
"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming


A boy on a runaway phone call with his mom shouting "I love you"

The video touched many netizens

The teacher said

The boys in the video are usually very restrained

But lately parents don't often stay at home

As soon as he heard his mother's voice, he began to choke

Then the emotions ran out of control and shouted

"Mom, you've worked hard, I love you!"

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming


There is also a teacher in class

Let the students bravely confess to their parents

A boy hadn't spoken yet

I can't cry anymore

"Mom, I love you!"

"It's nice to have you!"

And the mother's reaction is also very heartwarming

"I love you too!"

"I love you more than you love me!"

Children sitting in the audience

Originally, he was still slightly shy and laughing

But after listening to the conversation between mother and son

They were all moved to tears

Finished watching the video

Are you also red-eyed?

You remember the last time you were with a parent/child

When is it to say "I love you"?

"Love should be spoken out loud"

It is a phrase often quoted in advertising slogans

There are many ways to express love

But language is the most direct way

However, for most people

The way to express love is often subtle and reserved

Parents don't like to say it, and children are not embarrassed to say it

Many times the best time to express feelings is missed

Love is an ability, and breaking through the resistance of choking in the throat is even more of a strength. So, how can parents take the lesson of "love education and expression" to make the emotions between parents and children better expressed? Duan Min, an expert of the Shandong Provincial Family Education Propaganda Group and a teacher at Yantai No. 3 Middle School in Shandong Province, said so.

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

Duan Min

1. Acceptance and Permission

Parents must first accept and allow their children to be qualified to express their emotional feelings. When children can express their emotions in front of their parents, it also shows that the atmosphere of the family is safe.

2. See and respond

Children feel loved when they are seen and responded to in a parent-child relationship. Here's a few words to share, like "I see you're a little unhappy aren't I?" "I'm happy to see you, aren't I?"

3. Focus on physical sensations

When a child has an emotion, it is bound to be accompanied by certain feelings in the body. "Would you like to tell me about any parts of your body that are a little nervous or uncomfortable?" "Do you feel relaxed in your body?"

4. Express emotions first, then share things

When the child has full emotional expression, the parents come back to share with the child the relevant things that happened.

5. Demonstrate

Children's behavior is often learned. Parents should take a good lesson on how to "educate and express love". Be a role model for your child's behavior.

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