
Drum Tower Haggis Cut Taiyuan City Old Taste

author:Taiyuan News Network
Drum Tower Haggis Cut Taiyuan City Old Taste

Jinfeng Jinyun

"Drum Tower haggis cut, the flavor is unique. A bowl of body open Thai, the four seasons of health. Drink in the spring to improve the essence, and eat in the summer to dispel the dampness and cold. Autumn food to make up for weakness, winter food blood self-generated. A few words of oil poetry, a bowl of steaming, fresh and fragrant haggis seems to be in front of the eyes, a few pieces of haggis slowly chewed, full of spicy, a hundred flavors hit.

Taiyuan Drum Tower Haggis Cut, originally a small storefront on Drum Tower Street, over the years, opened more than a dozen branches in Taiyuan and even the province. Today's main store is in Shuangta West Street, which is also the largest store in Taiyuan City.

The drum tower haggis cut from an extraordinary source

Walking in the streets and alleys of Taiyuan, you can see small shops dealing in "haggis cutting" everywhere, with a small façade and a booming business. In Taiyuan, the Drum Tower Haggis Cutting, which has inherited hundreds of years of pure handmade soup craftsmanship, integrates the ancient recipe with the modern taste and becomes the best of the haggis cut, which is worthy of the Taiyuan famous food.

There are many legends about haggis cutting. According to legend, when Kublai Khan, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, entered the Central Plains from Jin and passed through Quwo, his mother Empress Zhuangsheng fell ill. Quwo's famous doctor Xu Guojian healed him and became a favorite imperial doctor. Xu Mu Han saw that the Mongols discarded the sewage when they ate mutton, and felt very sorry, so they picked up the sheep sewage and washed it, cooked it, and served it with green onions and peppers. After tasting it, the empress dowager praised it and gave it the name "haggis cheese".

During the Qianlong period, the family surnamed Li rented a small façade in Taiyuan Drum Tower Street to open a shop, there was no store name at that time, because the sheep soup was delicious, people passed it on by word of mouth to "go to the Drum Tower to drink sheep soup", and now there is the Taiyuan Drum Tower Haggis Cut. Since then, the descendants of the Gulou haggis have visited famous teachers, borrowed the stone of his mountain, realized the skills of various factions, followed the strengths of each family, worked more finely and more finely, and cut the small haggis into a famous Snack in Shanxi.

Folk snacks turn into nourishing delicacies

The practice and eating of haggis in different parts of Shanxi varies. There are three roads represented by Quwo, Taiyuan and Datong.

South Road (Quwo) miscellaneous cut pays attention to boiling water, the original soup, the soup color is milky white, and its taste is mellow. The preparation method is roughly a four-step process of cleaning, boiling, cutting and mixing soup, and the process is fine.

The eating method and preparation method of North Road (Datong) miscellaneous cutting are rough, and the large pot is placed on the fire, and the soup is boiled in a pot with ingredients, and it is left with food, regardless of the form.

Middle Road (Taiyuan) miscellaneous cutting materials, boiling, mixing with soup are added with onion, ginger, coriander, and some add noodles, tofu, the flavor is unique.

Gulou haggis cut retains the traditional method of stewing meat in a large iron pot and the process of hand-boiling, as well as a complex process, and also adds a variety of Chinese herbs that are beneficial to the human body in the process of handmade sauce.

According to reports, haggis is rich in fat, protein, carbohydrates and minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Long-term consumption can warm up the deficiency, benefit the kidneys and nourish the liver, appetize and strengthen the spleen, warm the meridians, and have the effect of nourishing the weakness. Gulou Haggis skillfully combines the profound essence of Traditional Chinese medicine with traditional delicacies to form the supreme realm of medicinal and food homology, and makes a bowl of folk snacks into a nourishing dish.

Healthy food has entered the broad market

In Taiyuan, if you want to taste the authentic haggis cut with both historical accumulation and brand flagship demonstration, Gulou haggis is of course the first choice.

In terms of raw materials, Gulou haggis cut is the whole skeleton of goat meat or sheep meat, the lamb is beaten and soaked in cool water for about 2 to 3 hours, and then boiled in a large pot, while adding 28 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, with green onions, peppers and other condiments, boiled for 7 to 8 hours, after high temperature cooking, slow simmering, small heat stew and other processes.

When eating, put the end of the sheep's tail oil, mutton oil, salt, green onions, peppers and other accessories into a large pot of water. Once the water has come to a boil, add the homemade soup and spices and boil the soup into a thick and fresh sheep broth for later. Take the noodles and sliced haggis into a bowl, blanch the haggis and vermicelli several times with the boiled lamb broth, and then add the delicious sheep soup, accompanied by green onions and coriander, a bowl of meaty and mellow soup is perfectly presented. The lamb soup with cakes and the shortbread cut by the drum tower haggis are also included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Taiyuan City, and its color is golden, crisp but not broken, and it is fragrant with a bite of lips and teeth. A bowl of soup and a cake are a must-order item for the Haggis Cutting Shop in Gulou.

There is a folk saying that "drink sheep soup in the summer, don't grab the prescription", which is the accumulation of many years of practice. After hundreds of years of development, Gulou Haggis is the best commentary on traditional cultures such as medicinal and food homology.

Distributed in Taiyuan, east, west, south and north, the Gulou Haggis Cutting General Store and Branch, all year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter, are the tastes that have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The reason why Gulou haggis is unforgettable is that it has always adhered to the integrity concept of never adding any additives to the material, and adhered to the production creed of pure nature, pure green and pure ancient method. In June 2009, Gulou Haggis was rated as "Shanxi Famous Trademark", Shanxi Famous Snack, food safety demonstration store. In October 2017, it was included in the list of provincial intangible cultural heritage.

At present, the famous food of Gulou haggis is receiving more and more attention and is moving towards a broader market.

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