
Cultivate students who surpass themselves - Lin Chongde, a senior professor at Beijing Normal University

author:Bright Net

【Outstanding Social Science Worker】

Guangming Daily reporter Jin Xiaoyan

"Loyalty to the party's educational cause is my lifelong belief." This is the heartfelt words of Lin Chongde, a senior professor at Beijing Normal University, after winning the 2021 Outstanding Teaching Award. After that, he donated a prize of 1 million yuan to the Beijing Normal University Education Foundation to motivate teachers from normal colleges and universities who contributed to the teaching and cultivation of basic education and talents.

Teach it by the talents of the world. So far, he has trained 88 doctors, 62 have been promoted to professors, and 6 have become "Yangtze River Scholars" Distinguished Professors of the Ministry of Education...

He himself is a pioneer in academic research, leading the completion of the "Core Literacy of Chinese Students' Development", which for the first time refined and concretized the party's education policy and goal of educating people, which has become the basic basis for the revision of China's high school and compulsory education curriculum standards.

Teacher: Strict in the strict, love in the subtle

Black-and-white photographs in the office building leave behind the old days.

"This is my mentor, Mr. Zhu Zhixian, a master of Chinese psychology and the founder of Chinese developmental psychology." As he walked, Lin Chongde said, "In the classroom, every lecture he gives can be turned into an article. ”

This was a teacher who had an important influence on him. "Everything I'm doing now seems to be replicating Professor Zhu's process of learning for human beings." Lin Chongde said.

Professor Zhu's three criticisms made him unforgettable. He was convinced that meeting a good teacher could change a person's life. "Teacher love" is the soul of the teacher, but this kind of love requires "strict kindness and compassion".

Some students have re-revised their graduation papers more than 20 times. He said: "For students, I must be responsible, every little problem is related to academic quality, can not be left alone." ”

When selecting doctoral students, he openly put forward the principle of "five no tricks": First, there were no results before, and it was impossible to see that there was no research ability; second, the interview could not see that there was creativity and innovation ability, and did not recruit; third, those who were not too diligent and thrifty, or lazy, did not recruit; fourth, if there was no motivation for achievement, they did not recruit; fifth, people who were talented but had no morality could not be recruited.

In life, students feel his love little by little: worrying about the income of students and thinking about how to provide them with a better platform for development.

From thinking cognition to moral sociality, from non-intellectual factors to mental health, from teacher psychology to student development core literacy, etc., in scientific research large and small, his students have demonstrated character, wisdom and talent, which has led him to develop the belief of cultivating students who surpass themselves and are worthy of their own admiration.

Today, he enjoys this joy.

For Learning: Promoting the Sinicization of Psychological Research

In modern society, psychological problems are becoming more and more interesting.

As the first doctor of pedagogy (psychology) trained in China, Lin Chongde took the lead in attaching importance to mental health and mental health issues in China, and authored "Multiple Intelligence and Thinking Structure", published in the world authoritative journal "Theoretical Psychology". Through psychology, he laid a scientific foundation for the practice of basic education in China and was known as "the sower of basic education in China".

"The sinicization of psychological research is the common aspiration of the older generation of Psychologists in China, especially academicians Pan Shu and Zhu Lao, who have made incisive expositions in their works. In our generation, psychologists such as Che Wenbo, Shen Deli, Huang Xiting, Yang Zhiliang, and me are even more strong advocates of the sinicization of psychological research. Lin Chongde said.

In his view, the sinicization of psychological research has three meanings: first, to study the problems of China's reality; second, to fully excavate local wisdom, methodology and research methods while drawing on theories and methodologies of scientific psychology from abroad; and third, to establish China's own psychological knowledge system, especially the theoretical system.

In 2010, he and his disciple Professor Xin Ziqiang published "The Realistic Turn of Developmental Psychology" in Psychological Development and Education, which clearly put forward the relationship between Sinicization and internationalization. In this article, he pointed out that we must be vigilant against turning China into a testing ground for Western theories and methods in the name of "internationalization" or "international integration", let alone turning ourselves into Chinese data collectors of Western counterparts.

Conducting real-world problem-oriented research is something he has consistently advocated. In the eyes of the students, Mr. Lin is very "rigorous and standardized" academically. Students often talk about his requirements for helping students determine the topic of their dissertation: Can they stand up to the sky – both theoretical and practical? Is there room for continuous expansion? Can there be weighty results? Is it in line with the ability of the graduate student himself?

"Research begins with a problem, and this kind of problem is either a real academic problem or a practical problem, and only research that can propose and solve problems is good research." Lin Chongde said that applied research is usually "problem-oriented" research, and this "problem" should be more of a social reality problem, especially an applied topic that the country urgently needs and has an important industry impact. For example, the research they completed on "Core Literacy in the Development of Chinese Students" is this type of topic. The "China Education Modernization 2035" document states that "the core literacy requirements for students to develop" are clarified.

"Since the development of Chinese society is increasingly related to psychology and psychology, psychology professionals must have the courage to face various real and practical problems, and cannot only be satisfied with tinkering with foreign theories and being satisfied with the exquisite control of the laboratory." He noted in particular.

For the people: a mental health cause that puts life first

In February 2020, a live broadcast message was circulated in the circle of friends. The content shows that Lin Chongde, a senior professor at Beijing Normal University, launched the first lecture of "College Epidemic Psychological Assistance Hotline Training" with the theme of "Fighting the Epidemic, We Go to the Psychological Battlefield Together".

Professor Wu Xinchun of Beijing Normal University told reporters: "Professor Lin has successively served as the director of the Expert Steering Committee for Mental Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools of the Ministry of Education and the Director of the Expert Steering Committee for Mental Health Education for Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities (the two committees are referred to as the "Heart Steering Committee"). The Ministry of Education's 'Heart Guidance Committee' has played an extremely important role in building a social mental health service system and promoting students' mental health. After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic last year, he was once again in danger, and even fell ill and was hospitalized for overwork, but he was still 'a martyr in his twilight years'. ”

In Lin Chongde's view, the ultimate purpose of psychological research is to serve the country and the people. Three days after the Wenchuan earthquake, he organized the production of psychological assistance manuals and risked the aftershock to go to Wenchuan County, the epicenter, to carry out psychological assistance work. In order to systematically study and serve the psychological growth of primary and secondary school students in the disaster area, he undertook the major research project of the Ministry of Education's philosophy and social science research "Psychological Counseling Research on Primary and Secondary School Students after the Disaster", creatively proposed the trauma intervention model of "expert-coach-teacher" integration, continued to carry out teacher training in the disaster area, and put forward the concept of "dialectic-integration" of post-traumatic psychological response based on a large number of empirical studies to guide clinical work.

Based on long-term follow-up and intervention research, he has led his team members to publish more than 120 academic papers in high-level journals at home and abroad, and the team has become one of the important research teams in the field of international trauma psychology.

The construction of the mental health education system, the intervention of psychological crisis, the screening of mental health problems of college students, the supervision and evaluation of the work, the construction of the teacher team... Lin Chongde was worried about the future work of the "Heart Steering Committee." "We attach importance to the construction of mental health education courses and carriers in colleges and universities, not that there are too many mentally unhealthy people among our students, but that the mental health quality of college students has a strong plasticity, and its level can be improved through effective educational measures." At the age of 80, he is still busy.

Guangming Daily (04/12/2021)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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