
Does staying up late in pregnant women have an effect on the fetus?

Before becoming pregnant, it was always a night owl, and frequently stayed up until more than 12 o'clock. After pregnancy, at first, I still paid attention to rest, but with the recommendation of time and the green light of the obstetric examination results, I gradually returned to staying up late. Recently, it has also been found that the baby's fetal movement in the middle of the night is very strong. So, does staying up late really have an impact on the fetus?

Does staying up late in pregnant women have an effect on the fetus?

As we all know, the fetus sleeps most of the time in the stomach, and the baby has its own biological clock, which is out of sync with the biological clock of pregnant women. But this does not mean that pregnant women staying up late has no effect on the fetus. The main impacts are as follows:

First, it has an impact on the baby's development

If the pregnant mother stays up late for a long time and the nutrition does not keep up, it is easy to cause the baby's development delay, light weight, slow growth, and easy to appear anemia.

Does staying up late in pregnant women have an effect on the fetus?

Second, it is easy to cause premature birth

Pregnant women who often stay up late increase the risk of premature fetal birth. Premature babies generally have worse physique than full-term babies, are more likely to live, and have greater upbringing pressure.

Third, it is easy to cause the baby to be grumpy

Pregnant women stay up late for a long time, their emotions are prone to instability, their emotions will be irritable and irritable, it is easy to catch fire, and after the birth of the fetus, there is also a high probability that there will be emotional irritability and easy to cry.

Does staying up late in pregnant women have an effect on the fetus?

Therefore, during pregnancy can not stay up late or try not to stay up late, if for special reasons, have to stay up late, then you can adjust through diet, it is recommended to eat more leafy greens, soy products, fish, eat more vitamin B group food.

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