
People who like to eat dog meat have a good mouth

author:Game Breaker

Dog meat has always been the favorite food of our people, not only has a high protein content, but also the quality of protein is the best in meat. The effect of strengthening the body is very obvious, the folk have "eat the dog meat warm baking, do not quilts are winter", "drink the dog meat soup cotton clothes are lost" colloquialism, for a long time, people have accumulated a wealth of cooking dog meat experience, the following teach everyone two or five dog meat methods, like the praise and attention!

People who like to eat dog meat have a good mouth

1. Home-style dog meat

Preparation materials: 3 pounds of fresh dog meat with skin, 2 pairs of net winter shoots and garlic heads, 2 pieces of spring onion, 3 pairs of coriander, 3 pairs of Hunan small yellow ginger, salt, soy sauce, camellia oil, white wine, monosodium glutamate, dried red pepper to taste.

Preparation method: after scraping and washing the dog meat, cut it into a square shape of 3 cm, put it into a cold water pot, after the water boils, skim off the foam, fish out the dog meat and wash it with water, put the washed dog meat into the casserole, add ginger and green onion. Garlic heads, dried red peppers, white wine, water (not over the dog meat can be), cook until the dog meat 6 to 7 mature, fish out the dog meat, soup for later, boil a small amount of oil to sauté the dog meat, stir-fry the aroma and add white wine, soy sauce, salt and spare raw soup, put into the casserole again over low heat and simmer until rotten, add the thick soup to the garlic head (crushed), MSG and camellia oil stir evenly into the dish or bowl, covered with coriander a delicious dish. The soup is thick, fragrant and spicy, delicious and unique!

People who like to eat dog meat have a good mouth

2. Spicy dog meat

Preparation materials: 1 kg of fresh peeled dog leg meat, 3 pairs of garlic, 2 pairs of shallots, 3 pairs of camellia oil, 2 pairs of Hunan yellow ginger, salt, soy sauce, high liquor, monosodium glutamate, a little peppercorns, a moderate amount of red pepper powder (to be a real farmer), and a moderate amount of crushed peanut rice.

Preparation method: After the whole piece of dog meat is cleaned, cook in the pot until it is 9 mature, fish out the dog meat and wash it with water, cut it into 4 cm long and width of about 1.5 cm thin slices, cook the oil, stir-fry the peppercorns, grind into foam, garlic, ginger, and green onion are all cut into rice grains and stir-fry together for 5 seconds, and then the dog meat is 6 seconds later. Put the height of the liquor for 3 seconds after the appropriate amount of water (do not exceed the dog meat position 2/3), cook until the dog meat 6 to 7 mature, fish out the dog meat, soup spare, boil a small amount of oil to sauté the dog meat, and then add the appropriate amount of high liquor, dark soy sauce, salt and MONOS glutamate, add red pepper powder, camellia oil, and then put into the plate, spread on top of the crushed peanut rice and sprinkle some green onions, delicious. This dish is spicy and fragrant, and it is a real wine accompaniment dish!

People who like to eat dog meat have a good mouth

The above two dishes are very easy to learn, the ingredients are also easy to buy, and friends who like it can also try it at home! Thank you for your attention.

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