
A Japanese captain stabbed the commander to death, only to be slashed dozens of times by the company commander of the Eighth Route Army and fell to the ground

In the modern history of our country, there was a dark history, in which foreign enemies invaded, the Japanese Kou burned and plundered everywhere, and the people did not have a good life. At this time, many heroes emerged, who heroically killed the enemy, defended the country, and avenged the dead compatriots, during which there was a story of a company commander of the Eighth Route Army who avenged the sacrifice of the commander.

The Chinese knife looks very powerful, but compared with the Japanese, the power of the big knife is minimal. The famous Hundred Regiments Battle should be familiar to everyone, and someone once made a statistic that on the battlefield, to kill a Japanese Kou, it is necessary to sacrifice three soldiers. Many veterans who have experienced the war have also said that the weapons of Japanese soldiers have provided great help for combat ability, and it often takes several fighters to subdue a Japanese soldier. In the white-knife war, it is even more tragic.

A Japanese captain stabbed the commander to death, only to be slashed dozens of times by the company commander of the Eighth Route Army and fell to the ground

The white-bladed battle was frightening just by hearing the name, and it did cause a lot of trouble for our army. The combat weapons of the Japanese soldiers are mainly the famous "three-eight-type rifle", which can be said to be an indispensable weapon of the Japanese army, and the rifle can also be equipped with bayonets, the whole is very long, in the process of fighting, often our army can not get close to the body of the Japanese Kou.

A Japanese captain stabbed the commander to death, only to be slashed dozens of times by the company commander of the Eighth Route Army and fell to the ground

Some people may want to say that China's martial arts are broad and profound, many people who are soldiers will also have some moves, and it should not be bad to wield a large knife, in fact, there are really those who were in the Shaolin Temple before joining the army, compared to ordinary people, the body bones are indeed much stronger. One soldier said that he had the experience of directly facing the Japanese Kou and carrying out white-knife warfare, and in the process of fighting, the strength of the Japanese Kou was so great that the swords were all picked up.

In 1940, the Japanese sent 25,000 troops to sweep the base area of the Eighth Route Army in the northwest of Jin, in an attempt to wipe out the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army. Our army rose up to resist the war, trying to lure the enemy deeper, so that the enemy army could disperse a little, and then counterattack in sections. The brigade commander Zhang Zongxun found that the Japanese Murakami Brigade was resting in the town of Miyu in Jingle County, and it was still far away from the main force, and the fighters were very good, so he planned to annihilate this enemy army by surprise. That night, Zhang Zongxun held an emergency meeting to deploy a battle plan, intending to divide our army into two groups and ambush the enemy's advance on the necessary road.

A Japanese captain stabbed the commander to death, only to be slashed dozens of times by the company commander of the Eighth Route Army and fell to the ground

The next day, the Japanese army assembled, through the encirclement circle of our army's ambush, the soldiers suddenly opened fire on the enemy, because of the surprise, the enemy troops in the front row were quickly hit by our army, but the Japanese army was not vegetarian, and quickly dispersed, and engaged in a fierce battle with our army. The Japanese army stubbornly resisted, but also tried to occupy the national Lianshan, the 716th Regiment saw it, immediately rushed to engage the enemy, the Japanese army in order to prevent our army from capturing the National Lianshan, with a bayonet rushed down from the mountain.

A Japanese captain stabbed the commander to death, only to be slashed dozens of times by the company commander of the Eighth Route Army and fell to the ground

In this way, our army and the Japanese army launched a white-knife battle, but when the commander of the 11th company of the 3rd Battalion blew the trumpet, it was unfortunate that the Japanese squadron commander Ito stabbed to death, and the commander of the 11th company, Li Yucheng, after witnessing the sacrifice of the commander, was determined to avenge the commander, Li Yucheng took the bayonet and stabbed at Ito," slashing dozens of knives, and Ito fell to the ground. However, it is a pity that Li Yucheng was unfortunately killed later.

A Japanese captain stabbed the commander to death, only to be slashed dozens of times by the company commander of the Eighth Route Army and fell to the ground

In fact, there are many examples of such white-knife warfare, and the Japanese will not be as stupid as the film and television waiting for you to cut, after all, it is a matter of life and death, although many soldiers in our country will have some martial arts, but in the face of advanced equipment, they are still at a disadvantage, and only a strong country can not be invaded.

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