
The feelings are not smooth, can it be reversed?

The feelings are not smooth, can it be reversed?

Rat people are people who belong to a special self and are also very assertive, and sometimes they may appear more impulsive, which will lead to a bumpy emotional path. This man, born on July 17, 1984, the gap between husband and wife is large, making the married life constantly twists and turns, asking whether the future relationship is smooth or not.

Qianzao, the year of birth is the year of Koshi, the month of Xin Weiyue, and the day of nongzi. Yen Nongshui was born in the unmeasured month, although it was drained by the year dry and the moon branch, but it received the help of the year branch, the moon stem, and the sitting branch, and the yen was on the side. Avoid water and gold, and use divine fire and earth.

The fire representing the wife star does not appear, the emotional fate is shallow, it is not easy to meet the object of their own satisfaction, and it is easy to keep it. On the other hand, the wife is not good, is very healthy, easy to be in poor health. There is loneliness, loneliness.

Wife star does not use God, it is not easy to find people who match their own values, it is extremely hard to maintain emotional stability after marriage, and the light husband and wife discord, if it is serious, it will lead to divorce. Robbery is also prosperous, his own personality is tough, like to fight with people to the end, good wine greed, and it is better to stay away from the opposite sex in the future.

The feelings are not smooth, can it be reversed?

In 2021, it is the great luck of Yihai, the tiangan non-aquatic jiamu drainage, the earth branch haishui helps to rob the wealth, blocking the wife from having a good relationship. This luck is fraught with emotional troubles, easy to make waves, and it is necessary to strengthen the harmonious relationship between husband and wife. In 2022 and 2023, the relationship between husband and wife will be tested, and it is necessary to be cautious and cautious.

In 2031, when it enters the Great Fortune of the Propylene, the three sons of the earth branch will help rob the wealth, and they will be greatly affected, and they will also implicate their family and friends. The first thing that affects is the feelings between themselves and their wives, husband and wife are prone to opinions and emotional conflicts, wives are easy to be tempted by others, or wives are prone to injuries and illnesses.

The Ding Ugly Luck that began in 2041, Ding Huo, Ugly Tuke consumed yen, this luck and the wife's relationship turned good, marriage and love. It is only 2041 and 2043 that it will more or less affect the good feelings, and there will be more verbal work in life, so we must control our emotions and be more patient and tolerant.

The elderly are lucky, and the marital feelings will not have problems. In the twilight years, couples can get along with each other and walk hand in hand.

The feelings are not smooth, can it be reversed?

You lack fire, nonzi water is strong and fire, fire likes to be used by God to be restrained, you may often have nerve insomnia, heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, spleen, liver and excretory system and other aspects of trouble.

B Haiyun and C Ziyun, fire is restrained by water, pay attention to health care. In 2022, 2023, 2031, and 2032, the physique is prone to conditions. Ding Ugly Luck, Ding Huo Ugly Tuke consumes yen, and his physique is weak in 2041 and 2043.

People who belong to cattle, chickens or monkeys can promote a happy marriage, and the northern and eastern rooms are not suitable as bedrooms. Try not to wear black, gray, green, grass-colored clothes, and place stone ornaments at home.

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