
Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

In the last year of the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng led a peasant uprising and killed all the way into the capital. Li Zicheng thought that this was equivalent to laying down the Jiangshan, torturing the bureaucrats, and indulging in the warblers and swallows in the harem. In 1644, the Manchu Qing Entered the Customs, led by Wu Sangui, all the way through Shanhaiguan, defeated Li Zicheng, entered Beijing, and settled in the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty, beginning hundreds of years of totalitarian rule.

In 1949, the People's Liberation Army peacefully liberated Beiping, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China organized the stationing of Beiping. Some people proposed to set up an administrative body in the Forbidden City.

Chairman Mao lost his temper in a rare way: "We are not Li Zicheng, and we must not move into the Forbidden City!" ”

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

Chairman Mao was not only reluctant to let the administrative apparatus enter the Forbidden City, but he himself passed through the walls of the Forbidden City three times after liberation, but never once. His office was separated from the Forbidden City by only a wall, and he was just watching from a distance.

The Forbidden City is right in front of us, so why did Chairman Mao skip the road and not enter?

Why did Chairman Mao react so much to moving the administrative apparatus to the Forbidden City?

The reasons for this are admirable.

Forbidden City and Li Zicheng

The Forbidden City meant feudal totalitarianism and imperial power before the fall of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Before the Manchu Qing Entered the Pass, the feudal rule of the Ming Dynasty did not reach its peak, and they still knew how to check and balance. However, during the Qing Dynasty, the imperial power was cultivated to the extreme, and the oppression of the common people was unprecedentedly strengthened.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

Before the Manchu Qing Entered the Customs, there was also a "king of intruders" Li Zicheng who entered the Forbidden City. After Li Zicheng led his army into the capital, He was born for seven or eight days, and then he found it easy to fight jiangshan and difficult to sit in jiangshan.

Therefore, the bureaucratic class left by the Ming Dynasty was severely tortured and made to spit out the money. Because feeding an army and maintaining rule requires a steady stream of financial support. The Donglin Party of the Ming Dynasty was very powerful, and the fall of the Ming Dynasty had a great relationship with the Donglin Party.

The Jiajing Emperor and the bureaucracy had a very decisive game, and when the taxes in various places were withheld by the Donglin Party, what did the central government do to maintain its rule? Moreover, the increasingly poor life of the people everywhere is the result of the collusion between officials and businessmen.

Although Li Zicheng was not highly educated, he had already understood after he entered the capital that the country's wealth was hidden in the hands of the Donglin Party, which accounted for a very small number. It's not that the people are poor, but the country is also poor! The wealth of the country was swallowed up by these giant rats of the Donglin Party.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

Therefore, many bureaucrats were severely tortured by Li Zicheng's men, and only by paying money could they ensure peace. Will the Donglin Party sit idly by? That's impossible

Li Zicheng's means were not enough to subdue the Donglin Party, and Li Zicheng's political literacy was not enough to sit firmly in the country.

Li Zicheng enjoyed himself with his concubines every day in the harem, and the Donglin Party of the former dynasty colluded with the Manchu Qing, Mongolian and other forces to bring down Li Zicheng. Wu Sangui's leading the Manchu Qing army into the customs was just a signal, before this, the Donglin Party and the Manchu Qing had already colluded together, waiting for the change of dynasty.

Neither Li Zicheng nor the Manchu Qing brought good times to the common people, and after the Manchu Qing entered the customs, it was nothing more than the feudal rule methods of the Central Plains Dynasty after the introduction of the highest pressure feudal imperial dictatorship, and ordinary people will never have a head.

Why didn't Chairman Mao enter the Forbidden City?

At the end of 1948, the People's Liberation Army fought many wars of liberation around Peiping, but it was delayed in attacking Beiping.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

Chairman Mao asked for the opinions of his mentor and consulted all sectors of society, and everyone unanimously agreed that Peiping was the ancient capital of the two dynasties and a relic and treasure of Chinese culture. If war ignites the city, the places of interest will be destroyed. As Chinese, they all have the mission of protecting civilization.

In addition, if you must fight hard with Fu Zuoyi's army, many people will die. Chairman Mao once said that who has calculated how many people died in the liberation war, and perhaps many people have not counted, but Chairman Mao has seriously calculated.

