
How legendary Is Han Xin's story

Goodness does not necessarily have good rewards, and good people do not necessarily have a good ending. Throughout the ages, how many heroes have been obsessed with wrong payment, how many loyal subjects have died under the sword of the Emperor of Darkness, and how many good generals have believed in the wrong people. If they were still alive, what would the world look like? Today we will talk about Han Xin.

How legendary Is Han Xin's story


Han Xin (c. 231 BC – 196 BC), a native of Huaiyin (present-day Huai'an District, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province). The founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, a military expert, one of the four saints of the Bing family, one of the three masters of the early Han Dynasty, and the representative figure of the "military power strategist" of Chinese military thought, he was regarded by posterity as "soldier immortal" and "divine marshal". After the defeat of Liu Bang's Pengcheng army, Han Xin broke the Chu army in Jing and Suojian, successively pacified the four kingdoms of Wei, Dai, Zhao, and Yan, attacked Qi in the east, and destroyed Chu in the south. Later, because of his high merits, he was killed by Lü Hou in 196 BC.

How legendary Is Han Xin's story

As a military theorist, he and Zhang Liang sorted out the military book, the order of the art of war, and wrote three chapters of the "Han Xin" art of war. In his early years, his family was poor and he often sent food from people. At the end of Qin, he participated in the anti-Qin struggle and defected to Xiang Yu, but was later recommended by Xiahou Bao to worship Su Duwei and was not reused. Xiao He raised Han Xin to Liu Bang, so Liu Bang worshiped Han Xin as a general. Han Xin analyzed the situation between Chu and Han to Liu Bang, and raised an army to the east, so that the Three Qin could be captured. Liu Bang adopted this suggestion, immediately made arrangements, and soon occupied Guanzhong.

How legendary Is Han Xin's story

Crotch humiliation

Han Xin, a military expert in the early Han Dynasty. A native of Huaiyin (present-day Jiangsu). When he was young, his parents died, and his family was poor, but he studied hard, was familiar with the art of war, and had the ambition of establishing a country in Huai'an State. Suffering from no livelihood, he sometimes went fishing on the edge of the Huai River for money, and was repeatedly discriminated against and coldly treated by the people around him. One day, a scoundrel in the city said to Han Xin, "Although you are tall and big, and you like to carry a sword with a sword, in fact, you are very timid." If you have the ability, will you dare to stab me with your sword? If you don't dare, go under my crotch. "Han Xin has great ambitions, at that time, killing people must also be reported to the officials to pay for their lives, can you kill people at will?" Han confidently did not move, in front of many onlookers, he slipped under the crotch of the rogue's pants. The history books call this "crotch humiliation."

How legendary Is Han Xin's story

Divide and conquer quickly

Han Xin has made great contributions to the Han family world, whether this is Han Xin's meritorious master, has become a big problem for the big Han's confidants, and it is not possible to get rid of it. However, it is not very reasonable to say that Han Xin has a backbone, at that time, Han Xin did not rebel when he had the power of soldiers, but waited until later when there were no soldiers and no power to rebel, how could Han Xin's thinking make such a low-level mistake, the main key was that the suspicion of the King of Han was too heavy, after all, although Han Xin had the talent of a general, he was sharp and did not know the hidden front. And Gao Zu was also a suspicious person, coupled with Lü Hou's yin, so in their eyes Han Xin undoubtedly became the biggest hidden danger to the stability of the Han Dynasty, so it was necessary to get rid of it quickly.

How legendary Is Han Xin's story

Liu Bang said that in the first place, there were three immortal death cards in hand, and it was even more difficult to kill him, so the couple had a lot of thought. In the end, Han Xin was summoned to the palace by Lü Hou, and he did not see the heavens, the earth, and the king. Without a knife or a rope, he was beaten to death with a stick by a group of palace women. Han Xin's name does not need to be repeated, Han Xin's merits can be described as the first major hero in the establishment of the Great Han Dynasty, Liu Bang once crowned the King of Sanqi, and specially allowed Han Xinsan not to die. Why was he killed? The so-called three immortals are to see the sky and not die, to see the earth not to die, to see the king does not die. This is arguably the biggest death-free gold medal. Even so, he was humiliated and humiliated, and finally lured to the palace by Lü Hou and beaten to death by the palace maid.

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