
Are the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty all descendants of Genghis Khan?

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The Mongol Beggars are insulting derogatory terms for the old Chinese translation of Mongolian, which can actually be translated as Borzigit. Genghis Khan was a member of the Beggars Tribe, so the Borjigit clan at the end of the Ming Dynasty was also a descendant of Genghis Khan.

Are the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty all descendants of Genghis Khan?

The then Mongol Khan Lin Dan Khan wanted to unify Mongolia and rebuild the hegemony of the Ghis Khan era. As a result, he focused more on unifying the other Mongol tribes and avoiding confronting the emerging Houjin. The Qing Taizu Nurhaci was busy unifying the Jurchen tribe in the early period, and after the establishment of the Later Jin Dynasty, he turned his attention to the Ming Dynasty, and in order to stabilize the regime, he began to marry the Mongolian Horqin tribe.

Are the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty all descendants of Genghis Khan?

01 The Borjigit clan occupied the harem of emperor Taiji, and only gave birth to the son of 2 princes Nurhaci, Huang Taiji, who took the lead in marrying the Mongols, and his harem was filled with women from the Mongolian Borjigit clan. In addition to Zhe Zhe and her two nieces, after Emperor Taiji destroyed Mongolia, he also married his widows Namu Zhong and Bat Ma Xuan.

Are the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty all descendants of Genghis Khan?

1) Queen

In 1614, he married Zhe zhe, Empress Xiaoduanwen of the Horqin Borjigit clan, empress dowager of the Zhenggong palace; 2) concubine

In 1625, he married Mubutai, Empress Xiaozhuangwen of the Horqin Borjigit clan, Concubine Zhuang of Yongfu Palace, shunzhi's biological mother; in 1634, he married Hai lanzhu, Min Huigong and Yuan Concubine Horqin Borjigit, Guan Sui Palace Concubine Chen; in 1632, married the side concubine Zarut Borjigit, Donggong Fujin, and was later given by the Emperor Taiji to Yehebu Nanchu; in 1634, married Lin Dan Khan's widow Bat Ma Bao, Kang Hui Shu Concubine Aba Ya Bao Ji Ji Ji Clan, Yanqing Palace Shu Concubine; in 1635, married Lin Dan Khan's widow Na Mu Zhong, 02 The Borjigit clan of the Great Noble Concubine of Yijing, the noble concubine of the Linzhi Palace, and the biological mother of Bomu Bogol; 02 The Borjigit clan occupied the harem of the Shunzhi Emperor, but the childless daughters of the Borjigit clan still occupied the harem of the Shunzhi Emperor under the influence of the Shunzhi birth mother Empress Xiaozhuangwen, but unfortunately the 2 empresses and 4 concubines failed to give birth to a son and a half daughter for Shunzhi, obviously, the Shunzhi Emperor was not satisfied with the interference of his mother and Dolgun in his marriage.

Are the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty all descendants of Genghis Khan?

1) Empress (4, 2 seats of the Borzigit clan)

Empress Xiaozhuangwen's niece Empress Xiaozhuangwen after the abolition of the Jing Dynasty, Empress Xiaozhuangjit of the Horqin Borjigit clan; Empress Xiaokangzhang of the Horqin Borjigit clan; Empress Xiaokangzhang of the Tong Jia clan, the biological mother of the Kangxi Emperor; 2) Concubine Zheng (7, the Borjigit clan occupies 4 seats)

Princess Gongjing of the Borjigit clan, Kangxi Emperor Gongjing in December of the twelfth year of the Kangxi Dynasty. Duan Shun Concubine Aba Ya Borjigit clan, Kangxi Twelfth Year Emperor Kao Duan Shun Concubine. Princess Shuhui of the Horqin Borjigit clan, sister of Empress Xiaohuizhang. Mourning Concubine Horqin Borjigit, cousin of the deposed queen; posthumously honored as a mourning concubine. Therefore, when the Kangxi Emperor, a descendant of the non-Borjigit clan, ascended the throne, there were only 2 Borjigit concubines left in the harem, and there were no heirs. Since then, the Borzigit clan has gradually faded out of the harem of the Qing Dynasty.

03 When the Borjigit clan made a comeback until the Daoguang Emperor, he married Empress Xiaojingcheng of the Borjigit clan as a concubine. She was the adoptive mother of the Xianfeng Emperor and the biological mother of YiXuan the Prince of Heshuo Gongzhong.

Are the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty all descendants of Genghis Khan?

Conclusion: Due to Nurhaci's marriage to the Mongols, the Borjigit clan almost occupied the harem of the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Taiji and The Shunzhi Emperor. However, under the resistance of the Shunzhi Emperor, none of the Borjigit clan gave birth to heirs for him, and since then they have slowly faded out of the harem. Among the later emperors of the Qing Dynasty, the Borjigit clan was also occasionally crowned as a concubine, but had no influence. Until the appearance of Empress Xiaojingcheng, the son of the Borjigit clan, represented by the sixth elder, regained control of the imperial government.

Unfortunately, however, the Borjigit clan only gave birth to two princes: the Shunzhi Emperor and the Bomu Bogol. Among the sons of the Shunzhi Emperor, there were no descendants of the Borzigit clan, most of whom were princesses, and Bomu Bogol did not even have heirs. Therefore, in fact, among the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there are only a few descendants of Genghis Khan, but Prince Gong's body is flowing with genghis Khan's blood.

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