Revolutionary bloodshed and sacrifice are unavoidable, but if they can be avoided, they must be avoided. Chairman Mao never wanted to see sacrifices, even for war criminals, he tried to give them a way out, rather than killing them all.

Only those who truly have a compassionate heart will truly love the people and cherish their lives. Chairman Mao cherished the lives of the people's sons and soldiers and did not want to see scenes of lives being destroyed. He wanted to buy the people to live and work in peace and contentment at the least cost. Therefore, he firmly instructed the peaceful liberation of Peiping.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

Therefore, the People's Liberation Army has been surrounding Beiping to fight Tianjin and other cities, but it has not entered Beiping. "Surround without fighting". Then he sent someone to Fu Zuoyi to negotiate the peaceful liberation of Peiping.

Fu Zuoyi was initially reluctant to cooperate, and Fu Zuoyi wanted to establish a coalition government, continue to be a warlord, and live a feudal class life of poverty and luxury that could arbitrarily oppress others. And when negotiating, the attitude is very arbitrary. Negotiating can not bring a gun, he just brought it, by the way, put it on the table. In the end, it was forcibly taken by the People's Liberation Army and returned to him after negotiations.

Eventually, when Peiping became an isolated city, the People's Liberation Army had surrounded Beiping. Fu Zuoyi finally figured out that he wanted to revolt, opposed Chiang Kai-shek, and agreed to peacefully liberate Peiping.

The War of Liberation was a change unprecedented in a thousand years, and from the day of its founding, the CCP's purpose was to liberate the entire Chinese people from the oppression of overthrowing the three mountains and letting the people be the masters of their own affairs. This is the biggest change in China in thousands of years.

Chairman Mao, who held a meeting in Xibaipo when the War of Liberation was about to be victorious, soberly pointed out:

"This is only the first step in the long march, and if this step is also worthy of pride, it is relatively small, and more proud is still to come." After a few decades Chinese the victory of the democratic revolution of the people..." "The Party members must resist the attack of sugar-coated shells"...

Chairman Mao had read the Zizhi Tongjian countless times, knew the politics of ancient China very well, and had a very thorough understanding of human nature. He told the comrades attending the meeting:

"When we entered Beijing, it was not Li Zicheng who entered Beijing."

Chairman Mao always remembered that the Communist Party served the whole Chinese people, and that Li Zicheng's kind of fighting for the sake of being a feudal ruling class was not at all of the same nature and was not comparable. Therefore, he exhorted his comrades not to forget their original intentions. After all, Beiping is the capital of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, and it has a strong political symbolic significance.

Therefore, Chairman Mao attached great importance to the entry of the People's Liberation Army into Beiping. Let the People's Liberation Army not disturb the people, and do not use weapons against the people, all starting points should be for the good of the people.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

After the central administrative organs settled in Beiping, Chairman Mao reminded:

"We must think more about the people, li Zicheng will forget the people when he wins, otherwise he will not lose."

Chairman Mao often used Li Zicheng as an example to exhort comrades to serve the people conscientiously and earnestly, and all their original intentions should be for the people, but this does not mean that Chairman Mao despises Li Zicheng. On the contrary, Chairman Mao felt sorry for Li Zicheng.

In ancient times, peasant revolts generally broke out when there was not enough to eat and there was really no way to live. The feudal dynasties abhorred the revolts and brutally suppressed them and tortured the failed rebels, such as the Manchu Qing government's execution of the families of the Taiping Rebellion after the failure of the Taiping Rebellion.

Among them, children under the age of ten have been subjected to such torture. It stands to reason that a child of a few years old is incapable of participating in such a movement, and if the current law were followed, it would not be possible for parents to be sentenced to innocent children if they were suspected of committing a crime.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

But the rulers of the time did not care so much, and they imposed extremely cruel and heinous capital punishment on children of several years old in order to kill chickens and monkeys, and warned everyone not to try to challenge their feudal rule, otherwise there would be no good end.

Li Zicheng dared to lead the peasant revolt is also desperate, anyway, how to die is death, why not fight? He was willing to shave his body and dared to pull the emperor off his horse. Li Zicheng remembered his goal at first, but after entering the capital, he was overwhelmed. The dragon slayer boy turned into a dragon.

Chairman Mao believed that Li Zicheng's peasant uprising was the most progressive and famous one in the two thousand years from the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty.

