division of the princes, Liu Bei's forces were weak and small, and he often sent people to the fence, but he always had no territory of his own. Liu Bei remembered his mother and the delicious chicken of his childhood, constantly encouraged himself, and after several twists and turns, he finally became emperor in the Shu Han Dynasty, laying the foundation for three parts of the world.

Four famous dishes from the Three Kingdoms period. Sun Quan gluten, Liu Bei pepper fragrant chicken, Cao Cao chicken and Zhuge grilled fish

3. Cao Cao chicken. Also known as the Getaway Chicken. During the Three Kingdoms period, when Cao Cao was in Luzhou, he was bedridden due to busy military and political affairs, overworked, and bedridden. During the treatment, the chef added Chinese medicine to the chicken according to the doctor's instructions and cooked it into a medicinal chicken. Cao Cao's condition improved day by day after eating, and he often had to eat this medicinal chicken. This dish spread and was known as "Cao Cao Chicken".

Four famous dishes from the Three Kingdoms period. Sun Quan gluten, Liu Bei pepper fragrant chicken, Cao Cao chicken and Zhuge grilled fish

4. Zhuge grilled fish. Legend has it that during the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei gathered under the imperial list, married in the peach garden, sacrificed heaven and earth, slaughtered cattle and set up wine, gathered warriors in the countryside, and got more than three hundred people, and drank bitterly in the peach garden, and the big fish and big meat were happy! During this period, there was a cook surnamed Zhang who was responsible for cooking, and he had a unique skill, which was charcoal grilled fish, which was mellow and delicious, fresh and fresh! Liu Bei waited for great joy, and after the wine and meat, his morale was greatly boosted, and Liu Bei wielded his sword to say: "Ru and other cooking is good, when the head is remembered", after Liu Bei ascended the throne, he set grilled fish as the national dish of Shu! Three Kingdoms and Three Knots grilled fish from this!

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