
Zodiac dogs, the best mate of a genus dog is what is the genus

The most intolerable attitude of the zodiac dog to love loyalty is the betrayal of the partner. They are insecure in their relationship and like to dominate the progress of their relationship, but want their partner to have their own ideas. Let's take a look at what the best mate for a dog is.

Zodiac dogs, the best mate of a genus dog is what is the genus

What is the best mate of a dog, and what is the best mate of a dog

First, what is the genus of the best mate of a dog

The dog and the rabbit are six together, so it is most appropriate to find an object that belongs to the rabbit, so the dog person is suitable for finding an object belonging to the rabbit, which is a superior marriage match. The second is to be in harmony with yinhu noon horse, so it is also advisable to find a tiger and horse, which is a superior marriage match. The dog and the tatsu dragon clash, so the most taboo to find the dragon, this is the inferior marriage match. The dog and the ugly cow of the ungodly constitute three punishments, so it is not appropriate to find the object of the sheep and cattle, which is an inferior marriage. The dog is also harmful to the unitary chicken, so it is not appropriate to find a chicken object, which is a middle and lower marriage match.

Second, it is good for the dog to get married at a few years old

Dog people are suitable for marriage at the age of twenty-five. Twenty-five years old is still a relatively youthful and enthusiastic age, people of this age will have their own ideals, but also for their own ideals to fight, if at this time, can meet a like-minded person, their enthusiasm will be fully stimulated. Once a dog person meets a suitable person, he will want to work hard with the other party for the rest of his life. Therefore, at the age of twenty-five, it is the most suitable age for people who belong to dogs to marry, representing youth and blood.

Third, the dog's mate selection criteria

People born in the Year of the Dog tend to have a very warm and loyal personality, whether it is for family or for feelings, they are very dedicated. Dog people are more stubborn, and once they like a person, they will not easily change their feelings. Dog people for the other half will not pay too much attention to appearance, but more concerned about whether the other party and their own similar concept of life, for dog people, the three views of the union is an indispensable factor in marriage. The dog people have a strong family concept, hoping to find a family-oriented, kind other half, hoping to grow up with the other half and struggle together.

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