
I feel anxious but I don't know why, why? What to do?

Some people always feel nervous and anxious, and they don't feel that they are worried about anything, they can't say why, but they are very anxious. This is because the person's personality is too sensitive, and then there are too many things to worry about, too many stimuli, and it feels like it is not worrying about anything, and there is no reason for anxiety.

What should we do in the face of this "unprovoked" nervous anxiety? Let's take a look at the "truth behind unprovoked anxiety" together.

I feel anxious but I don't know why, why? What to do?

When we are faced with this situation of "unprovoked" anxiety, we can do this:

First of all, clean up, list the things you are worried about one by one, do not neglect, and classify them according to the level of anxiety, you can know what you are afraid of, what you are most afraid of.

Then, when adjusting the intervention, address the highest level of anxiety first. Psychology refers to the target symptoms, the most worried problems are solved, the symptoms will be alleviated a lot, and then the anxiety is slightly lower. The anxiety in the back is very low, it is easy to solve, and even without adjustment, you are not afraid.

Finally, develop self-confidence and optimize personality. Generally speaking, patients who are nervous and anxious for no reason, their personalities are extremely sensitive, which is necessary to combine their work, study and life reality, more experience, more attempts, more encouragement, and slowly feel that they have the ability to cope, and they can live with peace of mind.

I feel anxious but I don't know why, why? What to do?

Anxiety doesn't go without a cause, at least because you don't realize it's there, or if you deliberately block out those causes

Anxiety is a common feeling of contemporary people, and it is the "disease" of this era.

The great changes that have taken place in society, the rapid development of technology, the acceleration of the pace of life, and almost no time for people to adapt, have made anxiety spread on a large scale, and the blurring of cultural values is also one of the factors. If life has no direction or personal meaning, people become more vulnerable and anxious.

Therefore, self-examine the causes of anxiety, give a reasonable explanation, and try to adjust the psychological state and lead it to develop in a good direction to prevent the feeling of anxiety from "getting out of control".

1. Maintain a good attitude and be content and happy

When encountering things that make you unhappy, don't hold yourself too accountable, don't see the world as flawless, and learn to satisfy yourself in a timely manner. At the same time, we must pay attention to maintaining a stable mentality, do not be overjoyed and sad for the small things around us, and do not let objective reality affect your emotions.

2. Learn to self-counsel, first learn to recognize yourself and find the right cause

When you understand that you are already being swayed by anxiety, learn the distraction method, that is, by shifting your mind to pleasant things, so that the anxiety is gradually forgotten. Or take the method of dissecting the causes of anxiety to alleviate it. When you feel anxious, think about why you are anxious, it is not worth worrying, and the outcome of things will always be better. In this way, anxiety may leave you.

3. Learn to ask for help and accept help

If you feel that your anxiety is very serious, don't feel that "you can pass by fighting a resistance, there is no need to trouble others", this is actually a wrong idea, which will only make yourself "doomed". Therefore, to learn to ask for help, you can find relatives and friends around you for help, and you can also go to psychologists and psychological counselors for some psychological treatment and psychological counseling. Effective psychotherapy and counseling will make you greatly reduce your anxiety. If necessary, you can also ask a psychiatrist to prescribe some anti-anxiety medications.


Text: Consultant Hong

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