
Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

Author: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Liang Xiaohui

Winter solstice season

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

The meaning of the winter solstice is that the cold winter has arrived, so let everyone be prepared for cold and warming. Winter solstice customs vary in content or detail depending on the region. In southern China, there are customs of ancestor worship and feasting on the winter solstice. In northern China, there is a custom of eating dumplings every year on the winter solstice. The winter solstice, as an important node of China's twenty-four solar terms, is the shortest day and the longest night in the north of the earth's equator.

The winter solstice is a great time for health, mainly because "qi begins with the winter solstice". From winter onwards, life activities begin to shift from decay to prosperity and from static to static. At this time, scientific health care helps to ensure strong energy and prevent premature aging, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging life. During the winter solstice, the diet should be diverse, and the grain, fruit, meat and vegetables should be reasonably matched, and high-calcium foods should be appropriately selected. Do a good job of dietary maintenance. From the perspective of TCM health, the winter solstice is a good season for "winter supplementation".

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

Replenishing food

Qi food refers to foods that have the effect of strengthening the qi and strengthening the spleen and have a tonic effect on qi deficiency, such as rice, glutinous rice, peanuts, yams, carrots, soy milk, chicken, etc.

Blood tonic food

Blood tonic food refers to foods that have a tonic effect on those with blood deficiency, such as animal liver, animal blood products, longan meat, lychee meat, mulberry, black fungus, spinach, carrots, pork, sea cucumber, fish, etc. have a certain blood tonic effect.

Yang food

Yang supplement food, refers to the effect of supplementing yang and helping fire, enhancing sexual function, and having a tonic effect on yang deficiency, such as dog meat, mutton, shrimp, venison, etc., which has the effect of tonifying qi and warming the kidney and helping the yang, which is suitable for the elderly with insufficient kidney yang, cold and cold, tepid limbs, waist and knee weakness, more urine at night, and decreased sexual function. Walnut kernels, leeks, goji berries, pigeon eggs, eels, mussels, etc. also have a yang tonic effect.

Yin supplement food

Yin tonic food refers to foods that have the effect of nourishing yin liquid, moisturizing and drying, and have a tonic effect on yin deficiency, such as white fungus, fungus, pear, milk, eggs, grapes, cabbage, etc.

Here are a few healthy recipes

1. Lamb stewed radish

Ingredients: 200 grams of white radish and carrot, 250 grams of lamb, ginger, cooking wine, salt.

Directions: Peel and cut carrots and white radish, wash and cut the lamb into pieces, and blanch the blood in boiling water for later. Put water in a sand pot, bring to a boil over high heat, add lamb, ginger, cooking wine, simmer over low heat until six ripe, add radish, simmer until the lamb is cooked, add salt and monosodium glutamate.

Effect: Beneficial qi deficiency, warm in the warm effect.

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

2. Ginseng lamb broth

Ingredients: 15 grams of ginseng, 15 grams of goji berries, 10 grams of angelica, 150 grams of lamb, 10 grams of ginger, 10 jujubes.

Directions: Wash the lamb and chop into small pieces. Wash the rest of the ingredients, pat the ginger and set aside. Put all the ingredients into the pot, add the right amount of water, cook for 3 hours on low heat, add fine salt and serve.

Efficacy: It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the liver and kidneys.

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

3. Nine Immortal Cake

Ingredients: lotus seeds, yam, white poria, coix kernel, coix kernel, coix kernel 15 grams each, fried malt, fried white lentils 9 grams each, tangerine peel 6 grams, sugar 150 grams, glutinous rice flour 1000 grams.

Method: Soak the lotus seeds in warm water and remove the skin and heart, then put the yam, poria, coix kernel, malt, white lentils, mustard and tangerine peel into a sand pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat and then reduce the heat to cook for 30 minutes, remove the residue and leave the juice. Put glutinous rice flour and sugar into a basin, add the medicinal juice and knead into a dough, make a cake, and steam for 30 minutes.

Efficacy: It has the effect of replenishing weakness and strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

4. Ginger rice

Ingredients: 100 grams of fresh beef, 5 grams of ginger juice, 500 grams of japonica rice, soy sauce, peanut oil.

Directions: Chop the fresh beef, chop it into minced meat, put it on a plate, then add ginger juice, mix well, add soy sauce and peanut oil and mix again. Put the japonica rice into the casserole dish, add an appropriate amount of water, cook the rice as usual, and when the water in the pot will dry, pour the beef into the rice, steam for about 15 minutes, and wait for the beef to steam.

