
The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car

Euler Good Cat's suspected chip fraud has the latest developments today. A good cat owner said that today received a notice from the 4S shop that the 10,000 charging royalties provided by Euler Automobile on this matter will be converted into compensation cash, and this compensation will be directly withdrawn from the APP to the bank card after the APP upgrade in January, and the other compensation rights proposed by the good cat will still be retained.

The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car
The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car

The last time Euler Good Cat proposed a new solution was on December 9, and among the solutions proposed on that day, in addition to the 7200 rights package, it also added a lifetime warranty and a 10,000 yuan charging premium for the owner. Judging from the fact that the owner of the car today revealed that Euler Good Cat will provide another 10,000 compensation cash, the compensation plan provided on December 9 has obviously not been accepted by most users. In the announcement on the same day, Great Wall Motors said that it had asked the Euler brand to verify the content of the official website and give the advertising owner a satisfactory answer, which is equivalent to Great Wall Motors officially acknowledging that the official promotional materials of Euler Good Cat were wrong. It is understood that Euler Good Cat was officially listed in November 2020, and the cumulative sales volume of the listed to November this year exceeded 40,000 vehicles, and according to the indiscriminate compensation of more than 30,000 users of 10,000 yuan, Great Wall Motors needed to pay a price of nearly 400 million yuan.

The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car
The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car

The problem of euler good cat chip fraud first broke out in early last month, and the group faced by Euler good cats was dominated by young women. After picking up the car, a female car owner found that the purchased model did not support the carplay function associated with mobile phone entertainment, so she found the manufacturer 400 to complain. The Euler good cat refused this request, so the owners decided to do it themselves, trying to enter the car system to lift the restrictions of this function. In the process of this operation, the owner found that the official product promotional materials claimed that the car machine system used a Qualcomm 8-core CPU chip, which was replaced by an Intel 4-core released 5 years ago, so the matter was exposed on the network, and the owners asked Euler to provide the Qualcomm 8-core CPU chip originally claimed.

At the beginning of the incident, Euler Good Cat responded that the owner would provide the required functions within 3-6 months, while saying that there were non-users who made bad remarks in an attempt to seek improper benefits. Euler Good Cat said that the evidence has been fixed and has been called to the police, and will actively assist the police in the investigation. In this response, Euler Good Cat did not respond to the details of the promotional materials, but began to delete the introduction information about the chip on the official website.

The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car
The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car

Subsequently, Euler Good Cat further explained that this chip is a function in future models. This series of actions has further stimulated the emotions of rights protection car owners and made more car owners aware of the existence of this problem. Euler Good Cat had to further provide a 7200 rights package, including: 1, free upgrade of CarPlay and HiCar functions, R & D personnel are developing the system; 2, extend the free entertainment traffic package for two years; 3, the first owner of the three electric lifetime warranty service. However, on the third-party owner complaint website, complaints about euler good cat chip fraud accounted for the first place in the complaint list, and car owners began to clearly put forward the demand for one refund and three losses.

On December 6, the matter was further fermented, and the CCTV financial channel named Euler Automobile, pointing out that the brand side "stole the core", played word games or was suspected of consumer fraud. The next day, Dong Yudong, general manager of Euler Automobile, also apologized for this problem on CCTV, "in response to the problem of Euler's good cat chip caused to the majority of users, deeply apologize, and sincerely apologize", in the interview, he said that he would give consumers a satisfactory answer, but did not mention whether there would be a new treatment plan, nor did he respond to whether there was false information in the publicity.

The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car

Until the third response on the 9th of this month, the Great Wall used the word "official website correction" to officially admit that the propaganda information was wrong. At this point, the two sides no longer need to dwell on the question of whether there is false propaganda, because false propaganda determines the behavior, not the motive. Whether it is intentional false publicity or unintentional false publicity, it is also false propaganda for consumers. Accordingly, consumers can claim a refund of one and a loss of three. Of course, this is a relatively lengthy legal process.

Today, the owner of Euler Good Cat has received another 10,000 cash compensation, which is also a phased progression of this incident, as to whether it will be accepted by the owner. Car driving concern believes that if this compensation is true, Euler Good Cat will not only be able to obtain this compensation in the process of adding a cash withdrawal function in the next month's APP upgrade, which will also be based on the premise that the owner agrees to the compensation agreement, which solves the problem of whether the owner recognizes the compensation agreement in the procedure. There may be car owners who insist on not receiving this compensation and continue to retain the original demands, but believe that this move has blocked the motivation of most car owners to move forward.

For example, the owner mentioned at the beginning of this article, he said on Weibo after receiving the compensation notice: "Don't stop me, let me shout 'Great Wall nb, rights protection car owner nb', this wave of blood earned." Previously, he also did not agree with the rights protection claims of other car owners, and he believed that it would not be supported by the court.

The new development of the "core change" incident of Euler good cat: 10,000 cash for the owner of the car

Indeed, as he said, the further compensation rights and interests of eulers today are derived from the promotion of some car owners, and this lesson is believed to make other manufacturers take a warning, and this is exactly what these adherents have inadvertently changed.

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