In the end, the failure was because his political literacy was so poor that Li Zicheng forgot what he was revolting for, and even though the Donglin Party was powerful and colluded with the Manchu Mongols, Li Zicheng was obsessed with pleasure and tortured the bureaucracy.

Li Zicheng led the rebel army into the capital, and finally was attacked by the Manchu Qing with a trick of "monkey stealing peach", resulting in a full loss. "Bitterly hate pressing the gold thread every year and making wedding clothes for others." How not to make future generations tremble with fear? Not a shame? Isn't it emotional?

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

Chairman Mao believed that they had entered Peiping as "entering Beijing to catch the examination" and reminded all comrades not to "fall into the sugar-coated shells of the bourgeoisie and not to be Li Zicheng." Chairman Mao is worthy of being a great man of great latitude and earth, and his gaze and vision are at an unattainable height.

After entering Beiping, the choice of office location became a problem. Since the Forbidden City cannot be, it is necessary to set another location. Comrades held a seminar and invited the master architect Liang Sicheng to sit down.

Liang Sicheng proposed to build a new Beiping outside the ancient city, just to the west. His idea is feasible, so that the ancient city area and the new city area go hand in hand, do not affect each other, and preserve the monuments to the greatest extent.

The comrades calculated the cost of construction and found that the money was not enough. Since there is a shortage of money, there is no way to implement this plan. Although Liang Sicheng's proposal is perfect, it is a pity that it is difficult to do without money. During that time, Chairman Mao lived in the Fragrant Hills as a temporary office.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

Since Liang Sicheng's proposal does not work, then consider another option. A slight change has been made to the ancient city, and this change will not destroy the places of interest. Let the administrative agency be arranged in the central part of Beiping, separated by a wall, to create a new office building.

Then Zhongnanhai became the office of the central organ of New China. Chairman Mao lived in Zhongnanhai.

Zhongnanhai and the Forbidden City are separated by only one wall. Did Chairman Mao really not want to enter the Forbidden City? No, he should be eager to visit the ancient capital of the two dynasties, which contains so many treasures of calligraphy and painting. He has a deep relationship with the Forbidden City.

In 1919, the young Mao Zedong joined a campaign against the Hunan warlord Zhang Jingyao. This movement was huge and had many participants, because Zhang Jingyao stood against the broad masses of the people. At that time, the students were carrying out an anti-imperialist patriotic movement, and the Hunan warlord Zhang Jingyao ordered a crackdown, which aroused public anger.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

There is an old saying that "when an official does not make decisions for the people, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes", since Zhang Jingyao cannot do justice for the people, then the people think that he should abdicate and give way.

Mao Zedong arrived in Beiping as a member of the delegation and wanted the Beiyang government to come forward to remove Zhang Jingyao.

During this period, Mao Zedong's address was arranged at the Fuyou Temple next to the Forbidden City. He was separated from the Forbidden City by a wall, but he didn't have time to go inside and visit.

After liberation, Chairman Mao was busy with major events, and New China had just been founded, so he would not enter the Forbidden City to visit. He still remembers Li Zicheng and reminds himself at all times not to repeat the mistakes of the past. His not going to the Forbidden City is more symbolic and an account of himself to the people.

Chairman Mao once borrowed calligraphy and paintings from the Forbidden City to appreciate, and after admiring them, he returned them. He also donated antique calligraphy and paintings given to him by others to the Forbidden City.

In 1954, Chairman Mao took Luo Ruiqing and Han Bingwen around the walls of the Forbidden City for more than three hours. Chairman Mao's mood was high, and he walked all the way and made small talk.

They passed here three times, but they didn't go in. Walking around the walls of the Forbidden City, Chairman Mao returned home with pleasure.

The Forbidden City is the largest palace in the world, with more than 720,000 square meters and more than 9,000 palaces. Countless precious cultural relics are collected in the Palace Museum and are treasures of Chinese culture.

As the leader of new China, Chairman Mao never entered the Forbidden City in his lifetime. He believes that New China is a country where the people are the masters of their own affairs, and Beiping is an ancient city, but the people are already the people of the new era. People can't wear new shoes and go the old way, so he refuses to let the central administrative organs move into the Forbidden City.

Why did Chairman Mao visit the forbidden city wall three times but did not step into the half step? The real reason is admirable

The founding of New China in 1949 was the biggest change in China in thousands of years, which meant that the overwhelming majority of the people stood up. Once a person straightens his waist, he must not kneel down again

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