
The confusion of all parents: why does the country pay more and more attention to physical education? What exactly do you get from practicing sports?

Every time at the end of class, when parents take the child from the coach and pull the bouncing baby home, many parents will ask, "Baby, what did the coach teach today?" What did you learn?" But children often ask three questions and do not know, is it that children are mixing up in a class and have not learned anything?

In the eyes of parents in general, they can sing a song, read a children's song, learn a Tang poem, and know a few numbers. In fact, it may be that learning in the eyes of parents is only the study of cultural education, while sports is a very good quality education, and the content of practice is completely different from that of school.

The confusion of all parents: why does the country pay more and more attention to physical education? What exactly do you get from practicing sports?

For children who have practiced physical education, every bit of a lesson training, every link and every activity is the learning of quality education, such as: the cultivation of etiquette habits (salute to the national flag, coaches, classmates, parents), happy games to improve intelligence (warm-up, quality training, explosive training, coordination training), collective team activities to improve emotional intelligence (responsibility education, team awareness, mutual communication and action display, collaborative spirit training) are all training content that meets the characteristics of children's age development.

Every moment and every link in the training of young children is carefully designed by the coach to make every minute of the child's education.

The confusion of all parents: why does the country pay more and more attention to physical education? What exactly do you get from practicing sports?

Many children's overall development does not meet the admission standards because their early growth environment is inappropriate, and these early growth experiences do not stimulate the healthy growth and development of their brains. A very famous American cognitive psychologist Red, he believes that there is no separation between exercise and thinking, we learn movement, and learn in sports, especially babies in infancy they learn sports.

Another well-known cognitive psychologist, he believes that cognition is based on the sensorimotor mechanism of the brain, and a person's brain needs to obtain a variety of sensory information from the outside world, including sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing, and even movement and balance. After the brain obtains a variety of sensory information, it can control its body to perform various activities.

A small child sitting in a clearing, there is nothing around him, then he must be very bored. And when the child sits on the grass, there are a lot of equipment on the grass, and every child is exercising, so we know that the child learns in sports.

The confusion of all parents: why does the country pay more and more attention to physical education? What exactly do you get from practicing sports?

In a nutshell, we can relatively divide a child's training into 3 main types:

First, coordination training to improve the development of children's nervous system sensory system function;

The second is team play activities, through warm-up, competition, team interaction to improve children's willpower and sense of competition;

The third is the technical training content, through exercise to exercise the child's physique, through the character to improve the child's attention and patience and so on.

The exercise of the body and mind is exhausted in physical training, and children can be trained to develop good living habits in training activities. For children aged 4-6, developing good manners and courtesy in the process of physical education is a very important core task for children at this stage, because it is very important for him to improve his social skills and adapt to the normative learning of future schools.

The confusion of all parents: why does the country pay more and more attention to physical education? What exactly do you get from practicing sports?

Code of Conduct Education

Entering the training gym, the coaches will teach the children to abide by the training rules, and gradually adapt to the team life through team training, which is of great help to many children's adaptability before entering primary school. At the same time, we will patiently guide young children to train seriously, and the coaches will not only personally demonstrate, guide children to consolidate their skills while training, and let children develop good habits of concentration.

Responsible education

For children who are late and make mistakes, the coach will give different degrees of punishment, and the significance of punishment is to let children learn to take responsibility and learn time management, so children who have been training for a long time have a sense of responsibility and time management ability that is stronger than that of ordinary children.

Self-protection ability

Sports itself is a project with safety protection capabilities, according to the data research of Korea Sport University, according to the data research shows that after more than 3 years of sports training, children have greatly improved in bone density, muscle density, reaction ability, etc., can reduce the chance of injury when encountering unexpected situations, and when they are attacked maliciously, the trained children can also flexibly dodge and run.

Athletic ability

Maintaining at least two hours of training every week can comprehensively develop children's walking, running, jumping, balance, coordination and other aspects of athletic ability, exercise and improve children's contrarian quotient, cultivate the quality of perseverance, and let children have a sunny and positive attitude.

The confusion of all parents: why does the country pay more and more attention to physical education? What exactly do you get from practicing sports?

Every time when picking up a child, parents can ask this question, find out what the child has learned?

Can you teach mom what you train?

Can you train today to teach Dad the content?

Research proves that physical exercise and participation in sports bring many benefits. Promotes good health. Physical exercise helps build strong bones and muscles, increases strength, improves motor skills, and improves athleticism. Cultivate emotions and maintain a healthy attitude. In sports, the dexterity of the body gives the boy a proud and pleasurable experience, while the companionship of the father and other male role models makes the boy feel unique.

Participating in sports, especially those in teams, allows children to experience their own worth, success, and acceptance and recognition for other men, and to learn how to cope with disappointment. Boys can learn how to do team work and how to deal properly with their peers or adults.

Learning the rules and processes in sports helps to enhance the brain's ability to remember information. Improve the ability to balance and coordinate the body, improve the concept of time. Physical exercise helps to improve the rhythm of physical activity and the balance of the cerebellum.

Of course, just as sports can bring positive benefits – broadening the mind, expressing themselves and engaging in close contact – sports can plunge boys into loneliness, shame and unfair competition, and may also trigger uncontrollable aggression, irritable tempers, frustration and physical harm to others. All of this naturally damages self-esteem and ruins the fun of a boy participating in sports.

Once sport ceases to be a game of play, the benefits of sport cease to exist. As long as a sport doesn't bring fun to a boy, he should stop and look for other ways of playing his favorite way.

How important are achievements from physical competition to a child's overall self-concept? A recent study in the UK looked at this. 400 students aged 13 to 15 were surveyed about the importance of athletic and academic success to them. It turned out that all students believed that academic success was more important than athletic success. But, unlike girls, children also believe that sports success is important.

Parents, do not underestimate the education of these details, these skills let children out of the protection of adults, become a person who can take care of themselves, these good abilities and habits once formed, will lay a good foundation for children's lifelong life and learning. After the babies entered the dojo, their social range was much larger than before, and they gradually changed from being attached to one or two fixed dependents to enjoying playing games with their brothers and teammates. In the process of playing with teammates, you can form a circle of friends with different ages to improve social and communication skills. I believe that you can feel the change from the child, right?

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