
People who stay up late, is it more powerful to make money?

"Went to bed at 10-11?"

If you don't stay up all night, is it not easy to say hello? If you don't stay up all night, it means that there is no pursuit of life?

Zhang Chaoyang claimed in one episode that he only slept 4 hours a day (short sleep time).

However, the conversation is sharp, understand that young people's lives are not easy, do not overexert, even if you work hard, you may not be successful, but also study where your opportunities are (choice is greater than effort).

Boil or not?

People who stay up late, is it more powerful to make money?

90% of people are actively staying up late, and only 10% are forced to stay up late due to the nature of their work. This 90% is more of a "retaliatory stay-up", which refers to the feeling of having a bad day or stealing back your time at night.

Staying up late refers to delayed sleep, with or without short sleep, or poor sleep quality. Usually falling asleep at 10-12 o'clock at night, the regulation of the human brain's biological clock secretes melatonin and other promote sleep. Missing or delaying this circadian clock excerpt can cause some problems.


Is staying up late necessary to make money? Let's take a look at some of the "benefits" of staying up late, how much is it worth?

Staying up late can increase sudden death. Risk of sudden death by staying up late. First refer to the national sudden death ratio of 500,000 / 1.4 billion = 0.000357. Chronobiology International had a study of 500,000 Britons followed up for 6.5 years, and the mortality rate of staying up late regularly increased by 10%.

Considering the possible increased risk of sudden death, (500,000/1.4 billion) * 0.1 * 1000w = 0.0357w

Staying up late increases heart disease. The incidence of heart disease is 20 million / 1.4 billion = 1/70 According to the study, overtime work more than 3 hours a day increases the probability of heart disease by 60%.

(1/70)*0.6* 60w=5.1428w

Staying up late, it is more likely to have diabetes, neurological disorders, psychological problems, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory diseases and so on.

Calculate these small hairy diseases, recurrent, almost all will have. Price 1w.

Staying up late can increase your chances of cancer. It is a Class 2A carcinogenic factor. In humans are not very sure, in animals carcinogenic basis is relatively sufficient. Then we refer to the coefficient of 12% to calculate this increase possibility.


Staying up late can increase Alzheimer's disease. In a 25-year follow-up study by Nature Communication in 2021, people who slept less than 6 hours had a 22%, 37%, and 24% increased risk of Dementia at age 50, 60, and 70 compared with 7 hours of sleep.

There are 9.83 million people with Alzheimer's disease. The number of people with mild cognitive impairment is about 38.77 million.

(983万/14亿)*0.3*100w =0.2106w

Staying up late increases heart failure . 2021Circulation A 10.1-year follow-up study of more than 400,000 people whose conditions may reduce the risk of heart failure. Decreased by 8% to go to bed early and get up early, 12% to 7-8 hours, 17% to infrequent insomnia, and 34% to infrequent daytime sleepiness.


Staying up late is still a face-saving killer. hair loss. Staying up late, or even sleeping less, is in a stress state, and there will be local scalp blood circulation disorders, resulting in scalp conditions that inhibit hair growth and lead to hair loss. If it's an androgen or receptor receptor receptor in itself, staying up late is an innate hair loss accelerator.

In addition, the dehydration, wrinkles, and sagging of the face make the original young face grow several years old.

Counted as 1w for skin care, makeup, etc

Staying up late adds a series of mental and psychological problems. Depression / mental atrophy , and the price is 1w

Hedging the medical costs under the probability of possible diseases caused by staying up late, then add another factor, staying up late is often not simply staying up late, but also accompanied by a lot of short sleep time, or insomnia, or sleep disorders, etc., resulting in more physical and mental problems. Let's add a factor of .5.

8.396*(1+0.5)= 12.594 in

From the perspective of risk probability

If there is no disease, no disaster. Stay up late to earn more than 130,000 without losing money or earning. More is earned.

If there is a small hairy disease. Staying up late to make 130,000 more losses. Earn 260,000 No money, no loss. More is earned.

If there is a critical illness or critical —————————————————————



Do people who make a lot of money stay up late?

We know that a considerable part of the process of making money pursues "sleeplessness". While struggling, I didn't get enough sleep, and I even lost a lot of hair.

Is it necessary to sacrifice sleep, stay up late, lack of sleep is the standard to make money?

Cook,21 super-rich people interviewed by Forbes got up before 6:30 a.m. and went to bed before midnight.

The most people slept before 11 o'clock (including the earliest 9:30 o'clock, followed by 10:30 and 10:30 o'clock), reaching 64%. If you count, 74% of them sleep before 12 o'clock.

On the contrary, there are more habits of getting up early, 67% before 6:30 (including the earliest 4 o'clock), and 89% of people get up before 7 o'clock if you count.

Corey, author of "The Habit of Getting Rich," wrote that 85% of the rich regard good health as important, believing that good health is the cost of making money, and can also extend the time to accumulate wealth.

Wang Shi attaches great importance to the role of "a good night's sleep". Bezos, who also slept enough for 8 hours, maintained enough high-quality sleep to make high-quality decisions.

People who make more money prefer to get up early than staying up late.

Franklin said: "I have never seen a hard-working man who wakes up early complains about bad luck. "It can be seen that what can really open the gap between people is not to stay up late and desperately, but to go to bed early and get up early!"

Haruki Murakami writes novels at 4:30 in the morning, goes to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening, and gets up around 4 a.m.


Let yourself live a little longer, live "old" and healthy. Maybe it's not just young people who make money.

We'll be the brightest stars entrepreneurs, Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, who founded their groundbreaking companies as teenagers. Jobs founded Apple at the age of 21. It is believed that young is a prerequisite for starting a business.

In fact, from the perspective of the United States, the average age of start-up companies is 42 years old. Tech and venture capital business 43 years old. It is the fastest growing 1% of companies or IPOs and acquisitions, with an average age of 45 years old.

80% of people achieve a high peak of wealth after the age of 50.

Domestic because the recent 10-20 years of change is too fast, constantly new things, with the elderly, new people are learning anyway, and new people to give money less to learn is also fast, rapidly moving forward The most profitable golden age is before the age of 35. Europe and the United States are still stable at the age of 45-55 at the most profitable time. Many of the daily jobs are also done by the elderly.

As some domestic industries and jobs become more mature, and the speed of change slows down, some companies will also use more streamlined, but useful people to do business. There is a trend that is getting a little bit like the West. In addition to business ability, whether it can become a shining gold, physical condition must also be a very important consideration.

If it is an Ivy League business, the average CEO is 63 years old. To put it more, have the last 2 presidents of the United States been 70-80 years old? First of all, it is necessary to live for a long time and live a good body.


Sticking to probabilistic events is the confidence interval of 95% for most people. The body and mind need to have a small death (sleep) once a day, the better the small death, the later the big death, the small death is not good the big death comes early. For ordinary people, the amount of wealth does not depend on how much they stay up late. If you think that you are a person with a small probability, you need to determine whether you are "gifted" (a small probability event)?

People who stay up late, is it more powerful to make money?

Small boiling pleasure, medium boiling wounded body, large boiling death. When the balance of staying up late keeps increasing, some situations will gradually change from small probability to high probability. To the individual it is 100%.

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