
China's hardest city to fight, Mongolia fought for 36 years, and the Japanese army spent five years failing to make a step forward

In the whole War of Resistance Against Japan, many cities in China were occupied by the Japanese army, because the Japanese army attacked fiercely at that time, and the Chinese army was not prepared at all, so there were many cities at that time that were so easily taken by the Japanese army, and quickly destroyed the military factories in the city, occupied the material heavy land, etc., so that the next some cities were greatly affected, and during the War of Resistance Against Japan, there were nine provinces that completely fell in China, and many other cities were partially captured.

China's hardest city to fight, Mongolia fought for 36 years, and the Japanese army spent five years failing to make a step forward

Among these cities that were not captured by the Japanese army, there was a city that was more special, that is, Chongqing, the Japanese army began to attack Chongqing in 1938, but until 1945, when Japan announced its surrender, they could not take the city, not that they were not interested in the city, but they could not fight at all.

China's hardest city to fight, Mongolia fought for 36 years, and the Japanese army spent five years failing to make a step forward

At that time, there was a battle called the Shipai Defense War, this war was very cruel, but also very bloody, and later known as the second Stalingrad defense war by the West, when the officers and soldiers of Chongqing swore to fight the Japanese army to the death, desperately intercepting the Japanese army in the first line of defense in Chongqing, that is, the stone monument, the ammunition ran out, they fought with the Japanese white blade, it is said that the entire position suddenly fell into silence, without any gunshots.

China's hardest city to fight, Mongolia fought for 36 years, and the Japanese army spent five years failing to make a step forward

Everyone thought that they had died together, but they did not expect that they were fighting with the Japanese army with white blades, knife-to-knife battles, and everyone could imagine how cruel this war really was. In fact, Chongqing experienced far more wars than this time, and the Mongol army spent 36 years without taking the city of Chongqing.

China's hardest city to fight, Mongolia fought for 36 years, and the Japanese army spent five years failing to make a step forward

In fact, Chongqing has always been a military stronghold, when the Mongol army directly surrounded the whole of Chengdu and wanted to take Chongqing, but the Chongqing soldiers supported Chengdu early and put the Mongol soldiers outside of Chengdu, it can be said that Chongqing can always hold the position, relying on the spirit of the soldiers who would rather die than surrender, and this has been the case since ancient times.

China's hardest city to fight, Mongolia fought for 36 years, and the Japanese army spent five years failing to make a step forward

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