
How can my child prevent colds in winter? Lian's Chinese medicine gives two effective tricks, parents do not ignore

Counting nine cold days, many children have already gone out to school before the sun has risen. The temperature in the early morning is low, the yang of the human body is not good, and the children's ability to resist external evils becomes worse, and if they are not careful, they will suffer from colds and colds. If a cold is not taken seriously, it is likely to induce respiratory diseases such as cough and rhinitis.

How can my child prevent colds in winter? Lian's Chinese medicine gives two effective tricks, parents do not ignore

Chinese medicine pays attention to the treatment of diseases more important than the treatment of diseases. Therefore, how to prevent colds in winter is a topic that parents should care about. If the child's cold protection is not enough, it is easy to get sick from the cold. So, how should children prevent colds in winter? Lian's Chinese medicine gives two very effective tricks.

How can my child prevent colds in winter? Lian's Chinese medicine gives two effective tricks, parents do not ignore

The first trick: reduce the accumulation of food

This winter, nearly 80% of the children in the Lian's TCM Pediatric Clinic were due to accumulated food, even if they had a cold and cough. The child's spleen and stomach digestive function is poor, and the heat in the body after accumulating food promotes the opening of pores, but the temperature outside is low, and the child is very likely to suffer from wind chills, the most common is wind chills and colds. If the child often accumulates food, the spleen and stomach are weaker, the spleen is weaker, the lung qi is reduced, the lung qi is most susceptible to the invasion of external evils, and there are repeated colds, coughs and other phenomena.

How can my child prevent colds in winter? Lian's Chinese medicine gives two effective tricks, parents do not ignore

If you want your child not to accumulate food, parents must first determine whether the child has accumulated food. Lian's Chinese medicine recommends that parents observe their children's tongue, stool, and tone half an hour after their children's breakfast every day to understand the quality of their children's sleep. If one of these is not normal, consider whether the child has accumulated food. Usually, you can learn pediatric massage techniques and actively strengthen your spleen.

The second trick: timely cold repellent

After a child is cold, the easiest and most effective way is to take a bath. Lian's Chinese medicine calls it a "medicinal bath", that is, by pouring Chinese medicine into warm water and infiltrating Chinese medicine into the human body through the skin, thus driving away cold evil, which is also a very healthy and safe practice, does not hurt the spleen and stomach, and can quickly treat diseases.

How can my child prevent colds in winter? Lian's Chinese medicine gives two effective tricks, parents do not ignore

If the child has symptoms such as chills, runny nose, sneezing, coughing with white sputum, etc., it can be treated with a medicinal bath. If you do not want to add traditional Chinese medicine, when taking a bath at home, you should pay attention to the water temperature at about 40 degrees, each bath for 10-15 minutes, to slightly sweat is appropriate. When you are just cold, you should insist on bathing for 3 days, and then you can soak once a week, and after soaking, you should dry your child's body in time and get dressed to avoid the open pores from being invaded by the cold evil again.

How can my child prevent colds in winter? Lian's Chinese medicine gives two effective tricks, parents do not ignore

It is important to note that children under 3 years of age should be guided by a specialist. Bathing time should not exceed 20 minutes, 1 hour after the meal and then soaking, there is skin damage or rash do not soak in the bath, children with allergies to drugs need to be cautious, for some children with real heat evidence, fever, or yin deficiency and fire children can not take a bath.

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