
The most tragic white-knife battle during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, gunshots could not be heard for 3 hours, and Hu Lian said a touching word

During World War II, the invading Japanese army burned and plundered the land of China, and did nothing wrong, and all the sons and daughters of China united under the leadership of the anti-Japanese national united front, waged a bloody battle against the invading Japanese army, and successfully dragged the Japanese army into a protracted war. According to the data, in order to end the War in China as soon as possible and force China to surrender, the Japanese army sent 100,000 elite soldiers, with the cooperation of its navy, to attack the Shipai Fortress. What everyone should know is that Shipai is the gateway to Chongqing, and once Shipai is lost, the Japanese army will drive straight into Chongqing and attack Chongqing, with unimaginable consequences. For this reason, China gathered almost 150,000 people at that time to fight a bloody battle with the Japanese army, which was the famous Battle of Western Hubei, the purpose of which was to keep the security of the Shipai Fortress, repel the Japanese attack, ensure the safety of the capital Chongqing, and enhance China's prestige in the international community. The Shipai Fortress was defended by the elite of the Chinese army, but because of the 6-year all-out War of Resistance, the combat effectiveness of this unit declined seriously.

The most tragic white-knife battle during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, gunshots could not be heard for 3 hours, and Hu Lian said a touching word

The commander of this unit was the famous general Hu Lian, according to historical records, before the outbreak of this stone pai defense war, his superiors asked him if he could hold the stone tablet, Hu Lian said a touching sentence, "Although success is not certain, Cheng Ren has determination." After all, the Japanese army attacking Shipai was also a division of the first species, and the combat effectiveness was quite strong, and the only thing General Hu Lian could do at this time was to use blood and life to defend the last line of defense in Chongqing. At that time, he even wrote a letter, "If I don't come back alive, please help with the aftermath and take care of my elderly parents." When my sons grow up, I hope that they will be able to join the army and serve the country and continue to fight against the Japanese army. Then he launched a mobilization meeting, the morale of all the soldiers was high, unanimously demanded a bloody battle with the Japanese army to the end, and soon after the Japanese army came to the outskirts of the Shipai Fortress, the two sides launched a white-knife battle, which can be called the most tragic white-knife battle during the War of Resistance. What everyone should know is that the Third Division of the Japanese Army attacked the Stone Fortress this time, which is one of the most elite divisions in Japan and is very well-equipped.

The most tragic white-knife battle during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, gunshots could not be heard for 3 hours, and Hu Lian said a touching word

According to the information, the Third Division has participated in the battles of Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan, massacring Chinese soldiers and civilians on a large scale, and General Hu Lian called on all soldiers to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army and fight with the Japanese army to the last soldier. Only 2 days later, the Japanese army launched a general attack on the Shipai Fortress, all the Chinese soldiers went forward and followed, and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army, and on this day they could not hear the gunshots for 3 hours, because the two sides had already fought hand-to-hand, and there was no time to shoot at all. As we all know, the Japanese army has always prided itself on being a master of white-knife warfare, and is also proud of Bushido, but in this white-knife war, Chinese soldiers killed 2,000 Japanese soldiers with strong willpower, but unfortunately, 1,500 Chinese soldiers were martyred. At that time, the officers and men of the navy pushed heavyweight mines in the Yangtze River at night, trying to blow up the Japanese ships, and the naval officers who insisted on the fortress batteries, none of them escaped, and they did not retreat, composing a magnificent chapter of the sons and daughters of China resisting the Japanese invasion.

The most tragic white-knife battle during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, gunshots could not be heard for 3 hours, and Hu Lian said a touching word

The author believes that the Shipai Fortress Defense War was a military operation of the Japanese army in the late stage of World War II, when the Japanese army knew that defeat was inevitable, but still held a fluke mentality and actually planned to capture Chongqing. The heroic sons and daughters of China dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese army in the Shipai Fortress, and many of them were martyred in a heroic way; they were all anti-Japanese heroes of our Chinese nation and deserve eternal respect and remembrance from future generations. And General Hu Lian's military command ability in this battle, as well as his integrity in promising the country by example, are really admirable, and throughout the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there are not a few anti-Japanese heroes like General Hu Lian. It is precisely because of these people that we have defeated the Japanese army and have a happy life today.

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