Efficacy: Beneficial to qi and stomach, tonify kidneys and spleen.

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

5. Huaishan lamb broth

Ingredients: 500 grams of lamb, 50 grams of Huaishan, 30 grams of white onion, 15 grams of ginger, 6 grams of pepper, 20 grams of rice wine, 3 grams of refined salt, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate.

Directions: Remove the fascia from the lamb, wash it, cut it with a few knives, and blanch it in boiling water to remove the blood. Wash the green onion and ginger, cut the green onion into segments, and beat the ginger. After Soaking huaishan with water, cut into 2 cm thick slices, put the lamb and Huaishan into a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, first boil over high heat, skim off the foam, add white onion, ginger, pepper, rice wine, turn to low heat and stew until the lamb is crispy, fish out the lamb to cool. Cut the lamb into slices, put it into a bowl, then remove the original soup from the green onion and ginger, add salt and monosodium glutamate, stir well, and pour it into the lamb bowl together with Huaishan.

Effect: It has the effect of tonifying the spleen and benefiting the kidneys, warming the heart and warming.

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

6. Yam fish fillet soup

Ingredients: 400-600g of fish slices, 20-30g of yam, 200g of green radish, shredded green onion, ginger, pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate.

Directions: Peel and wash the yam and press into fine mince; add an appropriate amount of starch and salt to the bowl of fish slices, beat in 1-2 eggs, mix well and marinate for about 20 minutes, put into hot oil and fry; leave a little oil in the pot, add shredded shallots and ginger shreds after heating, stir fry for a while, add appropriate amount of water, add the minced yam, fried fish fillets, green radish shreds, fine salt, simmer for about 20 minutes over low heat, add pepper and monosodium glutamate to taste.

Efficacy: Has the effect of preventing the decline of sexual function.

Winter solstice health, so that eating is healthy

Winter solstice season supplement diet contraindications

1, avoid false and real do not distinguish

The principle of Chinese medicine is "to make up for the weak". If it is not virtual, it is possible to eat a normal diet, and at the same time, it should be distinguished from the performance and scope of application of supplements, and whether it is suitable for themselves. Experts believe that the main role of supplementation is to "make up for the loss of the deficiency", and the void is divided into four kinds: qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency and yang deficiency, each with its own different complements.

2. Avoid disease-free supplementation

Disease-free supplements, both increase expenditure, but also will hurt the body, such as taking cod liver oil overdose can cause poisoning, long-term use of glucose will cause obesity. In addition, the tonic can not be more than the merrier, and any tonic taken in excess is harmful.

3. Avoid blindly eating dog meat

Some people with weak constitutions and diseases such as arthritis, in the harsh winter season, eating more dog meat is beneficial. However, it is not advisable to blindly eat dog meat, so as not to eat rabies meat and get rabies. Do not drink tea after eating dog meat, because the tannic acid in tea leaves combines with the protein in dog meat to form a substance. This substance has a certain astringent effect, which can weaken the intestinal peristalsis and reduce the water in the stool. Therefore, the toxic substances and carcinogens in the stool will be easily absorbed by the human body because they stay in the intestine for too long.

In addition to scientific health, we should also pay attention to the following points

1. Pay attention to cold protection and warmth

When the temperature drops below 0 ° C, it is necessary to add clothes in time, and the clothes and pants should be warm and good, but also soft and loose, and should not be worn too tightly to facilitate blood circulation.

2. Maintain a good mood

The mood should be stable and happy, and avoid anger, irritability and mental depression.

3. More ventilation

If you stay in an unventilated room for a long time, the carbon dioxide in the room will increase sharply. Coupled with the decomposition products of sweat, the digestive tract to eliminate bad gases, etc., will lead to a great decline in indoor air quality, which will make people dizzy, loss of appetite and other phenomena in such an environment, which is not conducive to human health.

4. Avoid being too salty and spicy

Winter health diet should not be too salty, too salty will hurt the kidneys, damage the yang. In addition, the diet should also pay attention not to eat spicy and irritating things. Daily diet should eat some foods that nourish the lungs, such as lilies, ginkgo biloba, white fungus, lotus root, lotus seed, sydney pear and so on.

Review expert: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University Wei Li

The above is the original work of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if you reprint, please indicate the author and source!

【Medicine Shield Public Welfare】PSM Pharmaceutical Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the China Over-the-Counter Drug Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes the safety of public medication.

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