
From the perspective of user size, how big is China Mobile's leading edge

China Mobile immediately IPO, the three major telecom operators operating entities are listed in A-shares. Compared with the other two operators, how many advantages does China Mobile have?

Just the three major operators have announced the development of users in November 2021, from the number of users, from one side to how much China Mobile is leading.

1. Mobile users at the end of November 2021.

The mobile subscribers of the three major telecom operators at the end of November 2021 are:

China Mobile 956,783 million households, China Telecom 371.94 million households, China Unicom 317.34 million households (caliber is outgoing users, more stringent than the caliber of the two rivals).

The three accounted for 58.1% of China Mobile, 22.6% of China Telecom and 19.3% of China Unicom.

2. From January to November 2021, a total of new mobile users will be added.

China Mobile has 14.865 million households, China Telecom has 20.92 million households, and China Unicom has 11.529 million households.

The three companies accounted for 31.4% of China Mobile, 44.2% of China Telecom and 24.4% of China Unicom.

The three companies increased by a total of 47.314 million households, which is only about 2.88% of the total mobile users of the three major operators. The room for growth has weakened.

3. 5G package user data at the end of November 2021.

China Mobile 374.387 million households, China Telecom 178.76 million households, China Unicom 149.544 million households.

The three companies accounted for 53.3% of China Mobile, 25.4% of China Telecom and 21.3% of China Unicom.

From the perspective of user size, how big is China Mobile's leading edge

4. From January to November 2021, new 5G package user data will be added.

China Mobile 209 million households, China Telecom 0.92 billion households, China Unicom 0.79 billion households.

The three shares are China Mobile 55.0%, China Telecom 24.2%, and China Unicom 20.8%.

5. Number of cable broadband subscribers at the end of November 2021.

China Mobile has 241 million households, China Telecom has 169 million households, and China Unicom has 0.95 billion households.

The three shares are China Mobile 47.7%, China Telecom 33.5%, and China Unicom 18.8%.

Note: China Telecom Group has another about 300 million wired broadband subscribers, which have not been injected into listed companies.

6. From January to November 2021, the number of new wired broadband subscribers will be added.

China Mobile 30.244 million households, China Telecom 10.79 million households, And China Unicom 8.739 million households.

The three shares are China Mobile 60.8%, China Telecom 21.7%, and China Unicom 17.6%.


1. China Telecom has the largest number of new mobile subscribers, but it is far from enough to change the market landscape.

2. Among the six indicators, China Mobile occupies five first places. China Mobile's "stock" advantage in the number of mobile users has been extended to 5G package users in terms of mobile users, and also to wired broadband in addition to mobile users.

3. China Mobile's mobile users, 5G package users, and new 5G package users accounted for more than 50%, with a clear leading edge. Although less than 50% of cable broadband subscribers are only 2.3 percentage points away, and they are increasing further almost every month.

4. Communication services have a typical economy of scale, if you do not consider the revenue of government and enterprise services, in the service for mass users, the competitiveness of operators is directly proportional to the "3th power" of the number of users, which is not difficult to understand why China Mobile's net profit is several times that of the two major rivals.

Appendix 1: China Mobile's user development in November 2021:

Mobile customers reached 956.783 million, a monthly decrease of 323,000 households, and a cumulative increase of 14.865 million households from January to November;

4G customers reached 819.26 million households, an increase of 81,000 households per month;

5G package customers reached 374.387 million households, an increase of 18.867 million units per month.

The number of wired broadband subscribers reached 240,565 million, an increase of 2,244,000 monthly, and a cumulative increase of 30,244,000 from January to November.

From the perspective of user size, how big is China Mobile's leading edge

Appendix 2: China Telecom's user development in November 2021:

Mobile subscribers reached 371.94 million, an increase of 700,000 monthly, and a cumulative increase of 20.92 million from January to November;

Among them: the number of 5G package users reached 178.76 million, an increase of 10.27 million households per month, and a cumulative increase of 92.26 million households.

The number of wired broadband subscribers reached 169.32 million, an increase of 700,000 per month and a cumulative increase of 10.79 million.

Fixed-line telephone subscribers reached 106.8 million, a monthly decrease of 110,000 households, a cumulative decrease of 1.08 million households.

From the perspective of user size, how big is China Mobile's leading edge

Appendix 3: China Unicom's user development in November 2021:

Mobile outbound users reached 317.34 million households, an increase of 505,000 households per month, and a cumulative increase of 11.529 million households in the current year;

Among them, the number of 5G package users reached 149.544 million, an increase of 6.031 million households per month, an annual increase of 78.714 million households.

Fixed-line broadband subscribers reached 94.834 million, an increase of 877,000 monthly and an annual increase of 8.739 million.

Fixed-line local telephone subscribers reached 47.051 million, a monthly decrease of 33,000 households and an annual decrease of 288,000 households.

From the perspective of user size, how big is China Mobile's leading edge

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