
Why not recommend that your child rush homework as soon as they get home?

Many parents and teachers are saying that they should cultivate good learning habits when they are young, and one of them is that the first thing after school is to write homework.

Why not recommend that your child rush homework as soon as they get home?

As a result, a large wave of parents began to follow suit, and as soon as the child entered the house, he began to "write homework".

But in fact, doing so, the harm to the child is really great.

Why not recommend that your child rush homework as soon as they get home?

Whether it is a kindergarten child or an elementary school child, when you come home, you must give him time, give him a chance to release, and release stress hormones.

The child goes to school for a day, sits on that day is formal, straight, he has to consume a lot of willpower, he has to constantly control his emotions, his temper, his own active habits, and then go to listen to the teacher's lectures.

The whole day, the child is consuming a lot of willpower, but also accumulated a lot of emotions, after arriving at home, parents also let the child be honest, home and school, the child's emotions will be nowhere to release, it will be easy to collapse, and even produce boredom, the efficiency of writing homework must be very poor.

Why not recommend that your child rush homework as soon as they get home?

This is also why many children come home, they hum and chirp, their emotions become irritable, they become unreasonable, and their children begin to cry easily, disobey, and do it against you.

So, the first thing to do when you get home should be to release the stress.

The child is not happy when he comes home, you talk to her, the child can't talk out, take it downstairs to play, run and jump, do a small tour and so on.

Giggling, laughing hard and sweating happily, at this time the brain will secrete brain-derived neurotrophic factors to help children slowly restore the function of the nervous system, and then slowly the emotions will be calmed down, and the pressure will be dissolved.

Why not recommend that your child rush homework as soon as they get home?

Let the child play happily, the attention is diverted, the pressure will slowly ease down, soothe at the same time, the child will recharge, and it is very vital, and the next day can go to school full of vitality.

After reading this article, will you still urge your children to write homework as soon as school is over?

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